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Adam Lambert On Instagram: Photo Of Adam 🌴🍏 by πŸ“Έ@lukefontana & IG Story "Happy Bday Party Javi Costa Polo (Video)

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, April 21, 2019

Posted at : Sunday, April 21, 2019

Adam Lambert On Instagram: Photo Of Adam 🌴🍏 by πŸ“Έ@lukefontana & IG Story "Happy Bday Party Javi Costa Polo" (VIDEO)

A post shared by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on

Adam's Instagram story/Video "Happy Bday Party @javicostapolo"

Adam's Instagram post: photo by @lukefontana

Posted by @glitzylady for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

Oh My! Adam's shoes look like they might glow in the dark! I like his outfit. Looks comfy for lounging around the house.

Dee R Gee said...

He is definitely going for the comfy look. That man can look sexy in just about anything.

NoName said...

Aladdin 😁. Funny but I don't find this look sexy/hot at all. Comfy, yes.

Sue Smith said...

The man does not have to look like a sex machine every minute. It's a pool type party. Dont know if any body is actually swimming are not. Javi hair at one point looked a bit wet.
In my opinion he could wear a potato sack and still be the sexiest man in the crowd.
Adam is just a naturally sexy man its not all in the clothes he wears. However he always looks.good to me.
He looks very nice in his high end duds. But sometimes you just want to relax and have a good time and be in your comfortable stuff

NoName said...

@Sue Smith: It's only my opinion. I just think clothes, hair etc. mean a lot when I decide who is hot. And those harem -pants and messy -look and facial hair do not appeal me. For instance Napa Valley Nov 2012 outfit, hair and face were perfect and one of the sexiest outfits he has had IMO. Yes, potatoe sack would be as good a choice when I think sexyness as this Alddin -look outfit if he had that facial hair which hides his beautiful face, LOL. And those shoes, awfull. I know it was a pool party but Javi had better outfits this time. (altho he is too thin and "boyish" to my taste to be sexy, sorry). I must crawl under a rock with my opinions, I guess.

glitzylady said...

Everyone is welcome to their opinions. But regarding the sexy-ness of Adam, specifically his outfit here, his hair, his facial hair: Sexy-ness isn't just about that. He's beautiful/handsome, however you wish to put it, with or without the facial hair, whatever he's wearing, because he's beautiful where it counts too, on the inside, who he is as a person.

I happen to like his current look. I also have liked all of his other "looks" over the years. It's who he is as a human being that is what I care most about. I've seen him up close and personal more than once, and I can guarantee you, he is always a stunningly handsome man. But I've been a fan for 10 years because of who he is as a person that matters to me. And his amazing voice is nice too.. :)))))

Angeladam said...

NoName have to agree I hated the green, 'Ali Baba/ MC Hammer (rapper from the 80's who sang "Hammer Time")outfit thought it looked dreadful tbh !
Glitzy of course Adam is a very sexy man,regardless of what he wears ! and usually looks fab in whatever he wears, but for me nah didn't do it !
Sue, yes it was a pool party, when I go/ have one ( when the weather is good in the uk lol) we all just chill in casual stuff, but I guess he's a celebrity , and feels he has to keep up appearances? Also of course it was Javi's B'Day, he looked more relaxed in the dungarees afterwards,as for Javi, erm again, I think he's (IMO) turning into a bit of a 'diva' , of course he's loving all the attention showered on him by Adam, (who wouldn't?) but it would have been manners for him to have thanked Adam in front of all their friends for his amazing party, instead of just skipping off with his cake , someone actually mentioned that( manners to thank Adam) on his IG and got called out for having the audacity suggest he should, I found that ridiculous ! Also, I know he's very young (but also, as we're always reminded on here he's highly intelligent and clever ! ) but I feel he's beginning to be a bit more pretentious , such as "show some love to your Birthday boy" hello Javi, you're Adam's boyfriend NOT the celebrity ! His IG story from his fashion shoot, again he looks as though he was so in love with himself, he couldn't stop looking at himself on his phone, even when the makeup artist was doing her best !
Yes he has got beautiful eyes, no question, which looked beautiful made up, but the rest of the makeup yuk, and far too think but then if he wants to be a skeletal model then so be it I suppose ! what happened to the nice normal looking guy, we saw back in November,? I sadly think the glitz, glamour, money, and of course the weed has gone to his head in more ways than one ! ( he was so obviously stoned at his party so sad ) just not liking the way he's beginning to be sorry

Sue Smith said...

Really, really harsh. I just dont see this man Javi in this way. He seems sweet to me. He gave Adam a kiss for that plate of goodies. We have no idea how he thanked Adam for that party.
I do not understand how any person can judge so harshly on a few pictures.
I rarely go on IG but when I have most people are very nice about Javi.
There will always be judgemental unk9nd people in this world.
They had every right to object to any unkindness shown on Adam Instagram towards some man Adam seems to care alot about.
I though Adam looked fine and comfortable he was not at a big celeb gathering where he has to look as great as possible. He was with their friends at his beautiful new home celebrating the BD of his BF.
Correction the word above was unkind oviously hit wrong keys.
I'm not hear to argue you all are entitled to your opinion. You dont agree with me I dont agree with you life will continue on.we do not always have to agree. I'm with GL on this one.
That was here not hear wrong spelling for the sentence.
Wish them both happiness because I have not seen Adam this happy in a very long time. Their seems to be a contentment and sweetness about Adam right now that is very attractive.

Lori said...

I think Adam look fine and as for Javi...he's young Ladies and he'll learn just give him timeπŸ™‚

Sue Smith said...

Yes I think they both are very attractive sweet men. He is young he not a child he not a baby.
I totally agree give him some time to adjust to this kind of life.
I think Adam from the day he was born it was in the stars to be a star.
However he certainly had his ups and downs and adjustments to it all. He seem to be doing fantastic now. He had his learning periods and low points however seem to all be coming together now. Javi will make mistakes and learn justice the rest of us. The only difference is he be judged by millions we were not that makes it even harder.
He will be fine I believe. Just because Adam is rich does not mean he cant not mean he cant be loved for being Adam he a very lovable guy.
I'm sure he has experianced that and does know the difference now.
Correction that was just as the rest of us not justice.
Ok I've said enough on this subject.

Sunflower said...

What the hell Angeladam? Were you at the party? Were you? I don't think so! I am 100% Javi thanked everyone at the party, he is not turning into a diva, he was having fun, dancing and mingling with everyone there. A few drinks or stoned as YOU say, I too would act silly because it's my special day. I think Adam and Javi both looked amazing and for our Alladin comment, he could pass for a Disney Prince with that look and that's fine with me! Javi being too skinny ALL MODELS ARE SKINNY! I loved his photo shoot pictures by the way!

Sunflower said...

Corrections, 100% sure, your Alladin comment.

Sunflower said...

Umm, Aladdin is the correct spelling, I use to be better at spelling. Haha

Sue Smith said...

I totally agree Sunflower. Also there is no such animal as to skinny to model. I agre with all your comment.
Javi is thin but he is not skeletal looking. Ok I we have 3 doctors appointment together in Victoria tomorrow. So I said enough. Good night.
That was agree.

glitzylady said...

I'm sorry, but your comments above left me a bit shocked to be honest. Your comments about Javi are unfortunate in my opinion. You clearly do not approve of him. That's fair of course, because that's how you seem to feel. But perhaps a bit unfair too. To Adam, to Javi.

I have to say that I find the suggestion that he "should have thanked Adam for his party" to be extremely "entitled" in that we have seen some snippets of the party, we were not there. We have absolutely no right to inform Javi, Adam or anyone else who was there what they "should" have done. We saw just tiny pieces of what happened at the party. We are honestly very privileged, all things considered, to have seen even one minute of Adam's private party for his friends and his boyfriend. It's comments like those, particularly when posted on that celeb's social media page, in that case Instagram, that make celebrities just keep everything to themselves and not share with us. Javi reads the comments on his IG posts, and some of them (not many but always some) are just cringeworthy at times. I was struck by how happy, content, joyful, relaxed, and clearly in love Adam is with Javi in the little bits that we saw. Both Adam & Javi looked like they were having a wonderful time at the party. It makes my heart happy for both of them. How they conduct their lives is their business. It was a party, not a church service. Drinks were undoubtedly available. And a bit of legal weed. It was not a made-for-fans event. We were not invited, but we are appreciative of the sharing of some of the moments. At least most of us are. I don't expect anything from Adam when it comes to parties at his home, other than he has a good time with those friends he loves. And who love him. He's going to get very very busy starting now, so good for him for having a great time in his very own safe and happy place.

I also would suggest to you and others who somehow feel that Javi is becoming a diva or whatever negative term you and others think Javi is becoming: I call BS. I was personally impressed with his recent photo shoot. He's a beautiful young man, emphasis on man (i.e. not "boy"), and why shouldn't he take advantage of the fact that he's in Los Angeles, he has some amazing opportunities to have his own career, make his own money, perhaps as a model, with his fairly tall but young male model-esque physique and his good looks. Young male models are typically on the slim side. He certainly isn't too thin. And watching him dancing around at the party, clearly having a wonderful time, surrounded by friends, was lovely to watch. His life must feel incredible right now.

As for Adam's choice of outfits for the party.. Good grief it's his home, his party, his friends. He's never been one to go all GQ conservative, except when he has to i.e. prestigious awards shows, etc.. Let the guy be comfortable, wear some not-so-sexy baggy clothes so he can just ENJOY LIFE!!! And enjoy his friends, his boyfriend, his new and spectacular home. I for one really loved seeing little bits of his new surroundings, his very special and very personalized environment that he's spent the past year customizing to make it his own.. And for us to see little windows into his world, his life. We should feel happy about that opportunity, and perhaps refrain from criticizing him, his boyfriend, his world, because that's what it is, HIS world. Not ours.

Sue Smith said...

I wrote pretty much what you wrote GL. However erased it did not want to argue and I wont do it ever again. But people acting so entitled like this make it so hard. Got go to dr. Have nice day.

Sue Smith said...

That way I refuse to argue again.

Angeladam said...

Just to address my comments and CERTAINLY don't want to argue either !!

Sue Smith I DID not say Javi was skeletal, I SAID "if he wanted to be a skeletal model so be it " different from saying he was already at that point, which he clearly isn't but is thin as YOU also said.

Sunflower, you sarcastically questioned was I there at the party? of course I wasn't, but when you then said "I'm 100% sure Javi thanked everyone at the party" was that an actual fact?? as we are being so picky here, were YOU there at the party ?? WERE YOU ??? I'm presuming you weren't so it's a bit of a hypocritical comment to make towards me,so please don't criticise me if you don't know any different!!!

Glitzy I don't understand why you are 'so shocked' tbh, I said I hated Adam's outfit which I did, I didn't criticise his face, hair or anything like that,in fact I recall I said he was a sexy man regardless of what he wears didn't I ??

I presume you didn't think Javi was a bit overconfident (use a better word than presumtious) when he said on his IG "Show some love to your Birthday boy ",LOTS did, but obviously their comments were deleted (NONE were mine btw, I just look and laugh at some of them )
I have to disagree about the fashion shoot, had he not been looking into his phone near enough constantly, it would have been a lot better,I've never seen models continually doing this on a photo shoo, so he does love looking at himself I also remarked on Javi's beautiful eyes, which were as I said beautifully made up, just thought the very pale make up was yuk !! I DID NOT call him a boy, I called him nice ordinary guy when he first appeared in November, sadly I standby( as I repeated over and over that my comments) were IN MY OPINION he's turning into a Hollywood diva, and loving all the glitz, glamour and money associated with being a celbrities boyfriend, I'm presumimg( but obviously Sunflower I don't know 100%,) that he couldn't afford all the designer clothes( the names of which he ALWAYS adds to his IG posts), photo shoots etc without being with Adam ? so while I am shocked at being 'told off', I'll crawl back under my stone , this blog seems to me to be turning into Adam's and Javi's total appreciation site, where nobody can do anything but idolise both of them bit like their Instagram accounts, however lots of fans are of the same mind as me.I want Adam to be happy, I certainly don't disapprove of Javi, just think he's trying to become the celebrity he's so definitely not !

You call any negative comments BS, well I have to say it seems to me that some of the fans for both Adam and Javi seem to be doing a lot of that recently
I don't want a fight on here and I honestly apologise for any offence caused, I certainly think some on here are allowed to say whatever they want without any recourse. but that's my opinion again

Angeladam said...

Glitzy just to correct you I didn't say he SHOULD have thanked Adam, I said "It WOULD
have been manners to thank him" over here in the UK when a Birthday cake is presented that's when the person usually thanks the party giver at that point ( well in most of the big parties I've attended)that's all I mean't !

glitzylady said...

My point was this: for all we know, Javi DID thank Adam for the party, publicly at the party (and privately as well...). . As I said above, we only saw brief moments from the party which I assume lasted for hours. It’s unfair to Javi, to Adam, or anyone for that matter to assume we know everything that happened, everything that was said, or in that case, wasn’t said, based on only those brief vids shared by other party goers. “Would” or “should”, regardless of the verbiage, it’s unfair, wouldn’t you agree, to assume that no thanks were given simply because we didn’t personally hear the words spoken.

Allysa Mentor said...

OMG, talk about picking people apart, a play by play of the party, of the clothes, the way people acted..........pretty bad in my opinion. Adam was at home, surprised he didn’t have sweats on, and I love the way Jack gave Adam a peck and touched his face. Super sweet. Bring the hate on, i’ll Expect it. Some are way too judgemental

Allysa Mentor said...

Javi not Jack

Sue Smith said...

AMEN to that Allysa Metor. Judgemental is putting it mildly.

Sue Smith said...

Yhat was Mentor.

Sue Smith said...

The word was that not yhat.