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Adam Lambert on IG: We Will Rock the OSCARS 🔥 Feb 24th. 5pm PST. @theacademy @officialqueenmusic

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, February 18, 2019

Posted at : Monday, February 18, 2019

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

So-o-o-o-o exciting! Can't wait!

Note: It seems like lately Adam has been doing all sorts of prestigious performances that I "can't wait" for. The USA is catching up to what an iconic performer he is!

The more he's seen, the more people will want to see him....WE know from experience, don't we?

Sunflower said...

Very exciting, I need to tell my brothers and in laws to watch the awards so they can see QAL perform and realize why I'm cuckoo for Adam Lambert!!! Lol

Nanbert said...

So Sunflower...your relatives think you're a "nut" too? I keep hoping I'll finally convince mine that he is more than just "SPECIAL", he's ICONIC...but I have to get them to listen to more of his they will finally understand...and become addicted like me!

I guess there's a bit of danger for Adam... singing with Queen at the Oscars honoring the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody", which features Freddie Mercury so prominantly. I'm sure the Freddie and Marc Martel trolls will be popping up in crowds. But, at the same time, a new crop of Glamberts will be born....and that's Adam's winning card! Seeing him in his "element" (QAL) is pretty convincing and eye-opening, IMO.

I hope QAL is able to reproduce its big "tour" abiance...considering the space and time involved. But their "team" is very inventive -- especially the lighting.

Magiclady said...

OMG I am sooo excited !
I have been texting all of my friends to be sure and tune in!
Maybe some of them that are kind of on the fence about my love of Adam, will see what an amazing performer he really is.

Sunflower said...

I'M too excited but I posted in another thread that Queen and Adam Lambert are going to open the show! Saw this announcement on television a few minutes ago. Yes Nanbert I want my family to watch QAL, they last saw Adam perform during American Idol days, can you imagine? Lol