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Instagram Video With Adam Lambert via P3 Star Top 40 Radio (Stockholm) #GhostTown

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, June 5, 2015

Posted at : Friday, June 05, 2015

Instagram caption translation from Swedish:

"Surprise ! Look who want health to you this fine Friday: AdamLambert 😍 Hear his latest hit #GhostTown tonight with Emma at 19 in P3 Star in your mobile !"

For those who cannot view, here's a screen cap/still shot


Unknown said...

Wow, these are two yummy photographs. Adam is looking so good, and happy!

xo laura

glitzylady said...

Be sure to click on the first one.. It's a video :)))

Gabi said...

Can't stop clicking on the IG video. His face(!) as he closes in on the camera...

Anonymous said...

Hey @glitzylady
Thank you for this (and all the things you do here!)

Wanna make a confession:
Watching that insta vid... Geesh, he is such a turn on (YES, I said it!) and if I had the chance I'd grab him by the ears (in the most gentlest but firmest way possible) and place a loving smooch right on that most kissable precious mouth of his!!! Just to show him my deepest, most sincere admiration of his talents but also my honest opinion as a straight female of his immense mindboggling innate ability to arouse sensual & sexual excitement... just by being his gorgeous self, being Adam.... :))))) Unffff!

This is what a fan site is for, to flail and share these kind of OTT feelings... Flail and have fun, feel and share the passion your favorite entertainer in the whole world makes you feel.... DOES NOT mean I would or could do anything remotely like that in real life.... So please all you realists and 'specialists being snarky', save your breath and energy, nothing's gonna get me down from my 'Original High'... :)))

Anonymous said...

translation should be... "who wants to greet you" (i.e. say hello)...

Anonymous said...
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glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:38 PM
Translation was from Google.. Not always completely correct.. :))

JAK said...

I don't "flail".....may I stay anyway?

Anonymous said...

sure you can stay; all is welcome. We each admire in our own way!! My flailing should be enough to cover at least 3 people!!!

Angie Flailbert

Anonymous said...

He's so unbelievably gorgeous and sexy I almost can't stand it! And I love the cute mugging at the end.


Anonymous said...

Cute video.

You'd better stay, JAK. I love your posts. :-)))))

Anonymous said...

There was a time when humour and flailing flourished here... Nowadays humour is very scarce or non existent and flailing considered too immature or childish. If Adam has matured what does it make his mature fans? Ripe? Uncapable of having fun? They don't remember what flailing feels like? (There are better, more mature words for it, but nah... younger folks won't get them...) :-):-):-)

JAK said...

I see lots of flailing, but I'll admit humor is more scarce than in yesteryear. I think wry humor is misunderstood frequently, so the 'wits' on the site draw back rather than chance causing some commenters to have 'hissy fits'......
I, personally don't flail over Adam since from first sight of Idol I have wanted him as a second grandson.
So my admiration is familial....the hugging type of emotion.
Now, if you want to see me flail.....trot out Gerard Butler!!!!! >->o