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UAE's "The National" Newspaper Interviews Adam Lambert

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Posted at : Tuesday, February 09, 2016

In advance of Adam Lambert's appearance at Dubai's biggest music festival, Redfest DBX, on February 12th, the United Arab Emirates' (UAE) government-owned newspaper The National today published a feature/interview with Adam.

"This year, Lambert is gearing up for a third major tour with the group, performing at 15 summer festivals across Europe, jointly billed as Queen + Adam Lambert (although sticking to performing the band’s back catalogue).

'I didn’t expect it to go on this long,' says the singer. '[Queen’s] Brian May and Roger Taylor are just so kind to me, they’re really supportive and really let me have a lot of freedom with the songs, which I didn’t expect at all.'"