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"Music Again" is the possible 3rd Single?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 20, 2009

Posted at : Sunday, December 20, 2009

Adam's song "Music Again" got spinned in the Top 40 chart this week.

00 210 ADAM LAMBERT Music Again 9 0 +9 0.063

Is this a hint that the third single will be "Music Again"?

If not, which song do you guys think should be the third single? I personally think "Broken Open" would be the perfect third single! It will remind people of "Mad World". "If I Had You" would be a great choice too.


Anonymous said...

I think fever would be a good 3rd single
or sleepwalker.

I wish he could make every song on his album a single, it's that good of an album to me.


Anonymous said...

I agree with "fever" being a third single! it's a song from Lady gaga and we all know that anything she touches becomes a hit!

FEVER all the way!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think "Music Again" should be the next single. We should campaign for "SureFire Winners" or "If I Had U".

Anonymous said...

Fever is the biggest hit on his album.

bec said...

I heard Down the Rabbit Hole today and I don't know why it is not on the Album as it sounds like a true hit to me!!!! I wish he would bring out a single of it ASAP!!! It would be demanded in every club for sure. However, I loved Crawl Through Fire which was written by Adam and Monte Pittman. DTRH is ADAM much the same way a CTF. I sure hope he and Monte colaborate again soon.

Anonymous said...

Broken Open is not a bad idea..

Anonymous said...

all his songs are so amazing. i think any of the fast paced songs like "if i had you" or "fever" would be best.

AsiaFan said...

I don't think we fans are a good judge as we love most of what is on the CD. I have seen a lot of tweens doing "If I Had You" on YouTube, but here in Singapore dance groups seem to be focusing on "Fever". They need to do a focus group or something. I personally love "Broken Open" but who knows (and I love Glamorize with its nasty lyrics and bellydance rhythm--but I am in Asia).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

'sure fire winners' or 'If I had you' should be third single. Although I do agree with everyone that every song on adam's album is a potential hit single.

Anonymous said...

my top picks would be if i had you and broken open these two get most positives from people i play or get album that are not already adam fans...i love pick u up, and sleepwalker is something different

i think fever will be a big hit, but think he should wait on that one till other songs start getting played

i love the whole album...i think every track is a hit. they all have a unique quality and deserve a shot at single/video!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sure Fire Winners,If I had you,Sleepwalker,Aftermath..There are so many potential singles :D

Anonymous said...

I think Fever or Sleepwalker would hit the charts. There are so many good songs that it is hard to predict.

Anonymous said...

I agree with others.
I LOVE Fever, and Sleepwalker.

Please make a video of them!

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out why WYWFM is not in the top 40. Lots of exposure and sales on Itunes is great. Kris Allen's single is in the TOP 40 and I have never heard it on the radio in Dallas.

Anonymous said...

I vote for "Fever"!!

To the above anon: My local radio station plays WWFM all the time. And I live in a small town in the South!

Anonymous said...

I Love music again!!!! If not that, sure fire winners!!!
But fever and if I had you and sleepwalker are right up there too!

Anonymous said...

I love em all but think Fever & Sleepwalker are most radio friendly. My personal fav changes every day, but Soaked always gets a play every day no matter what. I'm just such an old Drama Queen trapped in a straight woman's body!

Anonymous said...

Personally I vote for Sure Fire Winners or Strut. They are more signature Adam to me. The lyrics, the voice, the club vibe.

But I'd much rather see Music Again than If I Had You. If I Had You is a cute, catchy song . . . and well that's why I don't want it. Adam needs to move away from cute in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

If I had you.

Anonymous said...

I vote for "If I Had You" or "Sleepwalker"!

Anonymous said...

IF I HAD U!!!!!
IF I HAD U!!!!!
IF I HAD U!!!!!
IF I HAD U!!!!!
IF I HAD U!!!!!


Anonymous said...

If it's a slow song, I'd pick the Linda Perry written Loaded Smile. It's a heart wrencher. If it's an upbeat song, I'd pick Strut, the one that SHOULD have been his debut single. It's an anthem as far as I am concerned. If not Strut, then Fever, a song that makes you want to shake it.

Anonymous said...

They are all hits!! Sleepwalker,Fever, Strut, Loaded Smile, Soaked---AAARRRGGG-Can't Choose one, If I Had You, Broken Open. Please make videos for each and every one. Music Again-love it!! Aftermath--yes----

Anonymous said...

Feaver would put him on a better spin in the radio. Love LOve Broken Open. I think we are ready for Adam to remind ppl how sensetive and tender he REALLY is. I love em all. But I want him to have a major HIT very SOON!!!

Anonymous said...

[Anonymous said...
"I can't figure out why WYWFM is not in the top 40." December 21, 2009 6:40 AM] -- As far I know it IS in the top 40. At least it was last week. I hear it all the time on one of the biggest stations in the country, NY's Z100.

Anonymous said...

I think "Music Again" should have been the FIRST single, and should have been the one on the AMAs. The song is pure fun and joy, which is what his debut song should have been, and the message of the song "you make me want to listen to music again" rings true for SO MANY of his fans. Right? I also like that there are parts of the song reminiscent of Freddie Mercury, who Adam keeps referencing as his biggest idol, inspiration.

IMHO, the tracks that would be certain hit singles, besides MA, are: Fever, Strut, Sure Fire Winners and Pick U Up. Not many of you above listed Pick U Up as your choice -- but, for me, that is the one song on the album that REALLY shows off his vocals in a big way.

Adam mentioned in some interview somewhere (Slezak?) that he would like to see If I Had You as his next single, although not sure his "team" will all agree to that -- I agree with Anonymous at 8:21 about the song, although a very fun tune, I feel it's more your standard dance track, one that should be released later after some of the more distinctive ones are released, as I listed above.

I completely and totally respect everyone on here who loves Sleepwalker, but the tune just doesn't feel hit single to me -- but, of course, I could be wrong, and if I am, I bow to y'all.

Also, Anonymous at 6:40am: it was just announced today on MJsBigBlog that WWFM is #36 on the Pop Charts -- so you (and our) wish has come true!

Anonymous said...

Pick U Up is amazing and my favorite. It shows his vocals better than most of the others. If I Had You, Strut, and Sure Fire Winners are also good. I don't like Fever as well...too much Gaga and not enough Adam. And I'm not too crazy about Sleepwalker. Something about that song doesn't click for me. Also, what's wrong with Soaked??? That song is absolutely is so emotional, and Adam's voice shines through. It's nice when there are so many awesome songs on one album from which to pick. Just an amazing overall work of art.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fever, Sleepwalker or Sure Fire Winners have 'single' written ALL over them.

Anonymous said...

all of them should be hits. this album is crazy good.

Anonymous said...

Fever is my choice for single #3! I do love them all though. Soaked is amazing...........
I still want them to play FYE on the radio, that is one hot song!!!

Anonymous said...

For now I think Music Again, Sure Fire Winners, Fever, If I had You, or Strut because they're lively and fun for the radio. Sleepwalker might work later on because of the guitar in the middle, but Broken Open is too, hmm, deep? Definitely not Soaked or Loaded Smile - way too theatrical.

I want them to play FYE, too! Fabulous song.

Hard to pick just one, isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention earlier that Aftermath is also a great song, and I agree with whoever said that 'cute' should be avoided.

Anonymous said...

I think that Music again would be great- love it. Strut is really hot too. They are all great, but I wouldn't put Soaked, Broken Open, or Sleepwalker out there just yet, although they are my favorite songs too...

Anonymous said...

Adam and RCA will know for sure what comes next. But if you are taking a survey here, I would play "Music Again" or "Strut" for radio. I think people tune into radio for something upbeat. However, In my home I play them all and "Broken Open" has become a favorite. His voice is perfection!!

Anonymous said...

Pick u up
The vocals The cresendo.

Twisted Sister said...

well, If I had you and Fever are great options, specially Fever, but my favorite song of the album is Music Again and I bet a lot of fans of the Darkness and Glam rock in general are gonna love the song.

Anonymous said...

I love Music Again!! Also, If I Had You.

Anonymous said...

I love music again! Fell in love from the second I heard it
strut is fun and sexy, and would do for good radio play, but is just not my first pick
soaked is so dramatic and deep. I love it, but it should be saved for later
sure fire winners now that's what I'm talkin about. Fav fav fav song on the album. It's like glam anthem, and it's sexy and fun and will get you dancing. Plus shows off his flooring range
a loaded smile eh. This is his one song that's passable to me
if i had you lyrics sound like Adam, fun to dance too, but isn't one of his top 'him' songs
pick U up great song cept for the laugh at the end. When artists do that, it sounds contrived, and makes me uncomfortable. But would make great radio play overall
fever sexy fun, but you can tell it's a gaga penned song. Of course though, like someone said, everything she touches makes a hit. I'm on the fence with this one
sleepwalker luv this song. Would get good radio plays for a slow song
aftermath maybe. Good range, but the message is a little to generic
broken open great song, specially for those who loved his rendition of mad world. But it could be too deep for the radio these days. MAYBE. I could be wrong
just my opinions, really any song Adam made that was a radio sensation would have me jumping for joy. We'll just have to see

Anonymous said...

Music Again as a 3rd single is a good idea, it's very radio friendly. I personally really really like Pick U Up and Fever.