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Adam Lambert Talks New Album

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 6, 2009

Posted at : Friday, November 06, 2009

By Dana Meltzer Zepeda November 06, 2009 01:19 PM EST

His first single from his debut album For Your Entertainment is already climbing the charts, but Adam Lambert isn’t about to rest on his laurels anytime soon.

“I’m really excited,” the American Idol runner-up tells TV Guide Magazine. “Then I realize no one’s heard the album yet so the pressure is kind of scary.” Luckily, Lambert promises his 14-track disc, due out November 23, is diverse enough to appeal to all music fans.

“I wanted to span a bunch of different genres,” he says. “There are songs that are really angsty indie rock. There are songs that are very classic rock and there’s a couple of dancey electro kinds of things. People tend to sometimes not listen to a whole album these days. They put together their own play lists so I wanted to treat it like an eclectic collection of things that had me at the middle of it.”



Anonymous said...

Love the 30 sec snippets and that picture is totally hot!!