Adam Lambert: Maybe AMAs Performance "Wasn't the Best First Impression"
Filed Under () by Admin on Monday, November 30, 2009
Posted at : Monday, November 30, 2009

Adam Lambert has been having second thoughts.
After initially writing off his erotically charged appearance at the 2009 American Music Awards as envelope-pushing showmanship, the singer is now wondering whether his performance was more for his entertainment than for yours.
"It was maybe a little too far," the 27-year-old artist admitted during a sit-down with The Ellen DeGeneres Show that airs Tuesday.
"I think in hindsight I look back on it and I go, 'OK, maybe that wasn't the best first impression to make again, the first second impression.' I mean, I had fun up there, I had a good time, my dancers had fun and the band had fun.
"I respect people and feel like people walked away from that feeling disrespected. I would never intend to disrespect anybody. So that was not my intention."
But count DeGeneres among those who believes there's a double standard on TV when it comes to male vs. female sexuality.
"My whole thing is I feel like if you're offended by a show of sexuality on stage, then you should be offended by all shows of sexuality. It should be all forms," the incoming American Idol judge said.
"I think, too, people aren't used to seeing gay man portrayed that way on TV," Lambert agreed. "The gay male image in the media tends to be very clique and safe...I was putting on a character, putting on a persona being this kind of rock star, kind of dangerous kind of guy.
"After seeing one of my favorites, Lady Gaga, tear it apart on stage...She was incredible. I don't know, something came over me and got caught up in the moment and maybe went a little too far."
And perhaps the folks at home just weren't ready to see Adam Lambert's poker face.
Lambert's dad suggested that an apology might be in order, the singer said. But he ultimately disagreed with his pops.
"I was like, 'You know, Dad, I don't feel like I did anything wrong.' It just wasn't maybe the right judgement call. It's a taste thing more than an obscenity thing. I think it's just a taste level."
And he was, in fact, bummed about Good Morning America canceling his scheduled appearance three days after the AMAs.
"I think ABC was a little bit mad at me," Lambert said.
"I don't blame them. I got carried away...They gave me a great opportunity to close the AMAs and I would never want to smack that gift horse in the mouth. I think they were taking a leap of faith having me do that and it unfortunately it didn't work out as we all thought it would."
Hence the "new direction" he's going in, starting with his performance of "Whataya Want From Me" on Ellen.
"Ellen:airing 2m.Singing 'whatya want from me'!," the singer tweeted today. "AMA performance was a one time event. Goin in a new direction now. Focus back on the music...Don't worry friends: I'm still gonna be me. Always. W/o appologies. Just gonna experiment differently w how I present myself...I'm learning. :)"
OK, we think the poor guy has humbled himself enough. On with the show!
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Finally Adam "sees the light"!! Being an Adam Lambert fan from Day-1, I was so dismayed by his performance...not because I was especially offended, but that I felt that he blew it and the timing was terrible...not just a tour concert, but closing the AMA'S on live TV, Adam...what were you thinking? The fans that support him in anything that he does, should think again, and if, caring for him as much as they say they do, should help steer him in the right direction with helpful comments and critiiques, instead of giving him carte blanche and allowing him to derail his career with arrogance, foolishness and bad judgement. Ultimately I believe that Adam covets industry respect, so hopefully it is not too late to repair this and start fresh. Truely it should be about the beautiful music, not a side show. Love you Adam, and want the best for you.
I'm a little surprised with this change in heart. Did he wAtch the performance and see what the people who were offended saw? Did he feel this way from the beginning and wanted to keep up a facade until Ellen? I don't know, but I was not a fan of the performance. It was inappropriate. But I don't care. I write my opinions on thosnsite and I moved on and focused on watching his interviews and listening to his music. I'm glad that he won't do something like that again - not because of the double standard, because I think that would be appropriate be it man or woman- and it will be about his glorious music.
But keep sexy in there Adam!!! We all went crazy for your moves on the tour!!!! Something like that when you go on tour would drive us insane!!
This whole issue has gone WAAAAY beyond Adam. Many issues have been brought out that need to be discussed such as the whole deal about what is shown on TV and the hypocrisy of the media and US culture. I personally am quite concerned that Rupert Murdoch will soon control everything we see. I am not going to argue about Adam and his performance (My mouth fell open then I laughed out loud--but who really cares at this point). I think Adam is a very gutsy,insightful, and sensitive guy and deserves all the success in the world. I agree--Adam don't be too scared as you are sexy--a bad boy with an angel's voice.
that's saying it all( above comment)
"a bad boy with an angel's voice "
sooooooooooooo true !!!!love the guy !!!!
I was gonna stop being a fan after AMA's! but just could not !!!! he's young, love to here him sing !!
I think his management got to him...maybe there are some legal issues. I wonder if he signed a contract with ABC that stated "what they saw in the rehearsals is what people would see during the live show". Don't know.
I am such a fan of Adams,,, watch what he says and for things on the web every day,,, several times a day,,, he is incredible, and has been from the beginning,,, yes, he went too far on the AMAs, and not that I was offended at all, he is sexy,,, I was just upset because he did get too carried away and his voice did not sound good, and his dancing is better than that,,, I and I think everyone else wants to hear that incredible voice,, I hated the stairs and the way they staged it,, too much, too much for him to do and think about, even made him fall those stairs, and not able to focus on his vocals,,, he could have killed it as the final performance... and I know he wanted to and now regrets it,,, I just hope that this all goes away, and people forget, and remember what an incredible performer and artist he is,,, as well as smart and articulate, and gorgeous.. all us straight women love Adam - especially his voice and the way he performs his songs,, minus the ama perf. - I hope that everyone will give him another chance to start all over from scratch, because he can be a huge star,,, no one can sing like him,,, go adam! love you!
I hope that all the award shows and other shows will not ban him from ever giving another live performance again,,, I am afraid that now they will all make him sign something beforehand if they choose to give him a chance,,, that is too bad,,, I feel bad for him,,, it was his first chance to show the world his incredible voice in the big arena and it didn't go too well,,, but lets all give him another chance and forget about that show,,, in the past,,, I want his album, which is incredible, his vocals , to soar!
Wow, sad for all the commentary above. Sad because people stand in such judgement. I guess you all never make mistakes. Adrenalin is a wild thing and he just witnessed a lot of over the top performances. They kiss on the show Brother's & Sisters which is prime time. I feel sad for male gays and their need to tread lightly so the rest of us can "deal". Had Adam sang beautifully he still would have to deal with this. Sorry Adam but I guess it's back in the "PC" closet for you. I hope all you people with kids up at that hour will rethink your parenting. Look in the mirror and judge yourself!
I can see both points from anonymous #1 and #9. Adam himself said it was a matter of taste. I don't think he ahould hide his sexuality in the "PC" closet, yet he must choose the correct time and place and what level to take it to. I think that performance was more suited for different venues like...say...The Zodiac Show.
Adam is Adam, even Kris said so. Go Adam!!!! You're beautiful inside and out and so amazingly talented. Yes, people, look in the mirror and judge yourself!
At last, he gets it. Focus on the vocals if you want people to listen to your music. The theatrics can come later. This is the big time, not the Zodiac Club, and sales are EVERYTHING in the music business. His fans will always be there, but if he wants longevity in his career, many things have to be considered. That's just the way it is. The most disturbing thing about his AMA performance was the horrible vocal performance. He's just too gifted to sacrifice his voice in exchange for for cheap thrills in staging. And by the way, I don't think the performance had anything to do with his sexuality. It was illustrative of the S & M lyrics of the song and included both sexes, but there was nothing creative, sexy, or new about it. It's all been done before. Boring.
Why should only ADAM sign something before a live performance and not the other performers? Rihanna, Janet J., Shakira, Lady Gaga ... not to mention the obscene lyrics that the rappers push in our faces. I don't think he should be singled out .... they are all equally as bad ... not that ADAM is ... but what's good for the goose is good for the gander ... so to speak. CENSORSHIP rears it's ugly head!
Why should ADAM be the only one to give a 'PG' performance? All the rest of the AMA's wasn't exactly 'kiddie' approved but the children were 'allowed' to sit through all of it with NO problem all the way to the END? I call that 'SELECTIVE' CENSORSHIP!!
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