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Adam Lambert mention: “American Idol” Returning Next Year—But Will Ryan Seacrest Host?

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, May 6, 2017

Posted at : Saturday, May 06, 2017

Sources tell Entertainment Tonight that while there have been no formal discussions, Seacrest, who might be a machine, is open to accepting the gig.
It’s also rumored that Kelly Clarkson, who won the show’s first season, may join the reboot as a judge.
Idol, which featured Ellen DeGeneres as a judge for one season, launched the careers of numerous LGBT artists, including Adam Lambert and Clay Aiken, although they didn’t discuss their sexuality until the competition was over. Former finalists Rayvon Owen and David Hernandez both came out publicly as gay last year.


Adam Lambert mention: “American Idol” Returning Next Year—But Will Ryan Seacrest Host?  

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Nanbert said...

What a charming, relaxed and handsome Adam in this photo.....This is SO HIM!

Well, if American Idol starts up again, that'll guarantee Adam some American TV exposure... lots, I hope, on AI.

Also, I guess it's always possible that Adam might be tapped as a judge. Although, between Queen and his own music there might not be enough time. He did, however, mamage to squeak in X-Factor Australia who knows? Hope springs eternal.