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Adam Lambert's Newly Updated Instagram BIO/Header "....I Love My Life...." PLUS MORE!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Monday, August 28, 2017

Posted at : Monday, August 28, 2017

Adam Lambert's newly updated Instagram BIO/header

ADAMLAMBERT "Lead singer for QUEEN, Solo Artist on Warner Bros Records, some actin gigs too! Out as fuck. I love my life."

Please note that Adam has changed the wording from "out as fuck" to "out AF". See the embedded tweet below. 

Adam Lambert on Instagram LINK HERE

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

Y'know, I have to admit. Sometimes I worry about Adam's career with all its ups and downs. I call myself an eternal optimist, but I'm not always successful. But this IG header just makes me feel so good! Adam is happy. He's in a good place. I know we all want him to get a really big hit song, and I'm sure he does, too. But he is doing fine. He's happy and healthy and loved. His career is taking many ups and downs and I'm so glad I am on this exciting ride!

Nanbert said...

Agreed Dee R Gee...we all want the best for Adam, but we always seem to want more.

But the MOST important thing of all to hear directly from him is..."I love my life"! It makes my heart sing!

With that in mind, let's all try to stop wanting so much for Adam....just relax, and enjoy his life along with him....and be euphoric that he's so happy. What a gift that is!...for him...for us.

Just stop and think about everything that has happened since American Idol.It's been a whirlwind! But now Adam doesn't have to prove anything to anyone anymore.

Now let's take time to "savor"...along with Adam.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

I'm with you Dee R Gee .. I'm a worry wart too & I keep thinking of ADAM as that cute young boy that I first saw on AI .. but he's not that boy anymore is he?? He's a grown-ass man & he knows what he wants & where he wants to go!! Intelligent .. Handsome .. Personable & above all he doesn't like to be told what to do .. he has a good head on those gorgeous shoulders & can sing rings around any other male singer on the planet!! There I Said It!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence, I love Adam's life, too.

krismidas said...

Ditto to all of the comments above! Thrilled that Adam loves his life; so glad I get to follow his journey.

Dee R Gee said...

This is what happens when you follow someone very closely. You get to really know them and love them for themselves, not just for their record sales or the number of awards shows they go to. I'm so glad I discovered him. He makes my life richer.

The Dark Side said...

I think Adam is making a statement with this I'm Out as Fuck in retaliation to the backsliding going on in this Country. Today we have that IDIOT Coukter proclaiming the floods in Texas are due to gays. It's all horsesh*t of course but if it bothers me how must Adam feel? Hope he's not consuderi g moving out of the Country--the grass is usually not greener.

Nanbert said...

Yes, we all feel that way. But...think about it... that's ALL due to Adam. He has chosen to share himself with us...openly and honestly. He let's us "IN". We are not JUST fans, but friends.

I love Adam's life, too!...So happy he's in a good place!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Tell Coulter that the floods in Texas have nothing to do with the gays except maybe because people like her refuse to believe that they are just as good as if not better than their ILK!! I wouldn't have someone like that b**ch but I would embrace someone as warm & loving as ADAM & cherish their friendship FOREVER!! If anything .. GOD is angry because of the hatred, bigotry & bias that we have going on here & all over the world!! Hit your knees & ask HIM for forgiveness for your small mindedness & ask for forgiveness too for those who taught you to think that way!! Take THAT to CHURCH!! Miss Holier than Thou!!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)