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Adam Lambert on a Street Billboard

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Posted at : Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Promoting the Gridlock NYE event.

CREDIT: Aquarius_Girl


Anonymous said...

so will this be on tv

Anonymous said...

i heard it will only be on CABLE TV.

Unknown said...

Can you image driving down the road and seeing that. OMG!

Anonymous said...

I wish they would put that billboard up on Times square right above Dick Clark, and Ryan Seacrest's head! I am boycotting ABC on New Years. I hope Gridlock is going to be televised. Comcast better not block it! If they block it like they blocked Adam on Jay Leno's show I'm calling the civil liberties union!

Anonymous said...

his name on top and biggest. what a STAR

lola said...

i live in australia, just wondering if we will have an access here through internet.

Anonymous said...

yeah, lola, probably through livestream maybe.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I don't have Comcast cable, and if I did I would change to someone else. I hope that somehow, some way we can see Adam's performance--10 songs from his album!!!

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily 10 songs from his album. Remember, Adam did Upright Cabaret and Zodiak plus his band before Idol and all he can do any cover in the world. I would look for him NOT to stick with his album. This man is versatility on legs. Watch Out!!!!!!!!!!!

Super Sachiko said...

that is a safety hazard. if i were driving and i saw adam's face on a billboard i would swerve and crash....

coloforadam said...

Huh?? I have Comcast Cable and I got Jay Leno just fine.