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Adam Lambert liked saulikoskinenpictures on IG!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, June 14, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, June 14, 2015


Anonymous said...

Working out I see :) And it shows ;)

Anonymous said...

Cute picture of Sauli, working out!

Do I have to sign up for something to stream. I really want to help Adam. I have the RCA Stream on that was posted last week. I just play all the time; but I never signed up for anything so I don't know if this is counting. I just love the abbum so I am listening until the ones I ordered comes. I know this mat sound like a stupid question to some. But, I am not asking them. I would like for someone that can walk me through this, because I can do a lot of streaming with the know how! You must explain as though you are talking to a beginner. PLEASE HELP!!

Thank you; Sandy.

Anne Marie said...

Sauli looking real good, and Adam liked it. Yay:)))

Anonymous said...

Sauli is so cute, and works hard to keep in shape. Happy that Adam like this pic, what's not to like?

Anonymous said...

Does that say Adam liked 2 of Sauli's pictures? Sauli has some others posted on one of his IG's of diving into a lake. He is apparently having some summer fun with his friends, now that it is warmer in Finland. Adam has good taste, and likes pretty things.

Anonymous said...

@9:20 AM/Sandy

Sorry, I wish that I could help you; but, I am looking for assistance too. Pretty sure someone will be able to help those of us who are in need; by the end of the day; I will be back to check, good luck. I wish there were some type of tutorial for people like us!

Anonymous said...


One of the Administrators will probably see your post later; and guide you in some way! Good luck; I am late for a brunch; but, will check later and see what I can do to assist, if you have not found any information by then!

Unknown said...

when is Adam on Kelly & Micheal in Ill. don't want to miss it Jimmie Fallon on Monday night here hope that is right.I have the same ? as 9:20 not sure about how to stream also want to help as much as I can. my birthday is the 19th last year on the 19th I went to Chicago for Queen/Adam concert so he is giving me great birthday gifts.Love Adam & his new album also should be here on my birthday GMA also the 19th.----blueeyes

Anonymous said...

9:20 sorry cant help.
Love the pic of Sauli, he is adorable, no wonder Adam liked his pics too. They are good friends.

Anne Marie said...

Fallon is 6/15/15 11:35 in the west. Kelly & Michael 19th 9:00 am in the west.

Great picture of Sauli, he is getting some muscles, and looking sooo good. Adam still likes his pics, love seeing that. They are good friends.

glitzylady said...

We'll be posting all of the information about Jimmy Fallon and Kelly and Michael here on the blog, as well as the streaming info, today...

Anonymous said...

Every time I see this text "Adam Liked Saulikoskinen's pic" it makes ridiculously happy!

Wish them both lots of happiness and friendship that lasts through life!

Have lost so many friends during the last decade due to life's tragic turns and events, so I celebrate friendship when and where ever I see it - and these two guys will always be close to my heart.

Sauli, looking SOOO good!
I'm with you Adam, what's not to like! And don't worry, YOU're my #1, always!

Anonymous said...

I don't know Finnish, but that looks like Adam liked 2 pics of Sauli. Sauli is so cute, and those muscles, wow. He does keep in shape. Saw that Adam isn't so good at juggling, Sauli could teach him, he juggles real good.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is really sporty man.

Anonymous said...

How does Sauli get more comments than Adam himself? SMH.

Anonymous said...

A pic is from Sauli's fan IG-page, not from Sauli's own. Quite nice that Adam still follow Sauli's fan photos.

Anonymous said...

Adam liked only this. And saulikoskinenpictures isn`t Sauli`s own account it`s a fan account. Funny actually that he follows ig run by a fan :)

Anonymous said...

@10:03. I understand your feelings about friends having gotten ill over the passage of time. It's not about age, but separations inevitable in life. I too am happy that Adam has such a good friend, among many others. These men have shared many ups and downs and I wish them the best.

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much; looking forward to the streaming information. Thanks for all you do. Want to do everything I can to help Adam. Sandy.
This will probably help more people like me!!

Anonymous said...

@10:33 AM

Probably not the case; it's usually just one or two people that never got over the breakup, posting over and over again. But, that's ok, as long as they respect Adam. The fact is; Adam loves great pictures of all of his friends; so why not Sauli, they were together for a nice while. They are still friends, and that is a good thing. Posts about Sauli always get the same old buzz and arguments. Childish at the most!! Moving on.....

Anonymous said...

@9:45 am

Adam is going to be taped on Kelly and Michael then the show will air on the 19th, the same day of the GMAC concert if I am not mistaken! What a week this is going to be for our Adam; so excited. Just can't wait!!!! Back to streaming!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Admins, can we please have a break from things like this? I come here for updates on Adam's career and his music, for links to performances, articles and gorgeous pics of ADAM.

I am so tired of the bickering that comes with the Sauli related things. This isn't even a pic of Adam and Sauli. That would be relevant. Cherry picking Adam's IG likes from a Sauli fan IG should be below this site. All this is is clickbait for arguing.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the streaming information also. Thanks so much glitzylady. We have to work our buns off this week and the rest of the year for our baby; the album will drop on the 16th so we need everybody on board!!!

Anonymous said...

10:59 am
Sauli is a part of Adam's life, just deal w that :)
I think most of us likes to know what Adam likes and does.
Nice pic Sauli, looking so good. I hope Adam would post pics like that ;)
Btw, I've been thinkin how many songs on TOH tells us something about their relationship... what's ur guess. Mine is 4...

Anonymous said...

@10:59 AM

I so agree with you; especially on the weekend before Adam's launch. UNBELIEVEABLE; this could have waited. Now everyone is going to see these juviniles posting over and over again!! Bad idea, especially today!!! Should be all about Adam. These kinds of hits are quite childish! Just a couple of childish fans; of all weekends. What the hell? Hopefully, there will be so many other posts about Adam and this upcoming CD drop, it will knock this type of bait off the front page. Could not believe my eyes wihen I saw this. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??

Anonymous said...

9:20 AM and others here is a playlist that Adam tweeted.
ADAM LAMBERT – Verified account ‏@adamlambert
#nowplaying playlist updated with @astridsofficial, @nilerodgers, @FutureBrown and more. Listen and subscribe-

Streaming is important. But it takes so many streams to equal an album sale that next week it may be more helpful to go buy a CD at Target or Walmart. (Don't buy multiples all at once or they don't count for the chart.)

It's also important to keep voting for and retweeting the things that get Adam spins on radio.

This is a great site for info on how to support Adam. Has info on streaming, Shazam, buying, gifting etc.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Admin Fan is a saulibert. I agree with 11:09 AM, really poor timing. Our focus should be on Adam and TOH right now.

Anonymous said...

Lambert Music 411 – ‏@LambertMusic411
ADAM Fans: AT 40 countdown still has #GhostTown in its HAC poll … so let’s remember to vote …

(Hint: Scroll down to Adam under HAC.)

Anonymous said...

11:08 am
Everybody knows that; but, I agree with 10:59am. There is a time and place for everyting; and this was posted to get lots of hits by those who just can't let go as some has said earlier! Of course the picture is nice Sauli is a nice looking man. But, I bet if Adam had known that this would take up so much time away from his album drop; he would have thought twice. He probably did not even think that people would act so crazy!! This means nothing folks, just a beautiful picture of Adam's beautiful friend Sauli. The other week if was his beautiful best friend T. Terrance Spencer.

Adam is so much more mature then some of his so called fans. Let's help Adam reached the top of his game this week. Let's stop this nonsence READY, SET GO!!!!
Jane W., Long, long time supporter!!

Anonymous said...

STREAM BABY STREAM, for Adam Lambert; so important!!!!

Anonymous said...

@11:09 AM



Anonymous said...

Adam's numbers are continuing to improve in the UK after the MORNING BRUNCH this AM. Adam looked so darn HOT; and he is so intelligent and down to earth and most of all talented. I think the audience was very impressed!!

Anonymous said...

I don`t visit her often and I never write anything. But who has said they are more than frieds here? And the only ones who are starting a fight are those who say Sauli`s pic should not be here.. Whos time is this taking? Go do you thing. It doesn`t matter what people are writing here. It wont benefit or disbenefit Adam`s caree or sell. And I say this only with respect and I hope everyone go and write other topics :) Good luck Adam! You deserve it!! JS

Anonymous said...

Loved the picture of Adam with Samual L. Jackson at the event the other night. Adam looked so cute. Mingling with Movie stars and meeting so many new people. I wish I could see a You Tube of him singing a the Boy's chairty Fishion event! Does anyone know if there is one aroung?

Anonymous said...

Can Adam Lambert get any more beautiful than he already is?? Every picture seems to be pure photography gold! Man, he is so good looking. Takes your breathe away.

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT is my ORIGINAL HIGH; just saying!!!

New fan; and I am over the moon. Can't wait to get that album in my hot little hands!!

Anonymous said...

11:34 AM, first of all, I don't believe you. If you haven't been here much and don't know what is going on how can you have an opinion about it? Also, your typos are recognizable. If you really haven't been here in a while, this is the result of being overwhelmed with nonstop Sauli and relationship speculation.

Anonymous said...

and here we go again...

Anonymous said...

This is what I come to this site for. Gorgeous and timely.

Sunday Brunch @SundayBrunchC4
.@adamlambert has taken over and got a cheeky selfie

Anonymous said...

Why is Admin Fan posting a controversial IG like when pics like this could be posted?!

Adam Lambert Pics – ‏@adamlambert_pic
7 HQ pictures of @adamlambert - Leaving the set of 'Sunday Brunch' in London, June 14, 2015: …

There is also new interview vid and articles.

glitzylady said...

Please note we have an entire thread posted here with the 3 videos and more of Adam's time on 'Sunday Brunch'... they've been here on the blog for several hours.. Scroll down the main page..

Here's the thread:

Anonymous said...

You will drop dead when you see this pic of Adam.,xlarge.1433872699.jpg

glitzylady said...

Just getting ready to post that one... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

I had to take a few moments to enjoy....

Anonymous said...

Simple question: Why don't you all who don't like Adam liking Sauli's pics stay out of a thread which clearly states what's the thread is about?

Ligit topic, related to Adam and nobody's been anything but respectful to both guys, except you lot! What's the problem? Admins post plenty of threads with Adam liking his friends' pics, Terrance, Ivy, Markus, Charl etc etc.

It is all of you being totally childish and unreasonable. The number of threads here lately is HUGE, take your pick, ignore the threads with Sauli's name on the headline, but please let those fans who love both guys and support their friendship, say their piece when it's done respectfully. Admins will take care of inappropriate posts.

This site needs hits (look at the number of posts in any thread, they are rather low...) and also new members, new fans. No need to scare off any new or current ones either. Where's the TOLERANCE our gorgeous man Adam is so famous for?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, sporty Sauli. Adam has good taste.

I think it is quite childish to think that this photo "liking" takes place from Adam's album release and "is bad timing" and "if Adam had known this would take up so much time from his album drop, he would have thought twice". What? Adam likes what he likes when he likes to like. We have no right to tell him what to do. Dear Lord, this is just a beautiful photo of a handsome man and Adam's friend which he just happened to like. This is Adam-related b/c Adam liked it and so IMO it can be brought here as other photos he likes.

You don't have to come to this thread and give it clicks and comments if you don't like the subject. You can see what it is about without opening the thread if you are not interested.

I bet there will be much about Adam's album release also. And as said this will not take away any interest of his album.

Anonymous said...

@12:24 PM
Ditto! Well said!

Anonymous said...

The problem with not opening a thread because you don't like the theme means you miss all the other things in the comments like links to vids or photos. So it isn't a practical or fair to say don't open the thread. There are two incredible photo links in this thread that I'm glad I didn't miss.

Anonymous said...

Do you people realize how many likes Adam does on his friends instagrams that never get posted here. I agree admin must pick and choose and knows they will get so many posts when the ex is mentioned . There was an interview posted a few days ago where Adam said he had not been in a relationship for two years and was hoping to find someone. That terrific interview was from Australia and only had 6 posts. I guessed folks only want to hear their fantasy mentioned and not reality.

Anonymous said...

Sauli "news" will not take any points of Adam's new album. Come on !!!
It's very exciting to see how Adam and Sauli continue to value their relationship, friends or friends w benefits... we never find out but we don't have to. This is more exciting.

I love TOH, sooooo many good songs.

Anonymous said...

It was very suprising how Adam changed the story about his date life during his promo tour. At first he was ONLY dating his album, said so in many times.
Then... after Finland... he said he is ready to love again. Wants that deep heart connection again but admits it's hard because of his job. just WHAT !!!!
SO different story.
Am I only one who thinks that ???

Anonymous said...

wow Sauli is so buff.

Anonymous said...

Hello likeminded fellow Adam fan, lucky we posted almost at the same time and rather long posts, otherwise someone here would say we are one and the same, he he. Like the way you think, :)))))

Thank you!

YOU are making a problem of it. It is possible and very easy to ignore individual posts inside a thread, I do it all the time. Also the posts with links are easy to detect. Get real. ;)

Anonymous said...

But tomorrow comes out his new record in many countries, hope people buy it!!

Anonymous said...

@1:08 PM
I will buy it! And I read this thread and I like Sauli's photo. And I like Adam liking his friend's photos. So all is well. Adam will get my money, although this news was released just before the album drop and got everyone's attention (lol). Don't worry.

Anonymous said...

@1:02 PM
Hello (this is 12:29 PM)! Thanks! I also noticed we posted comments which had the same message almost at the same time. I'm glad I'm not alone with my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

@12:42 PM
What fantasy? If you say you like his ex's photo (he is looking good) and that Adam has a good taste (he likes beauty) and you are glad that they are still friends, you fantasize?

I just like both of these guys and their friendship. I don't think they will ever be a couple again. They have moved on. I'm glad that some people can be friends after break up. I just think the situation changes when either of then finds a new partner. Adam seems to be willing to love again, so maybe we don't have to wait long. Then I'm sure there will not be news about Adam liking Sauli's photos. And you, among some others here, can relax.

Anne Marie said...

Seems like there are people who like Sauli, and those who don't. The ones who do, are happy that Adam still likes his pics and still spends time with him. The ones who don't like Sauli, don't want to hear that Adam is still his friend, they just want Sauli out of Adam's life. That is not going to happen, Adam is a loyal person and keeps his friends. Each friend contributes something to Adam, which is why Adam loves them all, unconditionally. No one seems upset when Adam likes other pics of his friends, it's just Sauli. This thread was about Adam liking Sauli's pics, there is no wrong place to say something about Adam. This thread would not have had so many comments, if it had been just limited to people who like Sauli, and appreciate who Adam likes. Adam is a beautiful and sensitive man, and he can like who he wants to. It's not up to us who he sees and likes. This site is a good place to let us know a little bit about Adam.

Anonymous said...

1:02 PM, I do not understand your reply to me. I am 12:37. The suggestion was to just not open the thread if you don't like the subject. I pointed out if people did that they would miss the great things posted in the comments. How is it hard to understand that isn't a very reasonable solution? I also don't know how you detect which threads have great links.

Anonymous said...

It is ridiculous here how some people are so jealous of Sauli... Sauli is very important and close friend to Adam, so I find it odd that some of you can't stand him, although you are fans of Adam.

Anonymous said...

I hope we get some kind of response from the admins. It is clear these types of posts end up being disruptive. I don't think it is fair to say to someone to not open the thread because then good links in the comments are lost to that person.

Hopefully the admins can find a way to make this work for everyone. Or at least skip the "controversial" subject during Adam's album debut week. If we do have new people checking out Adam I would hate for them to see this mess.

Anonymous said...

2:16 PM, I think people aren't jealous of Sauli, they are tired of the arguing about him here. I know I am.

I like Sauli. I'm glad he and Adam are still friends. But I am sick of the speculation and arguing. Obviously the people here are not mature enough to not argue.

Seems simple to me. If a subject causes arguing then don't post that subject.

Anne Marie said...

Just because some on here don't like the subject matter, does not mean the admin should delete it. It pertains to Adam, and that is why we come on this site. To me all things connected to Adam are appropriate to have on this site.
The admin has done a fabulous job of covering ALL of Adams promo tour, this particular thread has not taken anything away from Adam and his promo. I congratulate the admin for doing a fine job, and they should not be criticized for the way they are doing their job, just because one or two, don't agree with them

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, nice try saying one or two people don't like it. I could say the same, only you and one other person like it.

Anonymous said...

@2:17 PM
Could there be every day a place where you could post all the important links you want? Just the links. So people who don't like some subject (esp. Sauli), could avoid those threads and read only the important ones and the one with all kinds of links? This would be easier and people who like Sauli-related news could comment them and those who don't could avoid them and there wouldn't be arguing as 2:23 PM says.

Why do people post links to Sauli-related threads after all if they have nothing to do with the subject? People who don't like the subject don't necessarily read those threads and those who read because they search links, get annoyed.

I'm sure this could be arranged somehow. Because as long as Sauli is in Adam's life as a friend, there will be some "news" -threads about them.

Anonymous said...

@2:32 PM
How do you know there are only two of us (who like the subject = Sauli)? Is it really Anne-Marie and me?

I'm Anitta by the way.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:17 PM
It's being discussed...

Anonymous said...

11:09 AM
Oh please go and take your pills... You youself are the most childish here.

Anonymous said...

2:36 PM, people post new things, links, etc in the top post regardless of the subject because it's the place people will see it soonest. Hasn't been an issue until now apparently.

Anne Marie said...

There were many comments on here that liked the subject matter, my name was on all of mine, and I was gone from home for a few hours, and then commented when I got back home again. There are many more people who did like it. I am aware there are Sauli haters, and I cannot fathom why. He is Adam's friend. Do you hate all of Adam's friends?.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up , you Sauli haters, Adam liked a friends picture, they are not getting married. grow up.

Anonymous said...

@2:45 PM
Well, now there is a new top post. This arguing might stop here.

Dee R Gee said...

Once again, the mountain out of a molehill. If you don't want to look at a picture of Sauli, then don't. I think he's adorable and is a friend of Adam. I look, I enjoy. I move on. No biggie.

Anonymous said...

11:34 AM


Anonymous said...

There wouldn't be a mess if some of you would not express your dislike for Sauli, and criticize those who do.
The admin should feel free to post whatever they like, as long as it pertains to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Sexy Sauli. I know Adam loves tapping that ass. Glad he's able to have intimacy with his friends.

Anonymous said...

People bitching about a Sauli post? Get a life!

Anonymous said...

Beats me how this thread took away anything from Adams sales on his new album.
I would guess that most of you here have pre-ordered it weeks ago. Admin has seen to it that we have seen every promo bit that Adam has done and is doing. They have not skimped on anything. They post everything as it becomes available. This happened to come available and they posted it, and some of you are ready to tell them how to do their job. Also give the suggestions on how they should do it. Must be you are so qualified to open up a site of your own, if you can do a better job. Go for it, and you will see how time consuming this job is.

choons said...

Some people like to argue for the sake of arguing - waste of time and space.
It's very tiresome.
Just scroll on by if people don't agree with you - and just enjoy this fantastic website - where would we be without it?

Anne Marie said...

And visa versa, LOL. Pretty sure this is not one sided.

Anonymous said...

I am not even going to buy Adam's new album because I'm so caught up in Adam liking Sauli pics drama.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Post @3:34 = sarcastic humour ;)

(and I'm not 3:34)

Anonymous said...

Excellent post!

Anonymous said...

I like Sauli, want to get that out of the way. But rather than ppl arguing over a pic of Sauli, I have issues with the fact that at this do or die time for Adam and his solo career, that it's Adam, making the focus his love life. In interview after interview, it's about Adam's looks and or what he's looking for in his personal life. WB has put so much into this rollout, so that's what I think Adam should be focused on. Finally has got the attention of the radio and tptb in the industry and more than half of the headlines are about looks and finding someone to love. Meantime, Sauli is more than well liked as a celebrity in his own country and kind of successful, while we are awaiting the general public's opinion of Adam and his music in the US. Lets be real.

Anonymous said...

3:07 PM, where have you been?

Anonymous said...

Adam has been liking the IG posts of some cute twinks without their shirts on. Maybe admin could post those here too. Hot!

Anonymous said...

They have been posted. Where have you been. Those all seem to be forgotten, it's only when Sauli's pic is posted that people get their panties all in a twist.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Sauli should help with the rollout!! It certainly would capture lots of attention.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is such a cutie...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the post.. always enjoy seeing a cute guy working out :-) Adam has good taste ;-)

Anonymous said...

3:07 PM, I'd watch that.

Lam-My said...

Whoa Sauli muscles! lwl! He is getting really beefed up; maybe time for another competition which he always wins hands down, just like the suave skating. Sauli looks really strong, like I wrote in an old poem, Sauli is like Adam's trampoline and can catch him. So Adam wants to fall in love again...hey Adam, how about this voluptuous more time! Or perhaps, you have another in mind...seems to rhyme...When you sound your usually signals an encounter er the first kind...still rhymes lol! Well, both have no plans for marriage...two of a kind. lwl!

Anonymous said...

Here's what I think.... Adam should try one more time w Sauli !
Sauli knows and tolerates all the shit there is, they both r much more vicer. Adam's mom adores Sauli and the Glamberts ( most part ) Love him too.
There I Said It ♡♡♡

Lam-My said...

Try again another time
That way, you both are sure
On the other hand
Love is a very strange thing
If it's there it springs
But if it's gone, it blinks
Move on and sing
About the good times
Forget about the bad times
Just allow it to graciously sink lwl!

p/s This is about the strangest poem I've written. lol!

Lam-My said...

For old times' is my first Sauli & Adam poem. And you may say I was naive; because when I wrote it, I had not the slightest inkling I was writing my first ever, gay poem. lwl!

Adam and Sauli
As happy as can be
Their new found love
A stroke of chemistry
A tap on the shoulder
A twinkle of the eye
That was all it took
For magic to comply
Adam tells Sauli:
You're the apple of my eye
Sauli tells Adam:'re mine
Walking hand in hand
Across the desert sand
Saving all their love
Till the very end
We wish you all the best
Your love will manifest
Adam and Sauli
God will do the rest

October 4, 2011 9:26 PM

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of embarassing and shameful craziness.

Anne Marie said...

Who knows, they may already be thinking along those lines. They still see each other, that hasn't died out. Maybe Adam is realizing that the original high of their relationship goes to a different level, where you are comfortable and content and happy right where you are. The grass has not been greener for Adam, he still comes back to Sauli. As you say they already know the sh-- about each other, and could possibly be more tolerant about it now. Although Adam did say in one of his last interviews that his career makes it tricky for a relationship. He seems to be , in my eyes, since his Finland promo, very relaxed and happy, almost like he has decided something. This may be all garbage, but I would love for them to try again.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, you are the ultimate Saulibert, post after post, trying to keep their flame alive when it burnt out years ago. They're friends period .... got it?

Anne Marie said...

So all those dates and visits and vacations are all just for the sex, and nothing else. I can't wrap my head around that thought. I don't believe they are both that shallow. If they hadn't been seeing each other for the last 2 years, I would believe
you. I don't get it. They can both see guys for sex any time, and Adam has said he mingles. I will believe it when they stop seeing each other.

Lam-My said...

Yay, 99 is a good number if you know what I mean...most likely, you don't lol!

Anonymous said...

Adam will always mingle. I doubt he will ever be a one guy guy.

Anonymous said...

you may be right, some guys just cannot commit to a relationship. There is a name for them, that I wont print here.

Anonymous said...

@8:52 PM
I agree. Can't see Adam settling down to a monogamous relationship.

Anne Marie, it would seem that Adam and Sauli are friends with benefits. They hook up from time to time and that's it. Time to stop dreaming that they're ultimately destined to be together forever. Adam is his own boss. He will be with whomever he wants to be with, without any input from his fans.

Anonymous said...

8:52PM AKA 9:04PM and other crazy foul mouth insinuators on here; all one or two of you!!

Maybe some guys can't commit themselves; Well it certainly is not Adam; he was committed to someone for a little more than two years, and his first love longer than that I believe; sometimes one person is ready for more and the other may not be! Sometimes a person may believe stupid "Rumors" that is going on here; instead of trusting the person; as Adam sings in the song Rumors!!

There probably is a name for you that can't be printed here either; since you are so familiar with trying to label people because they are not interested for life to someone you want them to be. Evidently, when something does not work out it could just be a mutual feeling for both. No one knows exactly what happened between these "grown A-- man; and none of your business. Adam has too much class to talk bad about anyone; even if the fault was with them. So there is a bunch of cray cray's on here that do not sound like Adam fans at all. Or should I just say one crazy who keeps repeating themselves over and over again. There is a name for he or she, that I won't print here!! Anne Marie please stop answering yourself without a name. Just sounds like the same immature people over and over again.
People need to stop embarrassing themselves.

When Adam does get a boyfriend you people are going to look like fools. Don't you have anything better to do then to live vicariously through Adam. Seems very sad. You can't make Adam rekindle something if he does not want to. He says over and over again that he is not in love; and they one day he will meet that person he will fall in love with.

Going back to streaming as fans should be doing; not here embarrassing yourselves trying to run Adam's love life. He says he is dating THE ORIGINAL HIGH ALBUM. I THINK THEY MAKE A GREAT COUPLE; and it won't break this beautiful man's heart! It seems to be bringing him so much joy for the time being. Does not seem like Adam wants to rekindle any past love relationships, except for friendships!! Except it and move on!!! Go find your own Original High!

Anonymous said...


This is a very poor representation of Adam and most of his fans.

Disgusting that this is happening, and allowed to continue, so close to the album release and heavy TV promo. May this page be deeply buried in the next 24 to 48 hours.

Anonymous said...

@7:55 pm
There you shouldn't have said it; your whole little story sounds stupid; and Adam's mother is nice to all of Adam's friends and will love the person that Adam loves; until it is over! NEXT!!! Give it up!!


Anonymous said...

7:55 PM

Sounds like Adam may have been the one tolerating the shit as you say; if any of his songs are indications of their relationship!! Because someone's mother likes you does not make a lasting relationship. Adam is the one he has to respect!

Anonymous said...

@4:11 PM
Yes, let's get real; Adam is focusing on his record and he is working real hard. Apparently people in the UK and overseas is interested in Adam and his love life almost as much as some of his fans here. Maybe they look on here and see that is all some silly fans talk about. Don't blame Adam. We don't know what Sauli is being asked because we don't get to see his interviews. Adam is a handsome young intelligent man so maybe they are inclined to ask. Not Adam's fault. So stop your dumping on Adam and pretending that Sauli is an innocent bystander!

Anonymous said...

3:07 PM
You sound like an uncouth idiot, such trashy and disrespectful talk regarding Adam and Sauli; somebody needs to tap some class in that brain of yours!!

Anonymous said...

YES! GHOST TOWN; over 5 MILLION VIEWS ON YOUTUBE. CONGRATULATIONS ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT. One of the most talented most beautiful man in the world. HAPPY DAYS AHEAD FOR ALL GLAMBERTS OLD AND NEW! Good Night, off to start streaming again for our man!!!

Anonymous said...

This nonsense is what happens when there are threads about anything relating to Sauli.

There are fans who just can't leave their ex-relationship alone, trying to rekindle it wherever and whenever possible. It's way overdue to move on.

Anonymous said...

Click bait works.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is a sweetheart and people including Adam like him a lot. So lighten up, guys, no harm done, there is no need to be so serious about everything because speculating and tinhatting are an essential part of every fandom.

Anonymous said...

Before I'll continue reading ALL the posts,I'll post a comment after the first about 30 comments....
There is NOTHING wrong w admins posting topics here, they keep this site alive and interesting and imo the majority of topics are about Adam's music and career. This is a site full of current Adam-news and these "Adam likes" are here for varity reasons and to me for info too. I come here also to have fun w likeminded people, NOT to read about whining about the site,admins or other fans, so disrespectful of those complaining posters. If their real aim was Adam's music and fans buying it especially now, they wouldn't post this way. Every interest on this FAN site, every topic drawing the most comments IS ONLY GOOD for Adam and raises interest in him as an artist aswell.

Imo, what is really going on in the beginning of this thread is NOT fans bickering or arguing at all or making things up about Adam AND Sauli. There are one or two posters starting their whining about Sauli related topics. To me it's mind-boggling to see anyone disliking Sauli(or Adam).

If Adam hadn't liked this hot pic of Sauli, I wouldn't have known there was a new pic added on this fan site :). So thanks and I agree w ADAM, a GREAT pic of Sauli I must say...also Sauli's eyes are so beautiful that my heart is melting! I'm excited about TOH and wish for great success for your career Adam!\O/\O/

Anonymous said...

correction:for variety reasons

Lam-My said...

Actually, it's quite fun to talk about nothing, lol! The comedians are rather skillful at talking about nothing and transform it into something; like what we have done here...115 comments borne out of nothing substantial as we all know nothing about the actual situation between Adam and Sauli. lol! As long as Adam and Sauli are happy together or with a new partner...that is the crux of the matter, isn't it? Sometimes a person may think he/she has got the right person but doesn't turn out to be so. There's some destiny and luck involved, maybe. See I have just lapsed into something I know nothing about. lol! Quite fun!

Lam-My said...

And that's why our 24/7 Adam site has lasted so long...because we are rather good at talking about nothing. lol! The longest threads are usually the Adam/Sauli threads (on record 239) It goes to show love is a many splendid strange thing. lol!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-My!
Yes, talking about nothing is fun! And if I wouldn't believe love works in mysterious ways, if only for staying as friends(but having an option for a hot steaming love relation too:)), I wouldn't have a sparkle in my eye and a wide smile on my face. I irritate my family members, that are wondering, what on earth I'm thinking now... and again now!:D I love Adam-Sauli-related threads, because I see the positivity and the love in them and I won't miss a chance expressing my love for both Adam and Sauli. So count on me posting on an easy topic.
For me It is much more difficult to comment on Adam's career or songs, when I think Adam has put himself totally in creating his own unique art. What do I know, what the songs are about and who cares about my opinions. I respect Adam to the moon and back and I'm here to enjoy his music to the fullest.:D! Enjoying a few of Sauli's pics all of a sudden here isn't taking anything away from Adam's music or career,lwl! I'll rush reading this thread backwards now. Kindred

Lam-My said...

Hellooo aurora borealis lwl!
Yes I think you do love Adam in your own way, you always like his music and wish him well; it doesn't mean you comment about him less that you love him any less; but of course Sauli has to be very dear to you; he's so appealing even to me; his tenacity, knowing his direction, natural good looks, impress me a lot. Also, he doesn't spill things about their private life...some would, to gain attention or publicity. That's why I think Adam loves him, he trusts Sauli's integrity, not so easy to find in our fast-pace, result-oriented times. As for me, I love Adam's singing/passion/voice, handsomeness...deeply imprinted in my brain. lwl!

Anonymous said...

When Adam came to Finland, he said that no words of Sauli. What we saw Sauli was all the time with him.

Anonymous said...

"There they said it", it great to talk about Adam and Sauli. It's fun and brings a lot of comments to this site. Adam is beautiful and lovable. Sauli is beautiful and lovable. They like each other, and spend time together. Most friends do. They don't answer questions about each other, that speaks volumes. They are very loyal to each other. When Sauli's name is mentioned this site goes wild, and it's lots of fun. I will always add my two cents worth. My right to do so.!!!

Anonymous said...

It's very interesting to see how, after 2 yrs of their break up Sauli still brings so much affection and joy to our lives, and of course... and most importantly to Adam's life. It seems very much so they aren't ready to give up right now. There's some old spark left. While Adam says he doesn't want to talk about Sauli it seems there might be something to talk about after all. He could easily have said they r friends and nothing more. But he leaves everything in the air... The Things he didn't say ;)

Anonymous said...

We shouldn't be surprised at this. Every time there is a post related to Sauli this happens. Seem the initial comments were made in the fear this would happen again and it did. People lived up to the very low expectations.

The behavior here is that of children, not adults. Personally I'm not sure why the site owner would want this going on. It does not reflect well on this site or Adam. It will perpetuate the idea that Adam had crazy fans if certain people see it.

It is just regurgitated speculating and defensiveness. Nothing new or useful by people on either side of this.

Anonymous said...

I think the whiners and complainers can ruin everything, even nice threads and they never post on topics and often not about Adam either,just complain about others. If THAT doesn't attract arguing, then nothing will. It's not only (sometimes) on Sauli-threads, they can do it on which ever topic. They do it because they feel entitled to control everything posted on this site. Imo they are not a good representation of Adam's fandom at all. People should be wellcomed here NOT scared away.

On topic
Sexy pic of Sauli! No wonder Adam liked his sporty outlook, they share a common interest, both are into healthy things,ugh.

Anonymous said...


I have noticed no one has posted about any speculations and still the complaining starts. I think it's .....not very adult either. But I do think Adam's fans are passionate and yes crazy too in a good way:)))! (Me included). And Adam surprises us all the time! I hope his new music will attract more and more people w this great exposure it is getting this time around.

I feel celebrating Adam's album coming out,YAY!!!\O/
And I love Sauli a lot,thanks for the pic:).

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking these guys really know each other. I'd tbh hate to see Adam with some of the people he has been around since the breakup. Sauli says nothing about Adam, to Finnish media or anyone else, and now Adam does the same. This is more than just a convenient hook-up as some many try to diminish the friendship and when stressed a bit on the Queen tour, of course Sauli went, seems they are that type of friends. I hope this rollout is successful, especially here in the US, where Adam has struggled for recognition. We don't have RCA to blame this time, WB has been all we wanted for Adam and more, but we need the general public on board for this to succeed and that for me is the unknown factor.

Anonymous said...

Of course if they say they are just friends and spend time together like friends they must be lying and really having sex. When Terrance says they are friends and spends time with Adam they are having sex too.

Anonymous said...

Well the fact is, this sex thang is Adam's and Sauli's fault:). Why do they happen to be so good looking ?! And to me the sight of Sauli in this pic is not helping me to think he would leave Adam in a calm state! Maybe people could take their friendship a little less so serious, have more fun and smile w the guys:). I like that Adam liked Sauli's pic to be liked here...HOT!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, he is fit!! Thanks for the pic :)

Anonymous said...

When the men met, Sauli didn't know English very well and still Adam fell in love with him. Sauli must be very good in the bedroom. And who could resist Adam ;)

I'm 100% sure that they are friends with benefits.

Anonymous said...

Of course they are FWB, two hot people should have benefits ;)

Anonymous said...

Imo about Sauli.. he doesn't seem like a guy, who would travel lengthy distances to see Adam, like he did for Adam's BD during QAL, if he didn't have deep feelings for Adam. I find Sauli to be very beautiful inside too, meaning he is a very genuine nice person. I think they both enjoy each other's company based on truly knowing each other so well... romantic personalities....
and possibly...OH YESSS!AAARGH!Crazy Good S..! ;O) There I Said It! Have a nice Day Glamberts!:D

Anonymous said...

If any admins bother to check up on this thread, fans on another site are making fun of this thread.

Anonymous said...

1:56 PM, I agree, Sauli seems too lazy to travel just to meet a friend. But he will travel long distances for a booty call. Adam must just send Sauli an airline ticket.

Anonymous said...

at 2:01 PM

Whatever happens somewhere else does not diminish the value of the lovely comments so many nice people have posted here. :)

Anonymous said...

Sad to see how some people find any excuse to put hate on Sauli! Just because Adam liked this picture! Reminds of the time when they were actually together.

Anonymous said...

You're just rude w you're post,not nice,please stop,before admins do it for you.
We're mostly on topic Adam liking Sauli's pic and having fun here but your friends on this supposed other site are not. Why would I care what some strangers talk about somewhere else?

I wonder if Adam has liked any other pics of Sauli? There are some really nice summer vidclips on his IG.

Anonymous said...

Hi admins!
WOW!Nice choice of the featured pic of Adam! Suits very well with this pic of Sauli, nice chest(s)!

Anonymous said...

It was posted that Adam liked 2 pics. So I suppose he liked the diving into the lake one also. Adam has been liking Sauli's pics over the last two years. They are both single, so they say, but always seemed drawn together at every chance. Adam has been seen with other guys, but usually at a club, never coming out of a hotel, like Sauli. How many of his other friends spend actual days and nights with Adam. They both know, that the separation is what is killing any relationship. Adam said he is ready now to fall in love, if he does not love Sauli, then I lose a lot of respect for him. It should have been cut completely, except for the occasional fone call, maybe. Adam does not need Sauli for sex, he has many other friends who I am sure would be happy to oblige.

Anonymous said...

Now there are 140 posts here re Sauli. Where are there that many posts about Adam's music and about Adam in general? Moving on from this thread to much more interesting topics.

Anonymous said...

Great pic of Sauli!I loooovee his eyes. And the rest is confidential info.

Your post is funny! This topic is ADAM liked Sauli's pic. So you are really complaining Adam about what he happened to like this time. He likes a lot of pics, but they don't interest people so much. I think the majority here is respectfully commenting about Adam and buy his music too. Obviously you(8:32pm) are interested of the topic, otherwise why comment at all, surely you are not a Debbie Downer? Why be so jealous and negative of one thread and topic getting hits? It's all good for Adam on his fan site, that's why it's posted. To me this success only shows Adam is an interesting persona. Sauli is a part of Adam's life and an interesting person on his own right.
Adam says his songs are real for him, so I think especially the new fans having heard his new music and previous albums have a need to find out, who Adam is as a person and what is his past and also, who is/was this Sauli and the glamily and so on. I'm supporting Adam on every poll, give hits to articles and comment positively about other Adam fans, this site and Adam's history(what I know) of 6 years. Why would I as a fan complain about a successful thread topic or about Adam's friends? That's surely never good promo for Adam.
Comments about Adam and/or Sauli are often very passionate , sometimes strongly opposing that they like each other and sometimes loving they are still friends. The guys themselves have given still a lot to talk about.:)) Personally I love it! I wish TOH great success now, it's about TIME don't ya think!:)

On topic
Sauli's pic is to me maybe the best one I've seen of him at the Gym, so thanks for the pic!:)

Anonymous said...

I am amazed that the Adam/Sauli threads still have so many comments and that the speculation about which female "friend" Adam had sex with - did not have a thousand comments!

Anonymous said...

Saulbert was something inexplicable magic that fascinates. They were charismatic and cute couple, exceptionally charming. True love. Really shame that they have no future together.

Anonymous said...

7:32, not true love. Adam isn' your fairy tale character.

Anonymous said...

Adam should follow suit and post some more gym & exercise pics :)

Anonymous said...

@9:18 AM
I'm 7:32AM
Perhaps Saulbert was a fairy tale, not a reality and I stupid romanticist. However, I want to believe that at the beginning it was genuine love.

I've learned my lesson. When Adam finds a new boyfriend, I don't follow them closely. I just hope that Adam is happy.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Sauli never read what is rubbish here, he is so friendly man. Regards from Finland.

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli can handle pretty well all kinds of posts these days,he is a pro.


It wasn't a fairy tail, some people are sooo jealous, they need to be rude to other fans, if they would just state, what they think but no, they have to pick on others. Try to ignore.

I'm with you all the way with what you said. If Adam and Sauli's love hadn't been genuine and true, I doubt there would still be threads like this here, people sharing mostly nice thoughts about them both and also a bit about the time they were together. That is a beautiful time to remember and the nicest time of life for me but I agree with you 100% I won't follow any new boyfriend w Adam the same way I did Adam and Sauli. The haters will continue with the new boyfriend.

Luckily there are nice people here that care for each other. I've enjoyed a lot taking part on Adam-Sauli-threads and sometimes enjoyed commenting on other threads too. Only jealous complaining has been hard to tolerate here and for me also the reason of less and less commenting on other threads. So many likeminded people cathering on threads like this is in general sooo cool. I have been addicted to come back here over and over again.

To me It's also most important the both guys are happy, where ever they are on this globe doing things they themselves want to do. Good luck Adam again with NEW MUSIC! I'm having my fingers crossed!

Oh and SEXY pic Sauli:)!