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TOH DELUXE - BONUS TRACKS! "After Hours" "Shame" "These Boys"

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, June 09, 2015

During his iHeart Twitter session, Adam released all three of his bonus tracks for streaming !

Or you can go directly to the iHeart site for a more detailed version of the player as well as to be able to comment:

We will be posting the entire Twitter session later!


Anonymous said...

ummmmm.hmmmmmm not so much do I like these tracks. Sounds like trying too hard to be from the hood.I like a lot of the other tracks though. Especially The Original High and Rumors, Evil in the Night and Lucy.

Anonymous said...

I love 'After Hours". Mysterious and sexy. In some places the song makes me think of INXS and Bowie's 'Station to Station'...just what my ears hear. Love his whispery lower register too!!

Pretty good considering they are bonus tracks. In fact,a lot of Adam's bonus tracks are often better than most artists radio tracks. IMO.

Anonymous said...

Love Shame then After Hours then These Boys! Can't wait to get the album so I can play them a lot on replay.

Anonymous said...

As of today, Ghost Town is at #22 HAC and# 30 CHR on the charts. Still climbing.

Anne Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anne Marie said...

What a lovely surprise, loved all the bonus songs, liked Shame the best.

Adam like Sauli's pic of their hotel room in Helsinki.
Sauli like Adam's huge picture in Finland.
Great friends.

Anonymous said...

Im not sure about these songs either. Alot of it doesn't even sound like his voice.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to see updates of what pics Sauli liked here. This is not a Sauli fan site. I am sick and tired of the long threads arguing about their relationship. We just went through a couple days of no peace from that. I wish we could have a break from that.

Anonymous said...

Lots more dance oriented songs, like the whole album. Wishing he had taken a different direction.

Unknown said...

Loved "Shame" and then "These Boys." Really good bonus tracks !!!

Anonymous said...


Appreciate that you appreciate Adam's voice....but that's the 'thing' about him. His voice is not one-dimensional...there are many other artists that can make that dimension,same-same all the time.

I feel Adam's voice can deliver on all accounts and this is the album that sets him apart from others. His versatility is unbelievable. I guess we are just used to one-dimensional artists who succeed without really having to try or develop new tones/ranges. I won't list them but they are out there.

Of course,your opinion is strictly yours. And mine is mine. Apples and oranges.

Anonymous said...

OMIGOD, I LOVE "These Boys" It's so campy and fun, like seriously, love. It's sounds like something made by Pharrell. I feel like people don't really like this one at all, but it's actually amazing once you REALLY, hear it. "And I listen to the radio and I let it go". The song Sounds like campy,Theatrical yodeling. Yup, totally sounds like he's yodeling when he says "raydiiuo". Now that's something Original, I like how he added something new and different not just mainstream stuff you know. That's why we love him right. (;

Anonymous said...

Damn, "After Hours" is Sexy

Magiclady said...


I'm with you, Love "After Hours". Ethereal and very sexy. INXS was the first thing I thought of too. Adam's voice takes me right there when I was younger and leaving a bar after partying all night. Always wanted to take a drive to the beach...

Anne Marie said...

I thought these three songs seem a bit different to the rest of the album, I love the whole album, but you can tell there are a variety of sounds and styles, indicating that Adam had several different collaborators, which in my opinion is what makes it a great album. Each song is different from the one before it. It is a great mix of music, I don't know how Queen fans will take it, because, I don't think there is hardly any Queen overtones, this is all Adam doing things his own way, with his own style. Hoping it is going to be a great hit for him.

choons said...

This boy this boy can't slow me down - go Adam!!!!!! I'll be dancing all night now - these bonus tracks are too much fun. sha sha shame, doot da doo!

Anonymous said...


Interesting analogy. I was thinking of Magic while listening for some reason (though I'm not a fan....not enough vocal diversity,imo). It is campy and fun for sure.....again solidifying Adam as a Master of diversity when it comes to vocals and song interpretation.

There is definitely something for everyone in The Original High....and I felt the same for Trespassing and For Your Entertainment.

broddybounce said...

These three tracks are fun, campy and/or sexy! They sit perfectly as bonus tracks (unlike other now-classic bonus tracks as "Runnin'" and "Map" which, for me, were definitely regular-album-track-worthy AND single-worthy).

Anonymous said...

OMG, I LOVE "After Hours". It's a mellow, yet extremely catchy beat. Love, love!

Dee R Gee said...

Ok, I've only listened to these three tracks once so far. The lyrics aren't clear to me yet, BUT, I agree with 6:50. I LOVE "These Boys"!!!! I found myself singing along to it right away. It caught me fast and strong. That "these boys these boys" chorus just jumps with pep and catchiness. Actually, I like Shame, too. After Hours didn't hit me with much at first listen, but I'll be re-listening to all of them a lot.

"These boys, these boys" is stuck in my head now, in a very good way. I could dance all through the house listening to it. These boys, these boys, these boys........:)

Anonymous said...

I'm not keen on TOH album, most of the songs sound too much the same, but these bonus tracks Shame and These boys stand out with an original and unique sound that's what I love about Adam's previous albums their originality. Both should be radio worthy and why they have ended up as bonus tracks is beyond me, I suppose the rest of the album is considered more suited to radio but sadly I think it sounds too commercial put together to compete with all the other artists churned out rubbish.

Anonymous said...

After Hours has Dragon Attack vibe to it. Love it. Have it on repeat on that iHeart link. These Boys is fun 👯👯. Love love Shame.

Anonymous said...

Forget Ghost Town, Shame is everything such a catchy melody and just love the way Adam sings it!!

Pan said...

where are you? Do you hear what I hear in the beginning of Shame, and not only there, a sound, a vibe ,which, to me, not very familiar with it , sounds ...Chinese, Far East anyway ?
Less sophisticated production , their simplicity, I think, paradoxically ,will make them easier to be sung live. Lucy, my precious stone, will need an arranger of genius, like Dr. Bri to arrange it to sound as good as the studio version.

Anonymous said...

Shame is great.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, these songs sound like they are sung by any of a dozen present singers. Nothing special.
The whole album is generic sounding. There is no Adam there. My <3 is breaking.

Anonymous said...

I'm not keen on any of the bonus tracks. The bonus tracks on the For Your Entertainment and Trespassing albums are a gazillion times better than these.

Anonymous said...

2:06 AM, I get it. It's going to be a long wait for era 4. At least we have Rock in Rio to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Hells bells the album is mind blowing! Plus, now with these added Hidden Tracks we're in
raptures over the calibre of brilliance! Incredible work Adam and great to see the younger kids loving Adam.

Dee R Gee said...

The reviews of the album are sounding quite good, too. It's Wednesday morning and I still have These Boys bouncing through my head.

Anonymous said...

@2:06 AM
I feel it too.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the whole album, except these three tracks, will listen again, it oftens takes a few listens . Just different that's all


Anonymous said...

Too much EDM.

Anonymous said...

Hearing bits of Queen's fav place, especially FM in the asian sound portion. Do think this cd was made for the marketplace for the gp. Adam felt like pop success has eluded him so far and I can understand wanting to make something more marketable. Love the cd and will buy it, however unsure about getting Q fans onboard, but there will be a lot of interest in Adam's music, but tour--unsure about that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, so many were saying Queen fans would be buying the new album but I can't see that happening. Not even for the Lucy track.

Anonymous said...

I just love Shame it has such a happy fun sound to it.

Anonymous said...

I love the whole album! Have streamed it twice now, and enjoyed it more on the second listen so I just know I'll enjoy it more with each listen. Can't wait to crank it up in my car.


Anonymous said...

OMG GUYS I LOVE IT--I'M SO HAPPY *tears of joy*

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad. They have turned our Adam into a pop singer, cliche music, cliche vocals.
I'm hoping it will sell well but it is not something I want to own. I'll find someone to give my album to, when it arrives.
I will continue to play the old stuff! It makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It really makes me worry that this could be the end of the Adam I fell in love with. I wanted so bad to love his new album. Some if the songs don't even sound like him to me. What next? I'm not sure.

Anonymous said...

I'm sad that he's turning somewhat generic but seriously, this is his career. If his music doesn't sell, he doesn't make money. The point is to make music that will appeal to a larger and younger audience. Of course Adam has to go along with the trend. He should have won Grammys by now but bluntly, being Original will get you nothing in the hell they call the "music business" today. Of course I can say this is the best album he's produced, but he is a pop singer (50% of the time) so I was really expecting something that wasn't that, well, Original. We fell in love with him because he was actually talented, and had this spark to him no other singer had. The spark is obviously a lot dimmer now but it's still there and his impact and his voice will never go away.

Anonymous said...

I love TOH album and I love anything that Adam sings and he can sing anything...

broddybounce said...

@5:39pm: "The spark is obviously a lot dimmer now..."

With the deepest respect to you in stating your opinion, in my opinion this couldn't be further from the truth. This album shows tremendous growth and his voice is better than it ever has been. For example, his voice on "There I Said It" -- astounding.

I will grant you this, for some of these tracks it may take several listens to fully appreciate (and fall in love with) them. My recommendation is to give it a few more listens.

I simply don't agree with your above assessment above -- but, again, I respect your enjoying Adam the way you want to enjoy him.

Anonymous said...


Goes for the whole album imo.

People are SO QUICK to give "a final opinion" already - and they have barely heard all the songs... a couple of times max... Wait until you can listen to it all, and preferably from PROPER MUSIC EQUIPMENT and LOUD enough!

AND IT'S BURNING STILL.... my LOVE & RESPECT for this incredibly talented & pushing the envelope, edgy guy, that shook my life, my whole being back in Feb 2009!!!

I find new things, new nuances, new thrills each time I listen to each song, also from the ones that did not "bring me home" the first listen... GIVE IT ALL MORE SPINS, PEEPS!

Can't wait to get my hands on the CD and crank it up!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gently LOL, I detect some Night Rider vibe in After Hours... he hee!

All these new songs that we've been GIVEN (as a gift, HELLO!!!) just confirm what all his true fans have known for years: What ever he sings, it's always with such an ease, it's mind boggling and puts so many "heavy sellers' voices" is SHAME!

Anonymous said...

Gently LOL, I detect some Night Rider vibe in After Hours... he hee!

All these new songs that we've been GIVEN (as a gift, HELLO!!!) just confirm what all his true fans have known for years: What ever he sings, it's always with such an ease, it's mind boggling and puts so many "heavy sellers' voices" is SHAME!

Anonymous said...

ooops, sorry for the double post, don't know what happened... Blushie!
Please delete...

Anonymous said...

beautiful song omg-beautiful voice adam lambert

Anonymous said...

My comment is at 5:39; My opinion is A LOT different Now that I've actually listened to the album in full, it's truly amazing. The songs REALLY, grow on you. Now that I think about it, that "spark" thing, I was talking about earlier, is actually an explosion now, he's on fire. he'll never be generic trust me on that. He's less Theatrical but people (me included) need to grow up and stop thinking of it as a bad thing lol. Anyways, to sum things up I really, need to stop judging things first listen. Music business get ready the Glambert will invade rawr.

Anonymous said...

6:10 PM, I don't believe you.

Anonymous said...

why are the Bonus Tracks better than many of the regular cuts on the record?!? Maybe I will purchase the album after all......