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Adam Lambert on ELLE scans!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 6, 2009

Posted at : Friday, November 06, 2009

He couldn't stay away from the white Elvis suits, black Freddie Mercury leathers, and tight Mick Jagger pants.
Still tight, still leather, and still definitely cool. I call it the Glambert Swagger.
c. STAR:
Accessories were the big thing for Adam. He's got a classic uniform of nonconformity, but I wanted the finishing touches to make this look a LOOK. Think dangerous: chain mail scarf, link chain gloves, spiked boots.

SCHOOL OF ROCK - Creative Director Joe Zee stays true to the personal styles of three American Idol stars when taking their looks from reality show to arena filling fame.

I am sitting on an airplane writing this, maybe 30,000 feet in the air, woozy from an Ambien, when it hits me: I get anxious if I don't have my music. My iPod vanished during take off. It took two flight attendants, ripping out the bottom seat, and a flashlight to find my sacred device. The other passengers thought I had lost a diamond. Well, practically.

On average, I wear out three iPods a year. I have 6,912 songs, and my music library claims it would take 18.2 days to play them all. If you were to endure that torture, you'd find--among Kings Of Leon, JayZ, Cobra Starship, Busta Rhymes, Depeche Mode, Drake and Britney Spears--every recording of past American Idol contestants. And I don't just mean the winners. (Anwar Robinson and Anthony Federov anyone?)

There's something inspiring about this American TV juggernaut that's, well, very American: a democratic election to choose a reigning singing sensation.

Every Tuesday, from January to May, I've had an appointment-TV ritual. Parked in front of my flat screen, I've critiqued, cheered, and dialed 1-800-IDOLS-0X. And while a glassy eyes Paula claps or Simon shakes his head in disgust, I'm screaming "Why the hell are you wearing that??"

Working with top recording artists has taught me that style and music are in a codependent relationship. Think Madonna and her wedding dress, Justin and his suits, or Debbie Harry and her white pumps. Fashion and image are as important as that first single. So when I watch these budding talents go from waitress to pop star, I'm thinking, Go with more leather and be the new Joan Jett, or, You need more edge if people are going to take your music seriously.

This past season, though, the talent, especially the trio who make up the fan-monikered "Kradison," were merging fashiong w/ their tunes: Adam (G)lambert was never shy about taking chances; 16 year old Allison Iraheta killed it with her signature bottle-red hair; and winner Kris Allen played up his aw-shucks demeanor with a cool mix of V neck tees, plaid shirts, and dirty Converse. They all proved you don't need drama to make a statement-just personality. And that sums up Kradison.

On the eve of their debut CD releases, I put my own spin on defining their images--no more screaming at the TV--and took their looks from "Reality Star" (show gear) to "Reality" (streetwear) to "Star" (ultimate stage gear). Let me know what you think, but to quote the famous last words of Randy, I'm totally feeling it, dawg."


Anonymous said...

Love the boots. The article is goofy.