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Adam Lambert on Terrancespencer and madamejeuge Instagram Stories, March 14 2017

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Posted at : Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS 



Nanbert said...

Good Grief! Adam IS a Party-Animal! That's fine....except for one thing....a lot of that partying seems to take place in VERY LOUD nightspots. And I worry about the damage such loud music could have on Adam's hearing.... since all studies show that loud noises have a cumulatively destructive effect on hearing.

By all accounts, Adam has very acute hearing, which is a very important factor contributing to his extraordinary pitch-perfect voice. Damage to his hearing could cause damage to his voice --- it's all rolled up in the same package!

Notice when he's performing, he wears earpieces, and has a sound technician constantly adjusting the sound Adam receives in them... at Adam's direction...with a great deal of precision. Those earpieces protect Adam's ears (especially in front of Queen's huge sound) AND allows Adam to "hear" his own voice within that mixture so he can maintain the vocal accuracy that he is famous for.

I hope/wish he would wear some ear protection in all those loud nightspots he regularly visits. Once hearing is damaged, it doesn't return.