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CapitalFM - Celebrity Houses: 16 Pop Star Homes You Wish You Lived In #6 Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, April 16, 2015

Posted at : Thursday, April 16, 2015


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful house Adam has

Gabi said...

Nice house(!) and plenty of space for entertaining and having friends over once in a while. Seems like relatively easy upkeep too. I know this picture is on a public site, but I still feel like an intruder.

Anonymous said...

The whole top floor is his bedroom, work out gym, bathroom and a relaxing area. I know this not because I have been there, (I wish), but because I saved the pictures from the realty people who posted the entire house, inside and out. It is a lovely home

Anonymous said...

Remember where he started living in Hollywood... long way, hard work, I´m so happy and proud for him! I wish him all the best!


Anonymous said...

Good for him. Couldn't have happened to a more talented guy.

caroline said...

Can't think of anyone who deserves it more. Adam has worked hard for his success and I'm so happy for him.

Anne Marie said...

Just a tiny step up from his studio apt, he shared with a few roaches, who didn't even kick in for some of the rent. His mother almost had a heart attack. I am sure she approves of this home. Seems perfect for a single person, with plenty of room for parties.

Anonymous said...

I saw some other views of this home and he has beautiful sunset areas.

Anonymous said...

Outside is not appealing to me, but I'm sure it's very Adam inside.

Anonymous said...

He's going to be able to afford something much grand and expensive next year when the new album becomes hugely successful.

So happy for his success.

Anonymous said...

I remember the picture of the beautiful entertainment room; almost looked like a small theater!

The kitchen was to live for; beautiful large appliances. Breakfast area was a dream and gorgeous kitchen counters. Fireplace in master bedroom!

So gorgeous. So many other beautiful sites. Gorgeous master bath.

Views from most room was just gorgeous. Waterfall and spa in back yard; luscious backyard.

Heard that Adam had a high end updated sucurity system installed inside and outside of his property.

One day he may be able to get one of the guard dogs that also help to protect his property against unwanted intruders when he is away from home!

I know he has said that he would like to have a dog one day; but I don't know what kind!

So happy for this wonderful man he deserves all of this and more!!

Anonymous said...

Adam may be able to afford something much grander now, who knows, but why would he even want to go that route when he just purchased this lovely home; and got a wonderful deal on it?

I think that Adam is quite frugal with his money and is not a person that just spends to keep up with the Joneses! I think he loves this home and it is beautiful, and he will be enjoying it for some time to come.

He has said that he loves clothes and the such; and has spent on such items but also recycles all the time! He also said that he is good with handling his money as a whole; and making sure his future is financially secure! Smart man!

I think if he was going to purchase again; it would be a second home either in the UK or maybe New York, and still keep his Hollywood Hills home! But, any of that if it happens; would probably be way in the future!

All speculation, lol; but fun!
None of us know anything!

But, like Adam told the judges at the Idol auditions, "I will suprise you", and Lord, has he been doing that over and over again; and I think the best suprises are yet to come from our man!!

Anne Marie said...

This picture does not do justice to the home, it is a back view, the front view is very impressive, especially all lit up at night. The gardens are very beautiful, and tropical looking. I am sure Adam has had to hire a gardener and a house cleaner. Probably a once a month deal for now, since he is gone so much.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert seems to be on so many lists these days, and good ones. This is great, keeps his name out there. Shows that he is successful!

So happy for him. He such a good guy. Just love this wonderful man.

Anonymous said...

@Anne Marie

You are right; the picture does not do his home justice. I wish that had used the one you mentioned. That was so gorgeous!

I would like to see the pictures they used of the other homes!

Anne Marie said...

The other homes were shown, you had to click on the arrow half way up the photo. I saw them all. Adams photo looked like a fly over, with the shot looking down on the roof and back of house.

Lam-My said...

Wahh, Adam's house is sooo nice; I like the steep flight of stairs by the side to go up to the front porch, I think; super greenery and two balcony chairs. Actually Adam needs this cool home to simmer down like after a hectic day or tour; good for his mind and spirit; also conducive to writing, minus disruptions like constant calls.

yada said...

Hi Lam-My! :) You're so right! Though, I have to say..... Knowing what we've come to know about him... Something tells me Adam stays on his phone most of the time anyway. ;D

Anonymous said...

When I clicked on the link, the pic shows more of the property. Looks like a BIG property with perhaps some additional out buildings. Wow! So happy for Adam.

Anonymous said...

It's cool that Adam's house is listed with those other A-listers! He's definitely moving up!!

Anne Marie said...

I don't think His neighbors are very far away. Don't know if some of those buildings belong to him or not. But his house is set up to be very private, with very high walls around the back garden.
I haven't figured out where his garage is, unless it is under ground like a basement area, in which case he would have an inside entrance to get into the house. A lot of houses have that, if the lot is not very wide or buildable. He is on a hillside.
someone mentioned the plant in his bedroom, there was already a plant in the bedroom when he bought it, so it might have been left with the house. I wondered if he kept or bought any of the existing furniture, it was very different, sort of stuff you would either love or hate.

Lam-My said...

Hey Yada!.....I guess like he always says, it comes with the territory, being called upon constantly and partly it's his gregarious nature, to feel connected with friends; his connections are quite crucial to his career/work as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, it's enormous!! :-D

yada said...

Very insightful, Lam-My! I agree, completely.
(My post was in jest, of course... but you bring a good point!)

I've heard folks say before: "Adam just can't be alone. He just hates being alone"....
(Stated at times as though it's a handicap of some sort, you know?)

Just how much or little Adam dislikes or is comfortable with being alone is, of course, not privy info to us, really....

That said though.....I believe You have insight into Adam's own unique stamp of temperament and how he manifests and expresses it in his world, and toward others... professionally & personally.

IMHO, Adam is as you say, gregarious.....
And also has a temperament that absolutely CAN be alone (and very well may be more than we think he is)..... But CHOOSES not to because people bring him joy.... And part of his authenticity and good health is expressed through CONNECTION (just as you mentioned).

Some people have that special ability for connection.... But are variably deficient, perhaps, in how to form and sustain deeper relationships and lasting connections. I'm excited for Adam because he appears to have both and deeply appreciates and enjoys his connections and relationships.
He has said before that he is motivated by intimacy (emotional)....

That's a gift of a friend, lover, son, artist, colleague anyone could possibly have!

To know him is to love him, some say....

..... And to me, It's no wonder. <3

PS... Gotta give at least some cred props to his mom.... She raised him! :)

Lam-My said...

Yada.....You brought up a very important point. His Mom gives him this unconditional love and he transfers it forward. That also brings home the point that a full-time Mom benefits her children more than working Moms, monitoring their behaviour, inclinations, talents closely. Working Moms return home tired and do not know in-depth their children's progress, needs and wants and according to educationists, the first ten years are the most crucial in a young person's brain/conduct development. Adam said his Mom enrolled him in sports but later channelled his energy into theatre when Adam didn't enjoy sports so much. If his Mom had not noticed that, being too caught up with work or her own activities, Adam might not have gotten that head-start. On hindsight that channelling of his energy in theatre was a watershed decision giving Adam a head-start in music/singing in which he is gifted! Not only that, it gave him self-confidence which he needed in his difficult teen years.

Anonymous said...

What a load of... Nothing is that simple. Hoping no working mom comes here to read what women of leisure write. Many have no choice but to work. Many more want to work and have a career. No reason to place any guilt on women wanting to work, nor on those who want or can afford to stay at home. Also here to each their own, depending on their life situations, personal choices and preferences.

Anonymous said...

Adam's mom worked. She worked in a dentist's office. I seem to recall she was a dental assistant or perhaps a dental hygenist.(sp?)

Obviously working moms can raise great kids!

Anonymous said...

You people don't know much about how Adam grew up so stop talking about it like you were there.

Lam-My said...

9:21..... Firstly, I'm speaking from experience being in the workforce 9 to 5 for 38 years and my two children have grown to become responsible, intelligent adults. But I wished I had been there for them at some of the crucial moments of their development; and spent more time talking to them and finding out their innermost thoughts and feelings; but not possible as I also took my work very seriously to give off my best.
My contention is "full-time Moms benefit their children more than working Moms..." The key words being "benefit more" and not that working Moms can't bring up great children. Also I was speaking generally and not how Adam was raised, merely citing him as a very good example. There are varying degrees of working Moms, mine was stuck at work a lot and so missed out on some of the most important events of their growing up. Perhaps, not sure, Adam's Mom was able to have more flexibility in her work and more time with her children even as she worked. So it's a case by case scenario.
By the way, read carefully what is being said ! and not read what you think is being said ! Did you have a full-time Mom? From the way you think...well well well.

Anonymous said...

Another insult