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NEW ADAM LAMBERT SINGLE! "Please Come Home For Christmas"

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Thursday, December 5, 2019

Posted at : Thursday, December 05, 2019

And, we have yet another new spectacular single from Adam Lambert ... and just in time for Christmas!*  It is the studio recorded version of "Please Come Home For Christmas," a tune originally co-written (with Gene Redd) and performed by blues singer Charles Brown in 1960, and which Adam performs live on CBS' "Home For The Holidays" special on December 22nd, hosted by Idina Menzel.  This YouTube video containing the song was posted by user Mark Varley, who is wonderfully creative with the images.  I have a feeling Adam's version of this song is now going to be one of those perennial holiday favorites!

*With apologies to my fellow admin, Glitzylady I inadvertently neglected to recall that she had already created a post on this originally last week HERE.  This post merely contains the song from the Spotify playlist she referred to, extracted and created into its own YouTube video.


Patria said...

I'm dead

Sunflower said...

Adam is the Master of Covers I swear! He is a genius who can literally take any song, any song from another artist and tweak it a bit and yet do justice to the song and "Bam"! I'm familiar with The Eagles version and I like it BUT Adams version is way more cooler and fresh and more fun to listen to! Adam is there anything "you can't do"? Ahhh he's Mr. Wonderful!!!

Sunflower said...

Broddybounce, when this "Home for The Holidays" special was taped, there were a few fans who attended the show and these same fans have said that Adam sang "Closer To You", NOT "Please Come Home For Christmas.

broddybounce said...

Interesting! But maybe he's singing more than one song... Maybe he's gets to do his own song and then sings a few Christmas songs with the rest of the cast.

Dee R Gee said...

Yeah, I was a bit confused, too. I just assumed that on a Christmas special he would sing "Please Come Home For Christmas," but apparently not. Closer To You can certainly have a holiday vibe because of its message about wanting to be with someone you love.

It sure sounds like we'll be seeing him sing CTY. I'm ok with that. It would be great if he did sing another song, even if it was with other singers. Doesn't sound like it, though. We'll soon see!

broddybounce said...

Guys, on Christmas specials they usually let the guest artists sing one of their own songs, and then sing Christmas songs solo and/or with the host and/or other guests. I'm not sure where you guys are seeing that that is the only song he will be singing (even though I just put up a new post containing a preview clip of ... "Closer To You"!). Unless they severely cut the special for time, I will be stunned if Adam doesn't also sing "Please Come Home For Christmas" AND at least a duet or a group sing.

Mi Re La said...


Mi Re La said...

BILBOARD - "Adam Lambert Finally Released His Spine-Tingling Cover of Cher's 'Believe"
"Put on a sweater, because the studio version of Adam Lambert's cover of Cher's 1998 smash "Believe" will send chills down your whole body. "

Mi Re La said...

A sneak peek of @adamlambert singing #CloserToYou
A Home for the Holidays with Idina Menzel

Angeladam said...

I think 'Home for Christmas' should get to number 1 for Christmas !!, honestly that cover and Cher's 'Believe' are the best two covers I've ever heard !!

Sue Smith said...

Those 2 covers are soooooo good. They are on another level of ecstacy for the ears. Are either the Christmas song or Believe Cher cover for sale. I know they are up to stream on spotify and other streaming services. What about for sale on Google play or itunes.
I have a android phone so I believe have to get the songs of Adam on google play. In other words can we buy it.

Patria said...

Sue "Believe" is available on iTunes. I just purchased it. AND it is at #10 on the iTunes chart.

creamtangerine said...

A GOLDEN voice all the way.