Adam Lambert on the Backlot
Filed Under () by Admin on Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Posted at : Wednesday, December 30, 2009

by pinella
Let’s make sure we have this straight now…
- Kris Allen and Allison Iraheta will perform on Billboard’s New Year’s Eve Live on Fox from 11 p.m. Thursday to 12:30 a.m. Friday.
- Carrie Underwood, Daughtry and others will be featured on ABC’s special “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve” show.
So, where does that leave Adam Lambert?
Lambert, will perform at something called the GRIDLOCK New Year’s Eve event at the Paramount Pictures Studio Backlot in L.A.
It’s an event that benefits the American Red Cross. Lambert will be the headliner and perform a 40-minute set before a crowd of 5,000.
So, did his performance this fall at the American Music Awards hurt or even hinder his career?
You can be the judge of that. But here is what Allen and Iraheta said in a recent conference call to promote their New Year’s gig in Las Vegas.
When asked if they were surprised about the headlines Lambert made after the AMA show…
Iraheta: “No, I don’t think anyone should be surprised, really.”
Allen: “No, not at all. Anybody that knows him (Lambert) is not surprised at all.”
When asked if they thought his antics hurt his career…
Allen: “Obviously it hasn’t hurt him.”
Iraheta: “Yes, I was going to say the exact same thing.”
OK, let’s do the math here…
Millions will watch Underwood and Daughtry on ABC; a few million others will tune in to see Allen and Iraheta on FOX; 5,000 will buy $150 tickets to see Lambert live.
Other bands performing with Lambert include Kevin Rudolf, Wonderland, Qwes, Dakota Lamas, Far East Movement … yawn!
Wake me when it’s 2010….
Adam is way too talented to be on the Backlot stage at Paramount Thursday night. His voice, his creative genius far outweigh his apparent joy of shock value and he has had a “career chat” with himself. Idol Chatter, for one, doesn’t want him on the Backlot the remainder of his career.
Sorry, Paramount, it’s a wonderful setting, but it’s not Times Square or The Strip.
Sorry, Kris & Allison, but, yes, Lambert did put at least a roadblock in his career at the AMA show.
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Choices come with consequences. I'm sure he is learning that. Hope it was worth it. He sacrificed his magnificent vocals that night to out-gaga Lady Gaga. Of course, there is fallout from it. He'll recover, but he lost a big chance for national coverage where millions will be watching. Live and learn. It's a tightrope to be walked with cautious freedom.
gridlock is a GREAT CHARITY event!! It should tell you A LOT about ADAM. He could have gone anywere. IT was only ABC that cancelled him. But He CHOSE to stay in LA. What so wrog about that? Who cares about the others anyways? I will NOT be watching them. You don't need Millions to watch you when you are the REAL STAR!!!!! He took a chance and that's why he is so recognied. Are you for real? the AMA DIDN"T heart him AT ALL. If anything it puts him on the WORLD map. Did you see him on accsees Hoolywood last night. He is thier # 5 pick for 2009. He is # 3 men of the year by MTV.Rolling stons picked him the Entertainer of the year. Time Magazind called him one of the 10 MOST intriguing person of 2009. He is #5 on Barbara walters Most fascinating ppl. and the list goes on and on. Japan and china are raving abut him. And you are saying that the AMA slows him down? Who ar you and please Do you HW before witing this.
Have you thought about it being a run through for Adam's concert tour? A run through with maybe reduced numbers of media present so he doesn't get stabbed in the back. And the people there WANT to be there and won't accidentally tune him in on TV. I think it's great for his career, and I will be watching for video clips from his NY performance. And good for Adam to do this as a event for charity. I don't see any of the other idols even mentioning charity, and Adam has already helped in the collection of over $200,000 for the kids. Adam continues in his generosity to promote other entertainers. Frankly, I don't see anyone else selfless enough to do this. Kris? Allison? Anyone? No they are self focused and probably couldn't be happier if Adam falls on his face. It's not going to happen. And if I'm not mistaken, wasn't Katy Perry a headliner at Gridlock last year. I would say she's done rather well for herself.
Ah all the green eyed monsters are coming out..
Jealousy is a terrible thing. People, ADAM has shown nothing but kindness and charity to others. He not only is a huge talent ,but he's a huge talent with a caring heart.. All the negativity of those envious people will only make him more popular. You know the old saying about good Karma.
Yes.! Katy Perry did the Gridlock last year AFTER she was famouse. Adam is following the GREATEST artist out there. I am so happy and proud of him. He KNOWS what he is doing!!! Kris and Alison will take anything they can. They are history by the end of this year.
Who is this Pinnela and what do we care about what she says? the #s are talking very well for Adam. He is one badass and is here to STAY!!! Take a minute to read all his accomplishment when he is only been out there for a MONTH. So many awards and nominations. He is a true world star. Adam Lambert is Forever my #1..
I don't get why supporting Adam means bashing Allison and kris. It isn't THEIR faults this is happening. Maybe they might have been a little selfish, but they aren't trying to sabotage. They are signed for the new years eve thing Adam was kicked off of. What can they do? I bet they couldn't GIVE him their spot if ABC made it clear they don't want him on, and people, seriously, they have albums to promote themselves. You can't really be insulting two fine singers and people for something they can't help.
And also to the above, Kris may be history, but Allison is a shining talent and personality that will go far with her signature edgy rock vocals. Just because she isn't stirring up controversy or isn't currently as big as Adam doesn't mean she will fade into nothingness
but this article is a load of bull shit. Just because Adam isn't doing a nationally televised broadcast doesn't mean he's taking a step back. And to the writer of this article- so sorry that YOU don't like the bands. Next time we'll make sure that we check with you before having a concert that some unimportant person doesn't approve of.
I am a little p.o. that it isn't televised, but I will be keeping my eyes peeled for videos popping up of the performances. And I'm glad Adams doing a charity event. It jud shows that his generosity and heart are as big as his talent.
And he couldve done something else. This was a career move. With the hype that follows him everywhere, he could have been scooped up by something bigger in the blink of an eye. He CHOSE to do this. I trust Adams judgement.
I don't know whether to agree or disagree. she has a point guys.
Adam should be perfroming in front of millions...not thousadns.
I love Adam, but what he did ticked me off. And the reason it did so is exactly what's in the article above. He should have known that this country is full of double standard laden hypocrites. To be 27 years old and as media savvy as he appears to be, he should have known that mainstream America was not ready for the Zodiac Show in their living rooms. Now, because ot it, I won't get to see him NYE. And I'm certainly not watching Allen and Iraheta, knowing it could've been Adam instead. I live in MS, so the "Gridlock" is out of the question for me. I agree with the article above - this NYE mess is just one example of how the AMA's has indeed "hurt" him...thousands of people instead of millions? Yeah, it did hurt a little!
A Live concert is still good. The anticipation builds! People want more and more. No total exposure at one time. Tension is mounting. Next year if he wants he will be televised. Kris and Allison sadly may be gone.
Lady GAGA isn't before millions either, a private setting !!!
definitely adam will miss out not being on tv this new year's bash. his fans will miss him terribly. hope next year will be better with adam.
Next year will be better? This was the Year of Adam. He got what he wanted this year, he got to record an album, he was on a national tour, met celebrities that he looked up to since he was a young boy, got to perform and meet music idols of his. The only real damper was the backlash of his performance, but it still but his fans supported him and his album is close to going gold just a month and a half after it debuted. He's done two music videos, had so many magazine covers, ranking in the top ten AT LEAST of the most interesting people/top performers of the year. This seems to be a great year for Adam, and the new year will only be a continuation.
Yeah Adam's AMA thing was kind of disappointing, but it must be hard living to such high expectations. The worst thing for me was the bad vocals man, now there are people out here who really believe that Adam can't sing. I KNOW, i happen to personally know some of them, such a shame!!!!
Adam is doing what a real rock star does.Charity,private events.He is going to sing 10 songs,he is going to be the main attraction of the night.Very prestigious indeed!!
Um, does everyone know that there WILL be a livestream of Adam's Gridlock concert? I don't have the link but if you go on AdamOffical they have all the links. It's like a Gridlock party over there. Its amazing. As for the AMAs, aren't we done with that yet? Seriously, like it's over, done with, and it didn't (and won't) have a long-lasting affect on his career.
It's not like he was banned off live TV forever. Just ABC who HAS invited him back for two BW shows and are rescheduling his Jimmy Kimmel apparence. PLUS Adam earned something that Kris and Allison (and I say this with no ill-will towards them) will most likely never earn, street cred. Really, Adam earned a LOT of respect from people. Not so much for the performance but rather from his explanation and refusal to back down. By sticking to his guns he's been compared to Elvis and other great (censored) stars by the media. He's earned major rock/street cred by sticking to what he believes in and shaking up what other people believe. Making, in the end, ABC look extremely bad (read homophobic) Look at how they suffered by canceling him and booking Chris Brown (who was later canceled as well from GMA)
I'm grateful that Adam brought up the debate of double standards in society as far as sexuality goes. But now that we have that debate we can let Adam get back to his music and debate it amougst ourselves what is right and wrong. He doesn't want to be a politcian. Performing at Gridlock isn't the end of the world especially when people can watch the livesteam. It could be worse, he could not be performing at all. But he is, lets all stop focusing on the negative and think positive, like Adam would.
ABC is the real looser this year, not Adam. I never watch ABC anymore and I know a lot of other people who don't. I hope their NYE show fails and they have the fewest viewers ever. On the other hand, I wish Adam tons of success. He really deserves it, and his true fans will always be there to support him.
don't watch ABC !!!
The Gridlock is huge in LA!! Katy Perry played the Gridlock last year and The Killers the year before. It is a giant Hollywood Bash and nothing to like some back lot thing. The Paramont Theatre is completely decked out like NY City and this article is just dumb and uninformed.
The AMAs was a good thing and gave Adam rock credentials and the "bad boy" name people from Idol have to fight for, for years. It will totally serve Adam's career and the Gridlock is a really big Hollywood Bash!! Yes Katy Perry played it last year with tickets running from $150 to $$350. Allison and Kris tickets cost $30. Adam will do well getting this gig and it is a good charity event in Hollywood. Doing 2 songs on National TV next to 10 other stars is not really that career boosting. Lady Gaga is doing a gig in Miami at $350+ a head. Adam is doing the right thing for his career.
Writer, such a negative and pessimistic opinion of Adam's situation. Please do your research before writing articles. You obvisiously are misinformed and just "don't get." Adam sales have been higher than Kris or Alison and some of the performers tonight. Kris was boring and Alison looked awful. Her bright red hair clashed with her dress. But she sounded good. I just turned it off as soon as Alison sang. The difference between Adam gig and the rest -LGG is that Adam will be raising around 750K and how much are the other performers raising. Zeelch, nada, nix zero. Who's the better person? Adam is singing 10 songs from his debut album Kris and Alison 2. I am staying up to watch Adam at 3AM via cellcast.
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