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CUTE! Adam Lambert Dramatic Weather GIF

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, May 22, 2015

Posted at : Friday, May 22, 2015


Gabi said...

Isn't it interesting how many hoops he has to jump to get his music played and listened to? Adam is a good sport about it, but I'm sure there are moments when he thinks "what the heck?"

Anonymous said...

You are right on point. He does have to go through a lot. He is always in such a good mood and like you said a good sport. Love our Adam. He always comes across so good.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam was asked ahead of time, to do the weather report, so he had a chance to think about it. I love Adam, but if he was going to be hired for his acting, sorry, he didn't get the job. Adam is not convincing with his soft voice, I noticed that in Glee. He had better stick to singing, it is what he does best.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I disagree with your comment 10:56am. Adam can be real loud also. He is a good actor, and does what the director tells him to do. Some day he will be in a movie and prove you wrong. Just my word of thought. Every one is entitled to there own opinion.