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Adam Lambert on CNN

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Posted at : Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Anonymous said...

Problem is is that whoever was talking didn't even know the name of the single. Um, it's 'For Your Entertainment' not 'Entertain You'.
And I didn't actually care about the dragging a woman by her leg. That was well executed in my eyes. It's the other, too fast too soon thing that got me.
But idc. His music video for this is awesome, and it replaced the AMAs in my mind now

Anonymous said...

Adam, I don't know why everyone's trying to act like they know you when they don't. You should only talk for those who have been there with you from the very beginning. You don't need to answer to anyone. They don't know anything about you!

Anonymous said...

Adam, they don't know anything about you and they don't need to know..

Anonymous said...

As the previous contributor said, his video was clever and well done. Why, oh, why couldn'd the AMA performance have had as much class. At best it was tacky, and not worthy of Adam, no matter how hard he tries to defend it.

Anonymous said...

I am honestly so tired of people over reacting to this performance. Adam is still the really great, honest, gorgeous man he always was. He isn't some scary over sexed leaper and people need to chill!! Adam Rocks!!

Anonymous said...

Agree..."Adam Rocks"!!

Anonymous said...

No, the Adam's did not ruin your rep at all. Some crazy peps may dwell on it, but right now if your now there's no time to stay on something like that..

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous 6 & 7. When I watched it, I was like 'omigod that's inapproriate, boy or girl. Why'd he do that.' but then the next day I got he cd and love it and his music video came out and it was fantastic and th AMAs just aren't that important anymore.