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Lambert plans to 'date on tour'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Posted at : Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Lambert plans to 'date on tour'

"American Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert told Us Magazine he intends to date while on tour as he promotes his debut album, "For Your Entertainment."

Earlier this week, it was reported that Lambert and boyfriend Drake LaBry recently broke up.

From the Us story:

The singer -- who came out to the public in Rolling Stone this past June -- told Us he is looking for someone who is "intelligent" and has "creativity and compassion."

Still, he has no ill will for his ex, whom he still says is a "very good friend" after their mutual decision to end the relationship.

"I don't really feel like there were any mistakes made," he told Us. "I feel like things evolved. Sometimes you're on the same page with somebody, and sometimes you have to get off that page and on to another one."

By the way, 30-second clips of all of the songs on Lambert's CD (set for release Nov. 23) are available on's UK Web site.