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Adam Lambert boosts ratings for The Jay Leno Show

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Posted at : Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Adam Lambert's appearance on The Jay Leno Show appears to have helped the show gained more viewers. Last night's episode was watched by 5.8 million people. That was up from 1 million viewers from last monday's ratings which were 4.8.

NBC: “The Jay Leno Show” (5.8 million, 3.8/6)

Here is the week in descending order prior
Friday NBC: “The Jay Leno Show” (5.5 million, 3.6/6)
Thurs NBC: “The Jay Leno Show” (5.2 million, 3.4/6)
Wed NBC: “The Jay Leno Show” (5.5 million, 3.5/6)
Tue NBC: “The Jay Leno Show” (5.2 million, 3.4/6)
Last Monday NBC: “The Jay Leno Show” (4.8 million, 3.1/5)

CREDIT: dhunken

UPDATE: Apparently, last night's show featuring Adam Lambert was the biggest in terms of ratings for the past 10 weeks on Mondays!

"Last night's "Jay Leno" delivered the show's highest Monday 18-49 rating in 10 weeks (since October 12). In adults 25-54, it's the top Monday "Jay Leno" in 12 weeks (since September 28). "



Anonymous said...

not surprised:) good job adam!!!

Whisper said...

Yay!!! Not surprised at all! :-)

Anonymous said...

Awesome, thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Adam boosts viewership everywhere he goes. He's the Powerful and Playful, Sexy Male Entertainer we've been waiting for – Finally

Anonymous said...

That's cool. I fucking love Leno.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys realized how big this is? Even A-listers can't bring in one more million viewers. Adam did it with one performance! He's like Britney Spears in getting people's attention and bringing in viewers. People are fascinated by Adam and they'll watch it in wahtever he does. This is very good for Adam in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Poor Jimmy Kimmel must be extremely pissed that ABC canceled Adam on him. He wanted Adam on his show so bad.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jay, for a fresh interview with Adam. You were terrific. Great interview and performance Adam...Once again you reign the viewers in and we are Adamazed :-)

Anonymous said...

Good for Leno (and NBC)! Well, ABC, eat your heart out :)

Anonymous said...

Happy for Adam. Keep spporting him buy buying his Cd as gifts. Christmas, New year if you are invited to a party(better then food) , Birthdandys and more. If We want him to stay on the TOP, we need to keep heep him on the TOP. I loved the show, Adam was AMAZING and FUNNY. You can tell that Jay liked dam. It's all GOOD for our boy!! GO Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert on Leno was phenomenal!!!!!!!!
The interview, the song, everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

(yes shouting was intentional)

Anonymous said...

I am so upset that comcast blocked Jay Leno's show on Monday Dec. 21st in Michigan. I was looking forward to watching Adam on Jay Leno, but could only get a green screen and no sound. All of the other stations were fine. It was only blocked for the exact hour that Adam was on, and then at precisly 11 p.m. NBC came back on. All my efforts to contact comcast were also blocked. I don't know what happened, but I find it strange that it was the only show blocked.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Leno - enjoyed watching you and Adam. Tuned in to see Adam but also enjoyed your humor. You guys are great together. Hope to see Adam guest on your show again. Also plan to watch your show more often.

Anonymous said...

read the Source and there was no mention of Adam. Adam Was the reason for increase viewers. That was a great interview. Adam was great and funny, jay too.

lulu said...

happy for you jay leno, you should book adam every now and then. adam, your chat with leno was impressive, you sounded sharp and smart.

Anonymous said...

But of course, it's the only reason I watched Leno last night :)

Anonymous said...

^ same haha and all the other shows he was on

Anonymous said...

Giggle! It was like the Adam Lambert show for a day - the last 15 minutes of the show were all about the boy!

Anonymous said...

i tuned in to watch amazing Adam Lambert! He is funny and cute and an out of this world singer!
Thank you Leno for having Adam on your show! You both rock my world.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome but if only as many people watched Leno as they did the AMAS.

Anonymous said...

Yep! Anybody else want to have him on their show? Oh, yes, Oprah is next Tuesday 1-19. BTW - I thought Jay did the best interview with Adam I have ever seen (and I've seen a lot). Adam seemed so at ease, as if he was talking in his own living room. Jay's good! Thanks Jay!