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INFO Queen + Adam Lambert @ Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, AU #2 (3-3-18) - Poster, World Clock, Streams

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, March 2, 2018

Posted at : Friday, March 02, 2018

INFO Queen + Adam Lambert @ Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne, Australia - Concert #2 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Unofficial Poster
World Clock LINK HERE
Streams - see links in the tweet below 

Concert start time in Melbourne, AU is 8:15 PM (Sat. evening)
US West Coast time is 1:15 AM (Sat. morning)
US East Coast time is 4:15 AM    "           "

UNOFFICIAL POSTER @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert 03.03.18 – Melbourne, AU 
Photo Credit: @eden_writes 
Poster Design: @tinvei1 (augenpoesie)

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Anonymous said...

Review from the 1st Melbourne concert ...........

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Great Concert!! Great stream #GREATRECEPTION!! Wonderful FUN TIME!! Thanx for posting!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Dee R Gee said...

That review is a good one. And I have to agree about WWFM. I know it was Adam's first hit, but I always felt it was rather plodding and unexciting. JMO of course. I would pick a different Adam song to include in the QAL show. Like Shady or even Pick U Up or These Boys. Something more upbeat and risky. But it looks like WWFM is part of the show, at least for a while. The QAL shows have been fabulous! Adam is in his element. I sure hope that his own tour has the same energy and excitement. It think it will.

blu said...

Agree with you Dee R Gee on WWFM . . . FYE one of my favorites and Shady too!

Nanbert said...

Agree with you both, Dee R Gee and Blu...WWFM is not very "rock"-y, and doesn't seem to fit as well as other songs might. I think "Lucy" would be a good replacement...especially since Brian has a red-hot solo section in there already.

And about the above's kind of strange. First it says "Adam Lambert is perfect for the role"....but later says "Adam Lambert does Freddie Mercury more convincingly than he does Adam Lambert"... what does the reviewer mean by that? Is he hinting that Adam is imitating Freddie, when we all know he's not?

Another strange part of the review was the included video of the center (pre-recorded) section ...only...of BoRap.... completely EXCLUDING the first and third sections in which Adam sang.... quite deliberately presented that way for the readers of the article. Seems a bit "snarkey" to me.

I suspect that the reviewer is a disgruntled Freddie fan, and is still having trouble completely accepting Adam, although he intellectually knows, and says, he "is perfect for the role". Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Paul Cashmere who wrote that article is a music journalist so it's strange he didn't know about WWFM.

Whatever, here is a review from the ADELAIDE February 27 concert. There's mention of Pink & WWFM too but it's a good review ............

Nanbert said...

Agreed, fluttsp, all in all a good review. It's interesting to note how often the reviews lately refer to Adam's "I'm not Freddy...I'm a fan" if it somehow helps them feel that they're not disrespecting Freddie if they accept/complement Adam...and are finally "freed" to give him great reviews (which he certainly earns/deserves!).

But I was struck by the reviewer's lack of comment on "Who wants to Live Forever" such an amazing display of Adam's vocal prowess....considering how many songs he did refer to in the review.

And, of course, he also got it confused about the "Pink song... WWFM".

Anonymous said...

WWFM was originally recorded for Pink's "Funhouse" album but didn't make the final cut .... & then it was given to Adam. However, Pink included it exclusively on her international releases of her "Greatest Hits ... So Far!!!" album so maybe that's where the confusion lies.

Nanbert said...

That's right....I forgot about that. It's strange that she gave it to Adam for a album and then proceeded to include it in an album of her own. I'll have to listen to her rendition sometime...she does have a good voice.

That certainly would explain the reviewers' confusion about the song.