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Via TALC Vids: The Audience At GMA Sings Adam Lambert's "Ghost Town" Along With The Band Only (No Adam) During Soundcheck

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, June 20, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, June 20, 2015

You Tube Video Via TALC Vids

Audience spontaneously sings "Ghost Town" during band only Soundcheck at GMA

For the Adam Lambert fans amongst us....

"This video was filmed from the audience during the band only soundcheck of "Ghost Town" (Adam Lambert's lead single from his new album 'The Original High') at the GMA Summer Concert Series on June 19, 2015."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So much fun to see the fans enjoying each others company indeed!!!:)

It's Toronto time and tomorrow is MMVA and hope not to rain for the whole day!!:) We are all excited to see Adam again!!:)


Anonymous said...

JAK said........Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ! And Yippee !

Unknown said...

Cool! Super fans!

Anonymous said...

They should put all the younger fan in the front next time,It helps with marketing.

Anonymous said...

I feel odd agreeing with you because I am up there in age and to be honest if I was there I I couldn't stand in front but that's just me. I guess some folks don't realize how it looks on camera. I always notice the glamberts are up in front at most interviews etc.
I think with this new album he is going to get a much younger crowd following him especially in Europe and Asia and hopefully here in USA. Adam really needs that to keep in the public eye. Adam said his glamberts were the ones who kept him going but 6 years have passed and it's time ever pass the baton. Don't take this too personally it's just my opinion from a senior citizen.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he wants everyone as his fans. It would be great if a certain segment helped that happen by bringing a young person. Or by not having to be at the front 25 times and give somebody else that chance.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think the Glamberts could let the younger people in front at a concert. Most younger people can't afford the price for a front row seat. Gini

glitzylady said...

I think there is a certain misconception about "Glamberts".. They (we) come in all shapes, sizes, colors, genders, and ages.. They (we) are Adam Lambert fans.. It's a bit of a shame, to be honest, that the conversation here on this thread became about who seemed to be in the front rows, and not about this wonderful moment where the fans shared this little time of joy and fun.. Singing along with the band and sharing their love of Adam and his music..

Anonymous said...

7:53 PM, this is about free and general admission shows or radio promo.

Anonymous said...

That misconception will continue to hold true as long as every pic and vid has the same people in the front row.

Unknown said...

I agree glitzylady how rude of these fans to make a statement like they did about age why not about how they was singing.That was the only thing i thought how happy Adam had made his fans.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, just recently you said yourself it would be nice to see older fans allowing younger fans to get up the front of the stage, now you say that age does not matter, you appear to be sending mixed messages.

Anonymous said...

I agree it would be far better for Adam's image to have younger people at the front, most of these concerts are the same all the oldies seem to take over, not a good look.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:19 PM
I was addressing the term "Glamberts" (the definition that applies to avid and supportive Adam Lambert fans in general), and also pointing out the intent of the video presented here on the blog, which was filmed by TALCVids, and then brought here by me, for all to enjoy ..

"Glamberts" are not just older fans.....

The video was simply a fun, joyous little moment at the GMA show..

No sending mixed messages here.

There were younger fans in the front rows by the way, which can be seen in the official videos via ABC News/GMA.. Along with men, younger and older: various fans of various ages and sexes....

The bottom line is this: everyone was enjoying the lead up to Adam's spectacular concert... and joined in.. I think that's what's important here..

Anonymous said...

12:19 AM, you should have realized by now that there is always an "explanation."

Anonymous said...

I always find the comments about the "older fans" so mean spirited. A fan is a fan and from the mouth of Adam...those fans that have been there and supported and spent God know how much money /Adam himself loves those familiar faces and welcomes more new fans. So Rock On whatever your age . Adam is one in a million.btw the demographic in different countries are varied and that is a testament to all ages reccognizing Adam's talent and physical handsomeness.

Anonymous said...

Age is just a figure people. Young at heart is what is important. So you want all the long time fans of Adam's who are all not older, believe me, you want them to just move out of the way or stay home. Adam's concerts would look like a half empty nest. Then when these young, some fickle, move on to their next best think. You self righteous people would be wondering whatever happen to all Adam's fans.

I say, fans of Adam's stay with this man; no matter what your age. He loves you. So cute the other day, he actually looked for his long time fans; he talks about them; and I believe he actually misses them when he does not see those faces. He even said he feels protected with he sees them all out there. He always says; there are my Glamberts, or asks. where are my Glamberts. So when you hear age crap, just let it roll of your back like Adam does with homophobic remarks!!

Anonymous said...

Having spent money doesn't make you a more important fan. As a wise man said " entitlement is not sexy."

Adam is all inclusive but some of his fans can't step back 24 inches to include somebody new. Excuses like they might be fickle or nobody would show up are BS.

Anonymous said...

Taking words people say and twisting them all over the place to support your warped ideas, that is total BS. Thinking you know it all is NOT sexy either! Why don't you step back and get a clue! My Mother and I both enjoy Adam equally!

Anonymous said...

Older fans are not good for radio demographics.

Anonymous said...

I shall immediately stick my head into the oven and take deep breaths.
Damn, I forgot, it's electric! : ((((

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK, Cara mia, hoping that's you @9:23, ert um not sticking your head in... anything, but you know, your humour?!