New Information About Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen
Filed Under (Love Life,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Thursday, February 17, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, February 17, 2011

A long FINNISH article came out today and it explains in detail about Adam and Sauli and how they met each other.
The article was translated by Aquariusfin.
Sauli Koskinen, the most famous boy friend in town.
Sauli is the Cinderella story of the city’s gay communityr. Walter de Camp is looking for his shoe.
Once upon a time on an evening on November 6th American Idol star Adam Lambert has had a sold out gig at Kaapelitehdas. It had raised emotions with his fans. Jenng from Hyvinkää explains in her blog:
“When Adam came on stage, I started to cry and scream and I was completely hysterical.” After the concert ended Jenng writes:
“Adam is not coming back to the stage and the gig was over. I cried.”
After the concert Adam Lamberg and his entourage head into the Helsinki night. With him he has band members, dancers and other personnel as well as his tour manager and a couple of Finnish record company representatives. They head to the VIP section of Teatteri (a night club, where a lot of the local celebrities go).There are no sightings of Sauli Koskinen at this point. Sauli had not gotten himself a back stage pass to Adam’s concert. Cristal Snow (the owner of Jenny Woo) assures that Sauli had not met Adam May 2010 when Adam visited Stockmann (the department store he did his signing).
“I know this for sure”, says Cristal. As the evening turned past midnight, Adam and his entourage moved from Teatteri to Jenny Woo. The host of Jenny Woo says:
“Adam had visited Jenny Woo previously and his record company contacted us and asked, if Adam could visit us. And we made it possible.”
The other host at Jenny Woo, NikoLa describes the situation:
“That Saturday night in November was busy. When Adam and his group came, it brought about a small panic. We had to organize security personnel to make sure he could have any peace.”
And NikoLa continues:
“Part of the group, dancers and other crew left to go back to their hotel. A small group stayed with Adam. Record company people and his tour manager. After midnight they left and as Adam was leaving ne noticed Sauli.”
So Sauli left with the small group?
“This is my understanding and I have understood that they left on foot. Afterwards I heard that a group had followed them.” NikoLa says.
No indication that Sauli had tried to approach Adam. He didn’t go and introduce himself to Adam at his table, even though it would have been easy. Sauli played it cool.
The number is not accepting calls
So Sauli and Adam were seen walking in the dark night of November towards Adam’s hotel. There is no information about what happened or didn’t happen at the hotel (they obviously don’t know about the Bridge!). When you trace the story forward you end up in Paris.
Just as Helsinki inititally wasn’t a stop in Adam Lambert’s Glam Nation European tour, Paris wasn’t either. Anyhow, November 18 Adam performed at the sold out 700 seat Le Trabendon concert hall at Avenue Jean Jaures. It was Adam’s first visit to Paris. He sent his fans a message letting them know he had visited Notre Dame, the Louvre and Crazy Horse.
When Adam Lambert’s European tour was ove in London on Nov. 29, Adam suddenly travelled to Paris again spending days there beforer returning to the US, where he had a concert at Club Nokia Dec. 16. At the same time Sauli Koskinen travelled to Paris and Adam and Sauli were photographed there together.
In January Sauli flew to Los Angeles, where Adam Lambert lives. Adam and Sauli were photographed together for example in Disney Land.
In the beginning of February I received a text message saying: “Sauli is in Helsinki!” I started calling Sauli’s number. I heard the same voice over and over: “This number is not accepting calls.” Sauli never answered my text messages, either. He doesn’t want to be interviewed.
The biggest thing that has happened
Sauli and Adam’s relationship has raised a lot of attention in all the people in Finland, who have follower Big Brother. Everyone is assuming that Sauli and Adam are in a relationship, even though there is no actual knowledge on this. In the gay community Saulis scoop has raised as special buzz.
Ilkka Veistrom, who is in chage of gay travel advisory puts it in short:
“When Sauli attacked fame through BB and now world fame, he is actually living a princess fairytale. This is like in the British court: a common labourer all of a sudden becomes the empress of the country. We can be proud that we have a representative out in the world. Ofcourse this raises attention especially in the gay circles and a even a liitle bit of jealousy, but not the mean kind. The Wou! kind.”
A lot of gays want to talk anonymously: “In Finnish scale this must be the biggest thing ever! It is a huge deal for our country, because we have nothing we could even compare this to. Renny Harlin and Geena Davis are nothing compared to this.”
This is about an ordinary guy, a clothes store sales clerk Sauli, becoming a celebrity hunted by the paparazzi of the world.
If the BB house was full of people like Sauli
Four years ago, Sauli Koskinen was working in a clothes store in Helsinki. He was born in Hyvinkää and moved to Helsinki. Sauli has told that his father was initially poor, but has managed to get ahead in life and is currently making good money. Sauli has said, that he would like to follow his father example some day and also make money.
2007, when Sauli was still working at the clothes store, a regular female client in her 40’s started to tell Sauli to apply to Big Brother.
Mikko Räisänen was working for Metronome at that time and in charge of BB casting. He says:
“We travelled all over the country and interviewed appr. 1000 people. Sauli was one of them. The first casting interview with Sauli took a minute or two at the most before Kim Sainio, the executive director and I decided to put him into the house. The main criteria were positivity, likability and openness.”
There are always un-sympathetic people in the house as well. Is there a quouta for the sympathetic and the un-sympathetic?
“There is no quouta, but if the house was filled with people like Sauli, everyone would just be having a really fun, sympathetic and happy time together. Then we would not have any strong emotions, and as we are making reality tv, our goal is to get a diverse group of people to the house.”
Were you aware of Saulis sexual preference?
“Yeah, everything is covered very thoroughly. It had no affect, because Sauli’s main characteristic was a good resident.”
Golden Sauli
Sauli’s favourite club already from before BB has been DTM (DontTellMama). He has also visited Jenny Woo quite a lot. A lot of the DTM clients knew Sauli from before BB, and they gathered to follow Sauli’s success in the house every Sunday evening in front of the video screen.
An anonymous client contemplates BB’s affect on Sali:
“Winning BB and the money wasn’t a huge deal for Sauli. He has continued the same life he had before. Sauli was a very visible and styled personality already before BB. He has never been the most un-noticed on in a crowd. He has always had his hair done and all his accessories to ensure he looks good. After BB he just become a lot more known and especially now, after this Adama thing.!
Already after his BB victory, there was a buzz around Sauli. This is what a DTM regular tells:
“After BB it was good if he could get in through the door without hugging and answering questions. That is where I get my respect and admiration for SAuli: I have never seen or heard from anyone, that he would have been in a bad mood or not caring about the people who want to talk to him.”
No one has the least bit of a negative comment about Sauli Koskinen. Instead, everyone has something good, even touching to say about him. For example, Sauli has used his own VIP pass to help gays without VIP passes to get into gay clubs.
And Henna Kalinainen says:
“Sauli helped me once, when I was assaulted. Sauli found me in the rest room, wiped blood off of me and helped me. Sauli is really sweet.”
Maybe they found a common tune
Sauli Koskinen has never, for money or without it, said a word about Adam Lambert. He might have had to sign a nondisclosure agreement or maybe he just hasn’t had a desire to say anything.
“For starters, Sauli is not the person who wants to share every sneeze in his life to other people.” says one of Sauli’s fans.
“I have not heard from anyone that Sauli would have said anything about Adam. He appreciates his own privacy.”
If Sauli Koskinen would have opened up in DTM or Jenny Woo, even to just a single person about his relationship with Adam Lambert, the rumour mill would have started. But Sauli has not spoken.
And, when nobody knows anything, there are wonderfully romantic scenarios invented in the night clubs of Helsinki.
“It may just be that two people, who truly like each other’s company and like each other, met. I don’t think that Adam Lambert lets other people into his circle just like that.”
Eeva-Helena Jokitaipale, editor of 7 päivää magazine, how much money could Sauli Koskinen get for Adam Lambert revelations in the US?
“American magazines pay according to how hot the information is. I would think the amount could be 6 figures USD. I am sure it would be an even bigger scoop there than here. And it is a big scoop here, too. After all, there was a Stockmann full of screaming girls when Adam visited there.”
Source of Original Article: City. Fi
Source of Translation: aquariusfin @ Idol Forums
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This just made my day. Seeing Adam happy just makes me happy. Wish them both all the best! **Tosses Glitter**
Just finished reading it....
I love Sauli and Adam together. That picture always melts me inside.
Thanks for the insight. I wondered how they met. After reading about Sauli, it just made me happy that a wonderful guy like Adam found someone that is kind and thoughtful as well. They are both great looking. I hope Adam has a great time with Sauli. Sauli is used to the cameras so they have that in common which should make things easier.
So far, so good. Let's be nice and not stir things up. It appears that two nice young men met and found each other interesting.
All of Adams true fans should be content that for now he's happy.
Thank you for the translation of this article. It gives the Finnish perspective and I love it!
I also love Adam and Sauli togther. I hope they are enjoying their trip and are filling their days with love and laughter.
wow the plot thickens. Sauli sounds like a real stand up guy. Loved this story.
I respect Sauli for not going around telling the media about going out with Adam. Hope Adam is happy :)
I loved this really gives us insight in to the character of, honest, kind and caring....sounds a lot like Adam! Seems they have a lot in common. I hope their friendship flourishes and the media leaves them alone.
Adam so far, has been in relationship with people who TOTALLY respect and protect his privacy. Along with his many forms of intelligence, he has a very keen sense of understanding about human relationships seems to bring very very good people into his close personal life. Mom and Dad taught him well!!!
Just look at how no one has ever spoken publicly about their relationship with Adam. So far, none of his ex's have sold him out! He is a very spiritual person who cares deeply about relationship. I don't know him but it's so transparent when you listen to him and look in his eyes. Sauli seems cut from the same cloth, not needing to glom onto Adam in public. Both, acting like gentlemen as they are both quite well known (and both freaking gorgeous).
Wishing them both, individually and/or, together, much happiness!
Sauli seems like a very very cool and special guy!
Adam has a sixth sense about people and would not mess around with anyone. So glad that these two found like SOULS!
Really appreciate this article and hope this will calm the fans that were worried about Sauli. He seems like a trustworthy nice guy and he and Adam seem to have much in common. They both deserve time and freedom to pursue their happiness and to live their lives without interference. This for Adam, being surrounded by many people, but not having a special someone. I'm glad for any happiness they may have. funbunn40
I found this ridiculous article. Some bloggers don´t have a clue but still waste space and write in sane nonsens. The comments are funny and they all ask the obvious question: WTF?
It's really good Karma That Adam and Sauli found each other. They are Generous,evolved souls in the shark infested waters of stardom.
This is just another gossip article. But I love how this guy makes the (unconfirmed) story of how Adam basically met a guy in a bar and screwed him right after in a hotel sound like some epic romance. If this is true then all this started as a drunk hookup - lovely. Before "SOAKED" Adam says you'll never find true love in a bar. Guess he forgot about that.
True Sauli hasn't said a word about Adam and he probably won't until he gets dumped, then look out. I think Adam has very bad judgment in dating a gossip blogger & famewhore. He's getting a ton of publicity for himself and his show by riding Adam's coattails. Some Finish news article I read was gloating like Sauli bagged a big trophy. He doesn't even need to talk about Adam, just taking pics with him has gained him instant celebrity in the US where it counts. It's sad to me that almost none of the other Glamberts are even concerned about who Adam dates or if he's being used because they're so desperate to see him date anyone. All they care about is getting cute pics. I can't wait for him to lose this guy.
How long do we need to ponder how they met and how Sauli is not telling about their relationship?
vote for adam
and i love that adam is happy
Nice article and hope them treasure the moment of love! Enjoy life!
I'm kinda bored with this gossiping about their dating, but I really hope that Adam records his album here in Finland.
Max Martin is in Sweden. Just sayin´ :-)
Eva(from Stockholm, Sweden)
It is good that Adam decided to work with Max Martin again ;D
What a fascinating love story! It has so many dimensions. Hope they'll be happy forever...together..
To that negative person couple comments above. Sauli isn't after fame, that is for sure.
He actually really is a great and genuine guy, and I'm sure Adam is smart enough to tell who is only using his fame.
This article was much ado about nothing. I mean, it's just gossiping on the basis of hearsay of some random people in a bar. And what's up with those people running to the press with their so called 'information'?! If they know Sauli, they should respect his privacy and his decision not to talk to the press.
I agree with some of the comments above in that Sauli's character is at least presented in a favorable way here, but he probably won't be happy to read what moronic blabbermouths he's got for friends/acquintances.
Finnish albums are never overproduced, you know. :)
@6:00 AM Why do you think people go on a show like Big Brother? Because they are desperate to get famous and it requires no talent. Adam on the other hand and went on Idol, a singing competition, to help his music career and get to make an album. Big difference.
We have to take that story for what it is: Gossip. No one knows what happened so why speculate. I always wonder who those "friends" are on the headlines: "the friends are raging" or "the friends are worried". WHO are those friends who runs to gossip magazines raging and worrying about their celeb bf. Adams friends always have nice things to say about him. That´s a relief.
@Finnbert, the celebrity news has gone nuts. Look at the gay theme in POP culture everywhere nowadays. And I hope Adam and Sauli can find a way to manage this and enjoy life. Love them both.
I've watched Finnish Big Brother from the first season 2005 to 2009. People of all ages watch it and I can tell you it's very addictive. Didn't watch last year, the reason you might guess. xD
24/7, I think anything that has to do with Adam's private life should stay out of these conversations, but yet it wouldn't be fair to those who do want to put their noses where they don't belong, would it?
I just read, & read some more opinions of Adam's personal life everywhere, it really concerns me that even for Adam, this will if it hasn't already, get out of control. & we will for sure lose our biggest & brightest star ever to walk this earth.
6:16am, what you say is true I guess, but Sauli's not finding, yet, what is his talent or gift to share, in a vocation, does not mean he is not a good person... and what Sauli does eventually do for a living, doesn't have to be some grand thing (geez, I hate that notion) and he still can be a good person, and deserving of love from someone who just happens to possess a unique and magnificent gift like the one Adam Lambert does. It aint that deep
Adam is a grown up. He can date whoever he wants. This is so stupid that some fans think they have a right to patronize him and paint these nightmares about people with whom he is involved with.
“Sauli is really a mean monster and he ruins Adam’s life, buhuuuhuuu, he’s a famewhore, and a cold digger and too poor and even the fact that they met in a bar is so awful! They had probably been drinking and now Adam isn’t able to say no to Sauli; that actually he was just drunk and wanted to get laid. And Sauli is going to tell everything about Adam even though he hasn’t yet but he is going to; even though he hasn’t ever spoken about his private life in public, he is going to do it now…."
Blaa,blaa,blaa. It’s just stupid and very unnecessary. Let them be. He is a grown up!!! He is perfectly capable to decide himself who he wants to be with.
Well said 6:40 AM. Adam is a grown up. Done deal.
We can love Adam Lambert, we can love him to the freaking ends of the earth, I do myself, but we have to be reasonable about our fandom, and make sure we are concentrating on living our own lives well (which Adam Lambert would sincerely want for us all to be doing IMHO), and not concerning ourselves too much with a recording artists' personal life (despite how he's so mesmerizingly addictive), myself included!! Just my pov. No H8. Peace.
I have never been to a Bieber or Gaga fansite, not even a Kris Allen fansite so I don´t know if it is as crazy there. Perhaps someone wants to do some research?
Funny Eva!
Your BFF ;)
6:16 In Finland Big Brother isn't really a way to hit the stardom and everybody knows this. The contestants just basicly continue their normal lives after the show has ended and people forget their faces pretty soon. And most of them are young people who just think it would be an interesting experience.
Sauli would have probably done the same thing (just going back to normal day job) but he got such a strong fan base during the season and they had this big fan action to get Sauli (and Niko) back to TV. The fans collected so many names that the TV channel desided to give Sauli and Niko their own (though shortly lived) TV program. The fact that Sauli benefited from the BB workwise is actually an exception.
Thank you for your post 7:04am!
Can you explain to me what this new television venture is that Sauli is currently doing? Thanks in advance if so, if not, no problem :).
@Eva, I so agree with you. I beg Gaga and Bieber fansites have tonnes of teens and I think we have lots of grow up here. Make you wonder the power of Adam. The professors had lectured their student about Gaga social effect in US. Maybe they need to dig deep into Adam sites to explore the best. LoL
Well anyone with wisdom knows that it takes time to build a relationship. I presently have all kinds of romantic hearts in my eyes for these two beautiful people. But let's give these guys a chance to build on something. We know the paps are going to be all over this but us fans know that Adam will fill us in when he's ready. Nothing but love and light to them both. And hope.....oh how I hope it's true : )
You know guys, even if this couple is really cute and I´m curious to see what happens next, I´m actually hoping that they manage to keep their relationship a bit more private than can be expected.
7:19 AM
Sauli has been working with Katri Utula for a Finnish evening paper for a couple of years now. They post weekly video reports together about Finnish entertainment shows to the internet site of Iltasanomat-news paper. Basically they are just commenting on different kinds of reality shows on TV and joking together.
After Sauli came back from the States last time, he and Katri revealed that they would be doing a road trip to the States and post for their Finnish audience American entertainment news straight from the spot. This way they could get a new view for their show. Sauli said in some news site that they had been working with the idea and making arrangements for a while.
They are planning to go to California and New York and stay there at least for few months, maybe longer. New videos will be released in the beginning of April, so they are moving to the States at least few weeks earlier according to Katri. But yeah, it would be video posts from the States for us Finns, not an actual TV program.
@February 18, 2011 5:37 AM -
I think it's sad there are glamberts like you who actually rather for Adam to be alone and truthfully no one would be good enough for him... the pictures of Adam and Sauli, Adam has been looking very happy and his eyes are smiling so he has a new friend and they are enjoying their time together... He's happy and that's all that matter.
Furthermore, some glamberts said the same thing about Drake (famewhore,etc) guess what there have been no articles and no getting rich off of Adam.
The evil lurking is glamberts like yourself who spread evil comments about someone they know nothing about except he's dating Adam, which now means he's a famewhore in your book.
Your statements say whole lot more about you and your thought process than it does about Sauli. All the comments coming in from actual Fins who know Sauli are stating what a great guy he is, only those outside looking in and hating are spreading negativity ...ummm that's you.
Katri is a journalist and she was at the Presidential Palace doing story about the Independence Day reception when Sauli was in Paris. They talked about it in their video blog and that is how it came out that Sauli had been to Paris. :)
I am worried about this relationship, a kind of secretivity. An "OPEN BOOK" ? Well I don't think so.
Adam has talked about he is an "open book". I think he refers this to his music. He likes to incorporate his thought, his past experience and love into songs and lyrics. Many times, he states there is fine line between him and fans and that boundary is fans don't go overboard. I totally agree with him and respect that. So stop worrying, he is a big boy, a big boy that can handle the whole GNT by himself.
I actually think this "romance?" will be very beneficial to Adam, because he comes off as a total gentleman, when he is with Sauli. I know that all his fans know that he is a wonderful guy, but maybe now the rest of the world will also see past the makeup.
"I´m actually hoping that they manage to keep their relationship a bit more private than can be expected."
Me too. But I'm pretty sure Sauli will not be hiding under any rocks. He will live his life the way he wants, no matter what. However, I'm also pretty sure there will not be any or at least not many "personal" pictures of Adam and Sauli. The ones from Helsinki, from the night they met, might end up being the only ones. At least we didn't get any "personal" photos of Sauli after he won Big Brother in 2007.
Oh, by the way, I have absolutely no problem with men waring makeup. I was just thinking of the more conservative minds in this world.
IMO, this relationship is actually good for Adam. He can make couple of love songs on his 2nd album. Also, as he said on some of his recent interviews, his second album is less campy. Which means less sexual since he will be channeling it to his new found friend. Come on guys be positive. Adam deserves to love some one. No? He is a grown person and he's got his parents and close friends who know more about him than we do to advise him what is good for him or not.
a Big Brother 2007 winner.
What else Sauli accomplished with?
Anon 8:47am, why does Sauli have to have accomplished some great big amazing things to be worthy of Adam Lambert's attention and possibly affection, geez. What Sauli pursues for a living is his business, and what he accomplishes in those pursuits is also his business. Geez, I'm glad that I don't get immediately judged on "work", because I am so much than what I do each and everyday for "work".
Does anyone know if Sauli went to Adam's concert in Helsinki?
Anon 9:00, exactly! In fact, if Sauli was especially accomplished, he might not be able to spend so much time abroad, right? I think this might be a good match for Adam, because Sauli knows a little about what it´s like to live in the public eye so he doesn´t mind the paps too much. And he doesn´t exactly have a fabulous career to pursue either, which makes him an ideal boyfriend, me thinks.
Sauli is a gentle, warm and sincere person with a magnificent sense of humor. That is the reason for his popularity in Finland. He, if any one, can make Adam happy.
I'm not really care about who adam dates. He's not a little boy. Go adam! Have fun. You can date whoever and wheneve you want. Love and be loved is always the best thing. We all love you!
Sauli is kind of brave to explore new friends and pursue a career that might be in his mind. Leaving his country into a total different strange place for him already a challenge. His trip to US will widen his knowledge, learn and meet different people and those experiences will add valuable asset in his life. Remember Adam went aboard a year in the cruise ship. They sure have lot of common interest.
We d'ont know it Sauli. I guess, Adam better, than we. Adam clever boy, he knows it, what are you doing and who! I just wish that he should be happy! If he feels well with Sauli, let it be so!
Agi from Hungary
Wow - Agi from "Hungary" cool that Adam has fans from around the world. Welcome to Glambert Heaven : )
Oh and to 5:37 a.m. - With the song "soaked", I believe Adam was referring to going from bar to bar night after night picking up guys you don't even care about just to get laid. That's not the same situation as the night he saw Sauli. He wasn't bar hopping to pick up a stray cat. Besides, he's a guy remember. If he saw a cutie across the room (like Sauli), of course he's going to zoom in and make a move.....he's a guy! And single at that...and hot, and gorgeous, and sexy and available. Did I mention he's a guy!
From the article it sounds like Adam met a really nice guy. After all the hard work Adam has put in for the last two years he deserves to share his life with someone that is caring and nice. I think this will only lead to great music when he is recording an "honest" (his words) record concentrating on vocals. It's a win/win situation for Adam and his fans. Luvin Adam and Sauli.
Anonymous, 9,51
Thank you!:)
Adam has many fans, in Europe, and in Hungary too. He was just nominated for a prize now at us, in the year album of foreign country modern pop-rock category. I hope so, wins it!
What else Sauli accomplished with?
February 18, 2011 8:47 AM
@ age 26 what had many of us accomplished, I was still in college working on my BA degree with a part-time job and Adam had quit his paying theater gig "Wicked" to try out for AI which meant he was a reality show contestant.
Adam & Sauli I wish them much happiness as friends and whatever else :)
I'm looking really forward to Adam's second album!
I am so happy for Adam and Sauli. Adam seems to be going more natural since he met Sauli, which we like. BUT watch out if Sauli starts wearing eye liner(which I don't think would look good on him) it's a Relationship with a capital R. If they are in the future going to be serious, I hope Adam can fit him into his enterage, even if he is the bus driver LOL.I think they will both be busy this year with their own commitments, so we will see how it all pans out.
Adam once said recently everyone deserves to be loved and to love back. I truly think both Adam and Sauli are very lovable people Adam has been searching all over the world for a kindred spirit to love. Now finally he may have hit on a treasure. OT I understood Adams mother was going to meet him in Paris. I am sure Leila will approve of him.
Honestly, do people think it was easy for Sauli to win Big Brother as an openly gay man? Even though things are getting much better, we still have a lot of homophobia here in Finland too. And it is also the way he won it; none of his housemates ever put him up for eviction, he never got a single vote agaisnt him during his 14 weeks in the Big Brother house. And in the final he got 45% of the votes that were divided between 4 people. And a lot of people watch Big Brother in Finland, so he didn't just get "the gay votes".
Most of you fellow Glamberts don´t know Sauli personally, I do.
I can assure you the same as all the other ppl who´ve met Sauli in person have : he is warmhearted, intelligent, decent and caring guy.
Even for megastar and SexGod like Adam, he is a gem for a boyfriend, believe me.
Sauli is the 1 of the few guys in this world that isn´t after 2 advantage his fame or money, he just doesn´t care about those things.
I believe the only reason he accepted that trip to Pacific was because it was free 2 Adam.
He wouldn´t let him pay 4 something that expensive 4 him.
I think they´re perfect 4 each other.
I wish them all the love and happiness in the world. <3 <3 <3
ps. to the other Finnbert : CristalSnow and NikoLa aren´t just anybody. If you knew something about what you´re talking about, you´d know that.
Feb 18, 10:54 AM
What it might be difficult to understand for u guys from US or some other big country is that Helsinki is a very "small town" even if it is the capital of Finland.
It is not possible to fake your reputation here among the people who go to the same clubs and know the same people.
There are a lot of Adam fans who know Sauli personally or through mutual friends.
He just is a good guy and it would be nice if people who know nothing about him just accept that (or at least give Sauli benefit of the doubt) and not insist on anything else.
Hi Cheril! Glad to see you on this site! Agree with you! I think Sauli will inspire some great songs for new album and hope they will be left alone to enjoy each other..... I respect and appreciate the Finns that give us knowledgeable info on Sauli. The poster that jabs Sauli and Adam at every opportunity seems to be the same Finnish fan who's nose was out of joint because she didn't get an encore from Adam, even tho' he gave a great performance. Such bitterness after all of this time seems pretty obsessive. Adam obviously isn't for you, so why are you even on this site? Think you would forget about your unhappiness with Adam if you found another entertainer to like. But maybe that's not your purpose . Maybe you just crave attention and are looking for a response by being being negative, insulting and think it gives you some power. It really takes away any credibility. Not everyone always agrees, but there is a difference between an opinion and just being slanderous and mean-spirited. Your intent is pretty obvious. Hope you find some happiness. funbunn40
I so love that there are so many here, commenting from all over the world! That is so great!
I so do NOT love the bickering that goes on here...the bashing that goes on...the undeserved criticism and antagonism.
Adam and Sauli appear to enjoy each other's company. They appear to have worked it out where they can spend some time together. They both appear to be kind, smart, funny. They have a lot in common. They are both loved by many for who they are as people.
How they found each other is not important. That they treat each other well is important.
It is so interesting to me that people can judge others so easily. So quick to make nasty comments and criticise others when they have no actual concrete knowledge.
In other's relationships there is so much that outsiders will never know or understand. That is as it should be.
Are people so unhappy in their own lives that another's joy and happiness must be crushed and bashed? Sauli is. Sauli isn't. Adam should. Adam shouldn't. Who are we to judge, critique, spew negative comments?
Can everyone go look in the mirror for moment before you write you comments. Say your comments to yourself, as if you were on the receiving end. If you feel good after you say it, write it. If you feel OK after you say it and the comments were hurtful, then time to look at yourself and your lack of self-love.
Truly unbelievable to me the back and forth comments - cutting, defending, hating, belittling. This happens on almost every thread.
Where's the love people? Can we find a way to be kinder about this relationship? Can we find a kinder more compassionate way to relate?
I hope so. I so tire of reading this back and forth attacking each other and Adam and Sauli and anyone else that crosses Adam's path.
worlds cutest gay couple Adam honey i love you and am so happy that you found love in a Finnish man ^_^
I can tell you that Sauli has something that most of us will never have: he´s got a beautiful soul.
That journalist interviewed several people and nobody said bad words about Sauli. Not a single one of them, even though they spoke anonymously. Would your friends, buddies and associates give same kind of statement of you? I know mine would not. And it´s not only that interview, I have never heard anyone diss him in Finland. That´s so exceptional in Finland and even more when someone represents sexual minority.
I once said that Sauli´s joy and light that shines inside of him is truly a rare gift and can be compared to any other talents. In twitter someone wrote that hating Sauli is like hating the sun, a sweet puppy or life itself.
And for heaven´s sake, in the relationship it is not a question of accomplishments. It´s not a job interview! Adam was not recruiting new band members or personnell in Finland, he just happened to meet someone he liked. And people like each other for various reasons.
For those you are so sceptical - well, people usually expect that other people behave in the way they themselves would do in the same circumstances. It´s really hard for people to understand or believe that someone could be totally different than himself. So those comments you write about Sauli really tells us more about yourself.
How old is Sauli? Anybody know?
From 11:26 to 11:36
Thank you. Well said.
@ my part, I feel good about all of my comments in this thread as well as others.
I would definately be easier if we all just nodded along in complete agreement but since that isn´t likely in life, it isn´t so in these conversations either.. we´ll just have to cope with that :-)
2 me it´s all good as long as there´s respect to other writers and critisism is pointed to things not ppl.
"Hating Sauli is like hating a puppy." :) That's true.
Maybe that's why we Finns, who have been familiar with him since BB, are defending him so much here.. It's just hard to imagine that people write so nasty stuff about him.. Calling him a famewhore etc. Disgusting.
Sauli will be 26 in March.
I'm not from Finland. I'm from L.A. and I'm so happy for both Adam and Sauli. @11:55 AM those who are hating on both Adam and Sauli are either ignorant or they are trolls. Most Glamberts are happy that Adam is in a relationship. It's all good! Love Adam, Sauli, and all Glamberts that think positive about all of these!
I agree with those here who are supportive of Sauli and Adam, whatever their relationship is now, and whatever it may evolve into in the future. From all I have seen, Sauli is a very sweet, caring, happy, playful, genuine man who doesn't deserve whatever negativity is thrown at him from those who say they are worried about Adam, as if he was a young teenager without any prior relationship experience. Adam is a smart, mature man of 29, so he's been around the block a few times and can take care of his own personal life just fine. Those who call Sauli a "famewhore', etc.., are speaking without any real basis for those comments, IMO, from what I have seen and read so far. For those who are so negative, take the time to research Sauli a bit, watch the youtubes from Big Brother Finland, watch some of his little comedy bits that he has done. He just seems lovely and someone who will be good to, and for, Adam. It is Adam and Sauli's business as to why they are together and how they met is really irrelevant, although I like everyone else who is a fan of Adam of course likes to know these little things I suppose. I met my husband of many years at a club during our college years..and its worked out pretty well for us! The article above is not really saying anything negative. And I really appreciate all of the comments from Sauli's fellow Finns who have actual knowledge of Sauli. Keep them coming please!
And lastly, a quote I heard recently that might pertain to some of the comments here..
"The words that we use to describe others are a reflection of of how we see ourselves.."
O-K, we need to stop this, seriously. Imagine if Adam and Sauli aren't even dating at all and are just friends taking a vacation together. Laughing their asses off right now at all of this. NO wait, they couldn't be bothered with such petty gossip, neither should we.
Anybody donate to the charity Perez mentioned the other day? I think I'm heading over to read about it again. It sounded pretty positive and worthwhile looking into...
@ Anon 10:54
I do know who NikoLa and CristalSnow are, and before you ask – no, I do not know them personally. But in my humble opinion, gossiping about your friends/acquaintances is not cool. I know they have not said anything bad to the press, but why did they feel the need to say anything? Sauli hasn't. Adam hasn't. They have so far chosen to keep the particulars of their relationship and how they got to know each other to themselves. I say more power to them.
And for you other Glamberts around the world who might not know who we're discussing here... NicoLa and CristalSnow are Finnish drag artists, the latter of whom is also a successful recording artist. I usually adore drag artists. Why? Well, mainly because they're all about great shows and spreading happiness and good feeling all around. However, it would seem that these two also share a love for passing on information about their friends' personal lives. In an interview done last year, NicoLa said the following:
“I'd like to become Finland's Perez Hilton – That would be fun! I love parties, celebrities and gossip. I could be Finland's resident blabbermouth.”
So, go on, hate on me for all I care. But this is an Adam Lambert fansite, and I am an Adam Lambert fan. I'm also a fan of Sauli's. Sorry, but I'm not a NicoLa fan.
Interesting Finnbert.
I love the Finns being part of this conversation!
whoopie doo doo! why can't it be about the great music and voice that Adam has.
@Finnbert 12:53 PM - please kindly change your tag or add something to it, e.g. FinnbertXYZ or Finnbert123!
Somebody might mistakenly think that you speak for all Finnberts...Nobody signs their post with just 'Glambert' either!
Once again a true fan has spoken ;)
@ Anon 2:13 PM
Sorry. I guess I could have left it open and been one of the hundreds of anonymous posters. Which seems to be accepted, btw. But if you insist, let's say I'm Finnbert123. Thanks for pointing this problem out to me!
"whoopie doo doo! why can't it be about the great music and voice that Adam has."
Maybe in the ideal world. But we are not talking about Eric Clapton here, but someone who just has so much charisma and star appeal. Adam to me is like a mixture of Elvis and Freddie, he is going to have some pretty fanatic followers. But those are the fans that will make him rich one day. Just skip all the hoopla by not reading certain news about Adam. :)
Nobody ever knows what goes on in another persons life unless you live with them. Assuming can be harmful. Live your own life.
People can change their minds, so what was said in past may not apply to the present. Quoting Adam doesn't mean he can't change his mind. His private life is his. He does everything he can to please his fans with his mucic and shows. That is all he owes us.
We all fell in love with him because of his ability to sing and perform. Of course the fact that he is great to look at helps. Do you think we ask to much of him?
@Eva Love your comment about this article.
How come nobody paid attention on the beginig of the story! Sauli is "Cinderella"! Somebody is waiting for his shoe! "Once upon the time"! What does this mean?Sorry, love Adam, but he is not Royal Prince and Sauli is not little poor boy with bad stepmother and terrible job!
Then they wrote that Sauli seems like very nice person,he doesn't say anything about his relationship with Adam. How do they know that Sauli spent some time with Adam in Paris?! Why they want to know how much Adam paid fot Sauli's visit US? May be I didn't understand something but I deff don't like this Cinderella "Once Upon the Time" story:(
Yes, the Cinderella point of view of the story is actually pretty degrading to Sauli, if you take the article too seriously. :)
@anon 2:58pm How about the comment about six digits amount Adam paid for Sauli trip to US? I don't think it is proper to this "romantic" story:(
Telefe Noticias (Argentina): Who is the teen star of the moment? (Vote for Adam Lambert!)
The article talks about how much money Sauli could get, if he sold his story to the tabloids. At least that is how I understand it. But he won't do that, so it's all good. :)
I kinda of liked the Cinderella aspect of this story. Adam is a huge star now, and Sauli is not--no insult intended. He sounds like a very nice guy and so is Adam. Hey when chemistry hits, it hits! Who are any of us to say who Adam should be dating, or in love with. He looks very happy, and that makes me happy.
Bottom line --none of our business.
No one here commenting (except maybe one or two) have direct knowledge of anything
Our job is to support his career not to be Adam's mother--he has a very nice one.
Go to his concerts, buy his albums, vote for him in polls--that is what his fans should be doing.
Let him have some fun --he confirmed to Perez he is dating someONE--Case closed.
@anon 3:32pm This is exactly what I'm talking about! Leave them alone. They look so happy. And somebody have to stop to write the stories about people they don't know. I think Adam and Sauli don't like to talk about their private life at all.
This is all so silly all the speculation about Adam and Sauli.No one knows anything about Adam and Saulis' relationship except ADAM and SAULI.I love the guy to pieces but it's not my place to comment on something I know nothing about.I'm looking forward to the dvd.One reason is I was there to see it live and it should be as spectaculer as it was in person.I also am looking forward to the new album.As for Sauli and Adam I wish them luck in whatever there relationship turns out to be.
wow so many opinions, dont take any of this too seriously PPL, who really knows the story, only Adam and Sauli. Sauli seems like a nice and genuine person and Adam gets to date who he wants. Its hard for a celebrity, especially one like Adam that is followed day & night, it cant be easy to date someone like that.
So it doesnt help that so called fans jump into the fray say crap about this guy they dont even know, its not helpful at all. I will be kind and take it as a sign of love and concern for Adam but it just makes this situation and his dating in general so hard. Drake had a twitter and ppl were so mean to him, god why????
As for a drunken hook up, well clearly they met and sparks flew, in a major way. and who cares where then.
I'm sorry it is actually romantic that they met and hit it off so quickly and are moving their lives around to be together.
I am into astrology and did their charts and they are a GREAT match, I could see where there would be a pretty instant connection. Lots and lots of sparks and very similar in many ways.
For those dissing on BB well the best thing is it did expose Sauli to constant monitoring, and celebrity and got him some gigs in the entertainment / media world which has no doubt helped their situation a lot, just a regular dude with no exposure would probably freak a little.
I am just saying that looking at Adam's face the last few months has made me happy, there is a joy and happiness coming from him that was missing before, his smile when he mentions dating some one OMG!!! happiness!! how anyone that calls themselves a fan would not want that and doubts Adam's ability to run his own personal life well I dunno
I find it sad that people are more concerned with Adam's personal life than when the next album is coming out, or what other projects may be in the works. We aren't a bunch of teenagers dying for the next bit of gossip are we? Some of these comments are as childish as Beiber fans sending Gomez death threats. It is no one's business but theirs. I'm glad Adam can take the high road and ignore or laugh off all of the speculation and negativity. Too bad his fans make it necessary.
To anyone that thinks Sauli is not worthy of Adam or out of his financial class,just remember that just 2 years ago Adam was living in a small efficiency the age Sauli is now and at one point Eber hahelped him out.I think they have much more in common than people know. Adam is his own man and I think he has excellent taste. Sauli and Adam are living life on their terms and no one elses, as it should be. Hugs and happiness to both of them, wherever it leads. funbunn40
amen.......... Now take a deep breath guys and enjoy Adams Music. See u to the next World Tour indeed.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
I heard Adam was stuck in Waikiki with a blonde chick and some paps were trying to follow them but got taken out into the tide and no one knows what happened to them. fishy!
Now let's be quiet.
All this romance is making me pine for romance in my own life. Wish I had a boyfriend and a trip.. ;-(
bubble bath and bubbly mmmm romantic
I'll have a big mac with special sauce and cheese no pickle with lots of lettuce and tomato with salted fries on the side and a large tea and apple pie for dessert and throw in a cherry pie to go.
Hahahahaha 4:49, you're hilarious!!
Awww, let's not all get so negative and beat ourselves up. We all just want Adam to be happy and we can't help but have hope for love in his life. that smile alone has ignited and sparked our hearts and interest.
Bottom line.....WE LOVE YOU ADAM!!!
anon 5:11 I love you! know that!
baked potato with lots of chives and butter with sour cream and a diet soda.
Perfect comment to put it all into perspective re the fact that 2years ago Adam was no more famous than Sauli, and was living paycheck to paycheck. In fact in Finland, at that time, Sauli was (and is) rather famous). And in the whole scheme of things it doesn't matter who has more money or fame, (thinking of a particular song here "If I Had You" by that Adam Lambert guy.....and also the theme of a certain fabulous singer's tour) "If I had you, then money, fame and fortune never could compete".... Words straight from Adam's mouth to our ears...I doubt Adam cares what Sauli's financial status is..and neither should we..Again none of our business. Not saying that Sauli is "the one" (who knows...) but whatever the relationship and how it turns out, I wish both of them happiness in the future. Really all that matters.
Gaga Beiber and Obama? who's that guy?
Thanks 12:12pm - they both look younger than their age, especially in jeans, boots and backwards baseball hats. Both could pass for 22 or 23. They are adorable and "hot" all rolled up into one. Adam always looks happy but he just has a sweet calmness about him when there is special love in his life.
@anon 6:12 PM And who are you? Born yesterday?
anon 6:44 heckle heckle heckle heckle
anon 6:44 YUPPP!!!
damn u soooo fine Adam M Lambert! when can we go out? I am a girl by the way!;-) ;-)
“How come nobody paid attention on the beginig of the story! Sauli is "Cinderella"! Somebody is waiting for his shoe! "Once upon the time"! What does this mean? Sorry, love Adam, but he is not Royal Prince and Sauli is not little poor boy with bad stepmother and terrible job!”
Walter de Gamp, the journalist who wrote the article, probably just wanted to make fun a little with his Cinderella metaphor about the Finnish Press and Finns going completely crazy about this thing. It’s mean to be sarcastic, IMO.
@anon 9:40pm I think you are right. I just thought about it. Because one of the comments was
about how important this relationship for Finland:) I didn't finish to read this article and made comment about "Cinderella Story":) Later I read whole story and understood that this is just a great joke:)
This journalist deff wanted to make some fun about Finnish Press:)
Err, you guys do realize that this is a Finnish article written by a Finn. Walter de Camp is a Finnish journalist. Among his merits are writing a book on porn and a book on fetishes way back when. But even if this wasn't meant as a joke as you suggested, it sure is that...
Walter de Camp’s style of writing is considered to be an example of Finnish gonzo journalism ( Everything he writes about shouldn’t be taken too seriously. There are always something sarcastic and ironic thoughts behind his texts. He self has called himself “a special reporter of unqualified subjects”. He doesn’t take any sides in his texts, and he never states clearly, what are his own personal opinions on the matters he writes about. He just describes things from an usually very sarcastic viewpoint.
Think about the way Finnish press has written about Adam and Sauli recently. Adam has been described as the American son in law of Finland and Sauli as the boy who brought finally Finland to the world's map. Camp's article is a clear reference to these writings. He is referring to Sauli as a cinderella because he probably is laughing in his head to this huge enthutiasm of Finnish reporters. The comments people have made about Sauli are true but this whole fairy tail structure of the article is a clear hit towards Finnish press going overboard with their reporting.
Adam and Sauli are in the Pacific? On a lovely island, I hope.
I wonder which island that might that be?
Hopefully the paps are leaving them alone.
I also hope that paps leave them alone. BUT at the same time I'm keen to see some photos of their love vacation.
I think this article is, at least partly, tongue in cheek humour. Get used to it.
Finnish guys can be quite funny. I've been to chats here in Finland and there were some interesting characters. They would sometimes pretend to be a woman chatter and if you were a newbie you would think you were chatting with a woman. Also, the comments about Adam and Sauli in the tabloids can be something like: I hope Sauli is not pregnant. It's not homophobic, but more like teasing, because that's what you might say if Sauli was a girl, since they have been together so intensively. :)
Snow White is sexier than Cinderella. what does Cinderella have to do with anything? All the tabloids are humor and people are narrow minded to believe it.
@ Anons 11:21 PM, 12:19 AM and 6:11 AM
Even so, it's still damn embarrassing that he wrote such drivel. Essentially what he did was he wrote a gossip piece with the intent on being sarcastic towards other gossip articles on the same subject. Twisted logic if you ask me. If that's what he wanted to achieve, why did he go around interviewing 'witnesses' on how everything went down? Why did he feel a certain time-line of 'what-happened-where' in their relationship should be made public knowledge? I'd be totally freaked if I was a celebrity and somebody published information on things such as on which street corner I was seen kissing someone or that I went to their hotel the first night we met. It just makes a thing that's supposed to be intimate and lovely into something seedy and cheap. Seriously, this article to me is the worst kinda gossip mongering there is. Nothing real to report other than offering us a purely voyeuristic view into the tentative beginnings of some people's private relationship. I wish I hadn't read it, but how could I have known what it would be about? This being a fan site, naturally I was expecting some new information on my idol's career...
Maybe I'd find this article more funny and cute were it done on the expense of any other celebrity than my absolute favorite singer. No, wait... scrap that! I'd never want to be the target of such things myself, and therefore I'm pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy reading these kind of writings about ANYone. I say Walter de Camp should find another way to satirize the writings of other gossip mongers than jumping into the fray himself. Now he's just using people like Adam and Sauli like pawns in his little game of sarcasm and so-called wit. Hooray for freedom of speech, I guess!
Anon from 10:35 PM
"I wish I hadn't read it, but how could I have known what it would be about? This being a fan site, naturally I was expecting some new information on my idol's career..."
Hmm. Well the head line is: "New Information About Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen", and it's also informed in the very beginning what kind of article it is: A long FINNISH article came out today and it explains in detail about Adam and Sauli and how they met each other.
I'm sorry I don't really want to be rude, but can it be more clearly explained, that this post isn't about Adam's career but actually about Adam and Sauli and how they met?
Anon 9.20 AM
Maybe it’s a cultural thing or the article has loosed a bit of its edge in translation? But anyway, Finnish humor is very black, dry and sarcastic. We have a lot in common with British humor. I personally don’t see anything offensive in the article towards Adam or Sauli. Walter de Camp has actually been also a very popular “relationship advisor” in the City magazine. People write to him and ask him advices concerning their personal life and wait eagerly to read his comments. I like his texts, and I think he’s funny, but of course he isn’t everybody’s cup of tea.
Anon 11.21 PM
The only offense to be taken in this story and it's participants is in some very small minds. Thanks for the info.
I'm american and I'm sarcastic. what's the point? delete*
Narrow mindedness is a terible thing to waste.
All the best and happiness in the world to Adam and Sauli. You couln't wipe the smiles off of their faces. Live and let live I say and be happy for them as you know he would for you.
Ignorance is the enemy. so much ignorance in the world today! the sky is red!
Reading thru this thread gave me a bad case of the giggles. So many outlandish comments! And what's up with some people only defending some journalist and attacking a fan who's obviously upset about the gossip that's been written about our BB? Both parties R taking this slightly 2 seriously but hey, this is still an Adam Lambert fansite, right?
People seem to have different opinions about the article, that's all. Some think it's just gossip and maybe even hurtful gossip, some think it's an interesting article. Even though we are part of the same fandom, we don't have to and we can't always agree on everything.
over the head whoosh.
I have done a synastry chart fo a an s. Adams details I have, and Saulis birthtime is retificated. (know rising sign but not the degree)They have very many ideal aspects, of course some hard, like every synastry chart. But they seem to have a electric connection between them. Love connection that is really worth trying out.
finnbert astrologer
I feel sorry for Adam. This Sauli is a blood sucker using Adam to make himself famous. Watch out Adam! Your career may tank because of this guy.
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