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Adam Lambert Instagram: #blacklivesmatter

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, July 7, 2016

Posted at : Thursday, July 07, 2016

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

 Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

Adam has an incredibly diverse group of personal friends. When the terrible news of the past day hit the air, it made me think that the more we actually get to know each other in a personal way, the more likely we are to support each other in concrete ways when we face prejudice and violence. This rampage of gun violence must be stopped somehow. No easy answers.

Dee R Gee said...

Adam has an incredibly diverse group of personal friends. When the terrible news of the past day hit the air, it made me think that the more we actually get to know each other in a personal way, the more likely we are to support each other in concrete ways when we face prejudice and violence. This rampage of gun violence must be stopped somehow. No easy answers.

Anne Marie said...

Adam is very idealistic. He seems to be deeply touched by the hatefulness in the world today. This is nothing new, from the beginning of time this hate , which equals sin, has been going on. Nobody can change it, we can look to ourselves and try to put out more love, but the world as a whole will never change. getting rid of all the guns, will not help, there will still be all the hate, that is in the nature of mankind. Adam has received a lot of hate personally, and that did not involve guns, thank goodness. There will never be a sinless world. Adam had better be careful, he is on his soap box right now, which might instill in some people to hate him, more than they did before. People do pray for peace, but it has been an unanswered prayer. I am thinking that Adam's next album is going to be all about peace and hate, and equal rights. He mentioned he is working on some new songs for his album. This might be a good move on his part, to get the word out. He has written some songs about equal rights for gay people, there is a need for equal rights for all people.

nancdruu2 said...

Adam has never backed away from anything and he's not going to start now. If we don't speak up about the horror that is happening, there will be no one to listen. I think Adam is saying, if you hate what is happening, unite and change may come. Be your true self. Don't be afraid to speak up for your friends and all humanity.

Lam-My said...
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glitzylady said...

I'm proud of Adam for using his voice as a celebrity and as fellow human being, one who gives a damn about his fellow humans, no matter what their color, race, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.. In this particular case, he's most likely speaking out, like other celebrities, and other people of conscience, against the recent killings (added to those further back in time) of black men, in particular by police officers, and police officer wannabe's, who may have overreacted, overstepped their bounds in situations that may have been averted. The Black Lives Matter meme, movement, whatever you want to call it, is sometimes unfortunately misunderstood by those who wish to place it under the more general heading of All Lives Matter, which in reality and in the broadest sense of the meaning is VERY true of course, because we all matter, each one of us, but also at the same time, perhaps ignores the tragic events, the inequality in some cases, that brought about the Black Lives Matter movement about.

Adam has posted several statements on his Facebook and on this one above, on his Instagram acct.. Some fans have agreed with him, understood what he is saying, understand WHY he is supporting Black Lives Matter, and have given his words their support. Others, and most likely some internet trolls, perhaps haters, have told him it's none of his business, that he has no right to say anything about it, to stick to singing, etc.. etc.. To shut up..

It takes a certain amount of courage for a celebrity who is in the public eye, who is visible in the media, etc.. to speak out, to speak his mind and his heart.. Because it can have ramifications.. sometimes being targeted by those who hate.. But to believe in something so strongly, when joined by other people with strong convictions, just might bring more attention to the problem and perhaps in some small way, or even big way, help to make things better.. Let us hope so.

I commend him for it.. He grew up in a family who certainly speaks their minds (thinking of his dad Eber and brother Neil) and Adam has spent time with Dr. Brian May who is himself no stranger to speaking his mind publicly and openly about a variety of his own causes, concerns and recent events in both the UK and the world at large.. And, Adam has spent time away from the US, and has certainly heard what other people in other countries think about us here in the US.. We call ourselves "The Land Of The Free & The Home Of The Brave".. Some of us are more free than others, even now.. And some are more equal than others, sad but true.. Adam has had his share of inequality and hate thrown his way. Of course he'll speak up, speak out, for others that he sees being treated unfairly and worse..

Yes, inequality & hate have been around since time immemorial, sadly, but to sit back and say nothing, do nothing, isn't going to help either.. I think of people like Dr. Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandala who weren't afraid to speak out against inequality, about horrible treatment of their fellow human beings, particularly those who were black, non-white.. I'm not comparing Adam to these two men..but every voice can help.. Even ours here..

I'll get down off my soapbox now... :)))

Dee R Gee said...

Adam is probably one of the most well-spoken celebrities out there. I hope he continues to speak his mind on important issues. He will gain respect over time and hopefully make his human rights advocacy be a major part of his life. It's an admirable life-long activity. He is thoughtful and sensitive. He attempts to live what he says. I keep pinching myself when I think of how long it's been since Idol and he is still a rising star is so many ways.

Anne Marie said...

Dr. Brian May advocates "decency", and that is something we should be doing as we raise our children. Teach them common decency, and kindness to others, no matter their color, religion or as Adam says their "queerness", which includes physical handicaps and mental handicaps. If we do that ,then that will be doing our part in changing the hate and violence in this world. Some of us are grand parents, we can still teach our grand children this too. JMO but Eber over speaks his mind, to the point of there is only one way, his. I follow him on his twitter, and have been quite surprised at his point of view many times. On this particular point he , I am sure, agrees with Adam.