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Adam Lambert at Club NYX last night!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, October 11, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, October 11, 2015


Jean Renard said...

That hat requires its own zip code. Adam would have to have a gigantic hat box to tote around his new head piece ... unless it folds flat like a magician's hat. I love hats for the winter months in Arizona, (yes, we wear hats here November-February, just for fashion's sake). I have an entire closet dedicated to my beautiful hat boxes, of course, with an incredible hat in each box. I understand Adam's passion for hats, but this particular hat that he wears really threw me for a loop. I am afraid if a big wind catches it, Adam will take off like Mary Poppins. Luv you Adam ... you have no fear when it comes to fashion! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Well said Margarita Lady, love your little fashion comments. You must be a stylish lady.