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From wild955: Adam Lambert Reflects On Coming Out In The Music Industry

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, June 24, 2015

In a new cover story for Out, Lambert reflects on the lack of openly gay musicians before his time, confessing that he wished he had just a little more guidance. "At that time, how many mainstream music artists did we have that were out?" he asked the magazine.
"Elton John and George Michael -- and his whole coming out was tabloid fun. There hadn't been a blueprint to follow. That was the one thing I wished I'd had: a little more guidance," he admitted. "There were definitely moments of frustration and pressure, but there's been a lot of goodwill as well, a lot of support from fans and media people, and it's balanced out. I don't have any sort of bitterness about it."


choons said...

Jeez - I love this pic -