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One more show left! Adam talks about his album and what he'll do after the tour!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 14, 2009

Posted at : Monday, September 14, 2009

There's one more show left of the American Idol Tour 2009! After tonight's concert at the War Memorial Center in New York Syracuse, the final show will be held at the Verizon Wireless Arena at Manchester!

According to a new interview, Adam said, "We'll jump right into recording after the tour. It will be a lot of work," says Lambert, who added that he's "co-written in large handfuls" for the album.

Asked about the style of his first album, he said he came up with his own perfect description just last night.

"It is a sonic dress-up party," Lambert says. "It has it's theatricality. It has a pop vein. It's very catchy and radio-friendly. It has a lot of rock elements, and dance elements."

Lambert says he's convinced that his appearance on "American Idol" has brought him to a status he'd not have achieved otherwise.

"The music business now is so tough," he says. "To be signed (to a record deal) you have to be a sure thing. I thought the only way I could make it would be to have a platform like 'American Idol.' "

His debut recording is half finished, Lambert says.

In a different interview, Adam said that before Idol, he was making a good living as, in his words, a "chorus boy" and understudy, but wanted to go in a different direction. He took a shot at Idol because he thought the national TV might land him better gigs. He said at each point in the process, he was surprised that he had progressed to the next level, but that in January, he had what he described as an "epiphany" where he knew he needed to think positively.

When asked if he'd seen Lady GaGa's performance on the VMAs and he lit up! He truly admire her theatrical style and when I asked if he saw himself as a similar type of artist, he nodded. He's excited about the future and can't wait for the next phase to begin.


Anonymous said...

I'm counting the days till i can buy his album. Same feeling I got every week of waiting for him sing on A.I., the suspense is killing me!!

Lissa said...

I am actually relieved to see the end of the tour - now Adam can concentrate on his real career and life and we get an entire CD of originals - love him so much

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lissa. I am actually relieve to hear that it is the end of the American Idol road. Now Adam doesn't have to be associated with AI. He's onto different things and better things.