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Adam Appearing at MMVAs - Sunday, June 21st!

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, June 09, 2015


choons said...

OMGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! I was wishing out loud on an earlier thread that this would happen - wahooooo!!! A perfect storm - Ed Sheeran is host and Adam presenting. And it will be my birthday. Stars aligned, as they say. : ))))

Anonymous said...

Very cool. FAN POWER, "You asked, we got him"! Even Warner Music seemed surprised. Never under estimate the power of the Glamberts!! Adam never does, and look what overwhelming support he gets from us!! Love the Glamberts all over this big wide world. They are all working very hard for Adam in every way possible. People are starting to take NOTICE!!!! POWER IN NUMBERS; HE IS A LIGHT. WE TRULY ARE THE WIND BENEATH HIS TALENTED WINGS!!! Never give up; and never ever give in!


Anonymous said...

The girls on Twitter tweeted their booties off for this. Thanks little Tweetyberts.

Anonymous said...

@Choons Happy bday!
@Sarah You said it!


choons said...

Warner is really working hard for Adam - just got an email from Live Nation - big promo for streaming and download - "The Original High was Executive Produced by Max Martin and Shellback and features the smash single 'Ghost Town'."
SMASH SINGLE!!!!! : )))

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right; thanks to everybody in this big wide world working on behalf of our beautiful talented man! Every fan everywhere; doing whatever they can do big and small, it all counts. We are all important!!!! Warner Music is the right label at the right time!!! They deserve ultimate props. They were blessed as we all are; with this beautiful light called Adam Mitchel Lambert!! Belle T.

Anonymous said...

Amen to all the above comments. Beautifully said. Adam Lambert is glorious, to put it mildy!

Anonymous said...

Adam's got me hooked on him, now I'm in trouble! Have not been able to get a darn thing done in the last couple of day trying to keep up with all this excitement. Everything is moving so fast. But, I love it; such exciting times. Seems like more to come. Maybe this is the way things were suppose to unfold. All the times we waited and hoped and prayed for Adam to have his deserving time in the sun. Now I think, as Adam said when he first heard "Ghost Town" on his car radio;, "IT'S HAPPENING"! THERE I SAID IT!!!!

Dee R Gee said...

So cool that this is happening! Lots of big names at this show. I wonder if Adam, as a presenter, will present to just one winner or to more than one. Just wondering. The more Adam, the better!

I agree with everyone here that this whole promo is playing out so well for Adam. Thank you, WBR! He is breaking through and getting lots more exposure, hopefully with more people discovering him and his talent. The momentum for the release of TOH is very high!

Anonymous said...

I think the thing about Adam to, is that people really like him as a person; they see that he is so down to earth and approachable. He is so kind and giving of others, not afraid to say if he feels that another artist has a great song out. This will bode very well for him in the future. Everyone can see how talented he is; yet so giving and sincere. Just a down to earth person.

Adam's songs are so beautiful and touching! Some are kind of sad, his voice is unbeliable. Just melts the very heart!!

Anonymous said...

The album terrific heard more last night have not heard Lucy yet love TOH and all of them.
Love Gt as well.
Adam won a MMVA for WDYWFM for first album nominated for two of them won for favorite video.
So happy he will present. Think GT came out to late but great he presents the fans love him there. Sue

Anonymous said...

Every thing that is happening to Adam Lambert is because of Warner Brothers Music. Thank you WBM!! You have a winner! gini