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Adam Lambert cut his green jacket

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Anonymous said...

Cool for the summer! Pretty sure they were tactfully removed; and can be replaced whenever the desire arises!

The Dark Side said...

Why bother with all those very expensive tats if no one sees them. Not the first time Adam has altered his wardrobe. Hey he can sew didn't you see Glee? Lol how we love this guy!

Anonymous said...

Yup! What's not to love; can't think of a darn thing. Love the way Adam recycles and changes his wardrobe around. Said he like to design; so there you go!

Anonymous said...

He looks great in it either way!

OT: I have been seen advertising for the BB awards; seems as though the same old same old! Guess I won't be watching AGAIN, unless if by some small miracle, Adam is entertaining or presenting or walking the Red Carpet!

Anonymous said...

Getting crafty again!!