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Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, December 18, 2015

Posted at : Friday, December 18, 2015


Anne Marie said...

Adam is using the same lighting app that Sauli also used and posted with the different light changes. I think they are together, as we suspected , when Sauli showed up in CA a couple of days ago. Adam used the light changes on a pic of himself, and Sauli used it on a pic of Sunset Blvd.

Anne Marie said...

They posted at the same time.

Dee R Gee said...

Love the pic lighting thing. Very cool. S & A are apparently finding opportunities to get together for business and/or pleasure :)

Anne Marie said...

Wish it was business, would love to see Sauli work over here, but unless he has changed his visa, I don't think he can. But I would be happy that Adam is possibly having some fun time with Sauli, he needs a break right now. He has been running quite a rigorous schedule lately. This time of year Adam likes to visit Bali for a few days, we will see..

Lam-My said...

Ah-ha! These two never say die...Reminds me of : 'Romeo Romeo wherefore art thou' lol!...'wherefore' means why not where. I think if Sauli can get a work will help their love re-surge from the doldrums. lwl!

Shelagh said...

Awh so hope they have rekindled their love for each other,I have said before they are soulmates,and have known each other a long time,would absolutely love them to run off to Bali and just get married,so hope they spend time together on Adam's world tour as it would be lovely knowing he has Sauli there after the concerts to relax with,and Sauli is good friends with Terrance as well so my wish is for them to have a fabulous time together 💕

MINNIE said...

Love their still having a strong connection. I too think they are still growing and evolving and it's great that Adam has a chance to relax after working so hard lately. Wishing the best for these guys and really hoping/wishing things could work out.

Lam-My said...

Don't Cry For Me Argentina...Bert and Saul...

An antique Viking ship was swirling and tossing in the turbulent Baltic Sea. A Viking by the name of Bert Fiero was trying to keep his ship on course. Alas, the ship's hull got stuck in a huge advancing iceberg. Bert Fiero panicked but managed to release a fiery flare into the sky to signal sos! He waited for almost an hour...His strength was fast depleting in the icy cold Baltic. Suddenly, he saw a man flying towards him in a jetpack. Whoa! Bert waved frantically and the jetpacker hovered above the fast sinking Viking ship.

He then lowered a cable in an attempt to heave Bert up. The cable was blown wildly about in the gusty storm. There was no way Bert could get hold of his only lifeline. The jetpacker knew he had to work fast as the ship's hull was already tilting at 45 degrees below the freezing water.
He zoomed down directly towards Bert, extended his hand to catch his. After several failed attempts, Bert finally caught hold of the jetpacker's gloved hand. He was very strong, pulled Bert up; then with much deftness, strapped him to his jetpack.They zoomed away to safety. Bert fell in and out of consciousness and suddenly heard a familiar song in the wind...

Don't cry for me-e-e Sauli
The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance...

They landed on a remote island. Bert was exhausted and konked out on the sand. When he came to...a low, heartwarming voice greeted him. The expert jetpacker introduced himself as Saul Bond. Bert was so grateful to Saul Bond who saved his life; he would have frozen to death if he had fallen into the turbulent sea, strewn with icebergs.
Since then, Bert and Saul became very close fact, it might have been destiny; they fell in love one night under a magnificent display of aurora borealis; sealed with a kiss.
Alas, as time went on, they saw less and less of each other, due to their own commitments and soon drifted apart. The strange thing though...they never really broke up...Mmm, I see a restored Viking ship anchored in the far-off horizon...lwl!

September 24, 2015 at 8:44 PM (1st print)

p/s: 'Argentina' changed to Sauli ; Anne Marie's input.