Adam Lambert Vows to “Focus on the Music” After AMAs Controversy
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Monday, November 30, 2009
Posted at : Monday, November 30, 2009

Adam Lambert has finally admitted he was a little rattled by the big reaction to his controversial performance at last Sunday night’s American Music Awards. In a series of tweets posted today on his official Twitter, the American Idol runner-up vowed to ditch some of his spectacle in favor of more attention on his songs. “Goin in a new direction now. Focus back on the music,” he wrote.
“Don’t worry friends: I’m still gonna be me. Always. W/o apologies. Just gonna experiment differently w how I present myself,” he added, concluding, “I’m learning” before thanking fans for their supportive notes over what was “a looong week.” He added his relatively stripped-down performance of “Whataya Want From Me” will air on Ellen DeGeneres’ show tomorrow.
Adam Lambert shocks, Taylor Swift soars: see the 2009 AMAs in photos.
Lambert’s week in the spotlight launched with a racy performance of “For Your Entertainment” at the AMAs, which featured the singer simulating oral sex with a male dancer and making out with his male keyboardist. Some of his performance was edited for the West Coast rebroadcast of the show, but backstage Lambert stood by his performance, telling Rolling Stone any cuts to his song would be “discrimination.” “My goal was not to piss people off, it was to promote freedom of expression and artistic freedom,” he said.
Infamous crotch-rock moments, from Lambert’s AMAs to “Dick in a Box.”
Of the 14 million who viewed the AMAs on ABC, only 1,500 phoned in complaints to the network, but ABC nixed Lambert’s scheduled appearance on Good Morning America, calling the singer unpredictable in a live setting. Lambert instead played two songs on CBS’ The Early Show, and submitted to an interview during which he stopped short of apologizing to anyone offended by his performance. Arguing the AMAs featured many instances of Rated R content, Lambert said, “I think it’s up to the parents to discern what their child is watching on television. Lady Gaga smashing whiskey bottles, Janet Jackson grabbing a male dancer’s crotch, Eminem talking about how Slim Shady has 17 rapes under his belt — there was a lot of very adult material on the AMAs this year and I know I wasn’t the only one.”
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Hmm..Mk..he didn't admit nething to that sorts. He's not apologizing, he wasn't 'rattled'--he's still him. This Sucks. The media's just going to run with this like everything else. 'Adam takes it back". "Adam tries to redeem".. Uugghh. Makes me wanna puke.
I wonder how we can get this message out to ABC so that they invite Adam back!! Not only to GMA, but also to the AMAs next year and to other award shows. Any thoughts??
I am glad Adam didn't apologize because he has nothing to apologize for. His album is fantastic and he totally rocks!! Okay if he wants to reel it in a bit to make sure the music is heard, but I know Adam will always be himself and I love it!!
Yes, I think that Adam should be ask to any award show and back to the AMA's...will be boring with out him....He made the AMa's I think.....rock and roll
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