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Adam Lambert brings in VIEWERS!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 18, 2009

Posted at : Friday, December 18, 2009

Adam Lambert’s appearance on the show “Chelsea Lately’s” brought in the biggest audience ever — 1.3 million viewers!!!


If you missed the interview, here it is:


Anonymous said...

I am not surprised, I NEVER watched her show before untill Adam was her guest, But I will sometimes, she is funny. And maybe she is smart and will bring him AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

And that is not even counting international fans who watch it from YT or streaming- I did and do

Anonymous said...

Adam fans will follow him wherever :)

Anonymous said...

If other shows are smart, they'll continue having him. I'll watch anything he's on, and he'll draw new fans, too.

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to be able to watch it here in Canada via the link that was provided by some sweet Adam fans. Thank you so much! I will watch and listen to anything that has Adam's name connected to it. Now bring on that tour!

Anonymous said...

I, also, am grateful for the link. I used to love Chelsea's show here in Canada, but for some reason it was taken off the air. I would have loved to watch this on my 32" screen. I will also watch anything Adam Lambert is on. Thanks again for the link.

Anonymous said...

Yes it was the first time I ever watched the show.

lou said...

i like the genuine behavior of chelsea, very frank and honest, her interview with adam lambert was quite enjoyable. chelsea, you are amazing, keep up the non pretencious attitude we prefer you that way.

Anonymous said...

Like DUH!!! :)

Anonymous said...

ADAM's appearance was also the first time I ever heard of her show much less watched it. I loved the way she made him feel comfortable. Will watch again if he has a return appearance. Not surprised at the amount of viewers ... he's a MAGNET ... no matter where he goes.

Anonymous said...

I also have never watched her show. But i wouldn't miss Adam for anything! He was so funny......i just LOVE his little giggle....and holy crap, is he gorgeous or what?!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! that is so amazing!! i am so proud of you adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay don't laugh at me but I have read her books. I just NEVER KNEW she had her own TV Show! So when I heard Adam Lambert was going to be on Chelsea Lately I had to look it up in my TV Guide to find her. Then when I watched I was cracking up. So now I watch her! I love a spunky Jewish Woman! I am going to keep following Adam Lambert around because this kid has plugged other artist's songs and music and the more he appears the more I learn. Who knew about VEVO? Now it is a new site I visit daily. Who knew about Miike Snow? I just got his CD yesterday. Or Lady Gaga, I just thought she was wierd but with him talking her up I went out and got her CD. I like her music. I also just bought a Goldfrapp CD! Hang with him and your eyes, ears, mind will open. I never knew I would love Goldfrapp!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam Lambert. I tell you my friends and I talk about him daily. We are now quoting his lyrics. Someone got in an arguement with their old lady and broke up. Our comeback was, "You give back what you give away, so don't look back on yesterday". :-) We must be Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

Well he is changing what I love or what I thought I had loved about music. We are moving into 2010 and I never knew the glam rock era. I also wasn't really into pop music. But his CD is kinda a fusion of both, isn't it? So would he be considered Glam Pop Rock? Whatever it is or he is I love it. I want more of it.

Anonymous said...

first time i watched her show. want more adam.

Anonymous said...

I only watched because Adam Lambert was on. Never watched before. Will watch everything Adam is on!

Anonymous said...

I'm with everyone else.. I will watch or listen to anything Adam..

Anonymous said...

This is just the beginning !! Adam is a going to be iconic and I'm going to watch it happen !!