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World Series of Beach Volleyball Tweets Update About Adam's Performance

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Saturday, August 22, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, August 22, 2015

Folks, I'm putting here a few tweets that the World Series of Beach Volleyball (WSOBV) posted this morning about Adam's performance today on their program (the first of which Adam retweeted this morning).  It would seem that Adam is performing live at the venue at 1:00pm PDT, but the broadcast of it on NBC will start at 1:30pm PDT.  And then he will also perform live at the venue at 5:00pm PDT — now at the top of the concert, rather than closing it — although that performance will not be broadcast (although I'm hopeful it will be available later online).  Then there is an additional tweet from WSOBV I've added below.

Hopefully, I've interpreted the information from these tweets correctly; but, if anyone has further information that clarifies or updates the above, please let us know in comments.

Shout-out to Glamberts (note, URL is incorrect in this one — see next tweet)

Tweet with corrected URL: