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Adam Lambert Digital Painting By creativesharka

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, December 16, 2016

Posted at : Friday, December 16, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Nanbert said...

IMO, the ORIGINAL photo that this was copied from is much better. It's right here now with me... I had downloaded it a few days ago... and Adam looks handsomer in it. This digital copy makes Adam's face seem "puffy", and bland.

Frankly, I never understand why anyone would "duplicate" a perfectly good photo in the first place.... unless one intended to incorporate it into something else, or embellish it in some way that added another dimension.... and therefore "excused" the duplication to a certain extent.

Often portrait artists will use a photo, or photos, as a "guide", but a good portrait artist improves on and enhances the subject in numerous ways beyond that photo/s.

Sorry, JMHO. On the other hand, I REALLY like creativesharka's posters. There's a real talent and flair in those.....quite exceptional!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

I wish I had @creativesharka talent ... even my stick people drawings beg for help!! My fave so far is still the one of ADAM & Freddie ... chilling & beautiful ... marvelous concept!! Keep up the good work Sharka!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anne Marie said...

I love Sharka's work, but I don't understand why he took a very good picture of Adam and made him look like he belongs to another race. There I said it. Sorry , hope I haven't insulted anyone.