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Top TV Stories of 2009: Adam Lambert vs. Kris Allen

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 27, 2009

Posted at : Sunday, December 27, 2009

by Jane Boursaw

Even die-hard viewers of American Idol might have a hard time remembering that Adam Lambert didn't win the competition earlier this year. Especially considering Lambert's high-profile persona lately, starting with his sex-filled American Music Awards performance.

But no, the winner of American Idol was, in fact, Kris Allen, who's seemingly the complete opposite of Lambert. There's no denying they're both great singers, but whereas Lambert is brash, theatrical and loves to knock those high notes out of the stadium, Allen is more low-key, folksy and laid back. The fellow contestants were also roommates at the Idol mansion.

We really didn't see a lot of Allen in the early stages of the competition. Only a few seconds of his first audition were shown, and neither of his Hollywood Week solo performances. However, his group performance, which included fellow finalist Matt Giraud, was shown in its entirety.

My favorite performance of Lambert's was the Gary Jules arrangement of "Mad World." I think everyone who saw that performance that night realized that Lambert was something special, someone who could go from searing-hot vocals on a song like "Whole Lotta Love" to the more contained, emotional lyrics of "Mad World." It was one of those rare instances where Simon Cowell gave a standing ovation.

During the competition, Allen often accompanied himself on various instruments, including acoustic guitar, electric guitar and piano. My favorite performance was his own arrangement of "Ain't No Sunshine." It brought together his amazing voice with an arrangement tailored just for him.

Did the right person win American Idol? Yeah, I think so. Because of his showy, outgoing nature, Lambert was probably better off moving into the future outside of the shadow of American Idol, whereas Allen maybe fared better with the Idol machine backing him.



Anonymous said...

love this picture!!!

Anonymous said...

Hell NO!! It still pisses me off that all those damn teeny boppers out west text messaged by the thousands and screwed up the final count. I still think American Idol has to change its voting policy and limit the number of calls per can be done, but god forbid that the phone company should lose some money by limiting the number of calls!
I still think if it was a 1 vote per phone Adam would of won by a landslide.....

Anonymous said...

Nope, it wasn't out west. It was Arkansaw tweens texting their brains out. And there's not reason Idol should have unlimited voting. Other competitions limit the number of votes or texts cast by one instrument. Granted, there are ways to get around this to some extent, but it would help. Kris got the most votes, but more people voted for Adam. I know the stats are out there, but do you think they will every be revealed. Not. But 2nd place has served Adam well. At least he didn't go to Disneyworld. Yipes.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the misspelling ARKANSAS. And that is a great picture of both of them.

lulu said...

hi jane, thanks for your fair comments and you are absolutely right, kris needs all the supports and mechanisms of AI where as adam was already an entertainer and a polished singer when he joined the AI. now adam can move on and make a biggest career in his life. it is absolutely true that they are different persons with different styles, kris was an accidental entertainer but brilliant in playing musical intruments whereas adam was born to be a star and entertainer plus an actor.

Anonymous said...

I still have a copy of the article about how Idol sponsor AT&T took some special, super phones to Kris Allen Parties in Arkansas, that allowed 50 or 100 votes with one text message to give Allen the win. 38,000,000 votes for Allen came from Arkansas--SICK! There is not that many people in Arkansas!! They were going to make sure Adam did not win. Not fair!! I don't think I will ever get over it!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course Adam Lambert should have won the title. He is by far the most talented, versatile, and fascinating contestant AI has ever had on their show. However, any time you have a show where you allow the general public to make the decision based on perceived notions of "family values," you may not end up with the truly talented, deserving winner. That's how we ended up with Bush two terms in a row. Kris, at best, is mediocre as a singer and as a musician. He knows he shouldn't have won, and so do the rest of us. And while we are on the topic, Allison Iraheta should never have been number 4 either; yet, she lost out to the holier than thou, mediocre Danny Gokey. Such is life.

Beverly Coleman said...

I still believe that A I was a part of "the big cheat." They admit they were looking for an intern'l superstar. Everyone recognized that Adam is "it." But Adam could NEVER be the down-home balladeer -- the Disney/FOX cutsie, mediocre singer that appeals to the FOX devotees. Enter Kris, the nice, bland, Christian FOX special. So, IMO FOX permitted AT&T to help them get the best of two worlds: mediocrity and excellence. (A I could have stopped the cheating!) And, PLEASE, stop acknowledging Kris as a "great" entertainer! Adam, Daughtery, Kelly Clarkson,Jennifer Hudson...sure! Kris? Just appealing and talented.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i love the picture and i think we shoud stop putting Kris i'm not saying either one of them didn't have a good chance to win...Adam could have won as well...but Kris is talented, as well as Adam, and both him and Adam will go far on there musical journey

we should support Adam and show good sportsmanship to his other contenders

Anonymous said...

Gotta say I think it is the best thing that ever happened to Adam to not win. Adam is not an artist that can be held to PG13 all his life!! It would surprise me if the owners of AI said let's give it to the little guy so Adam can have artistic freedom!! I know it doesn't feel right that he didn't win, but it is better. Adam needs to leave idol in the dust so he can be a the Glam God he was meant to be!!

Anonymous said...

i just came up with this. just because kris won didn't mean he had more fans. i was really surprised he didn't win teen choice awards, when up against adam. i thought kris had the mejority of the "teenagers". and he hasn't one any twitter competitions. i think i have been thinking it just doesn't make sense that he won. but now i realized that non "loyal" fans voted for him and gave him the win. and yeah i do think that the AT/T had something to do with it just a little. if you add it all up it makes a big diffrence

Anonymous said...

People did not vote FOR Kris, they voted AGAINST Adam!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the Gokey-Hokies. Their votes went to Kris. Btw, where is Gokey anyway? Anybody hear anything out of him AT ALL?

Anonymous said...

no to gokey, and how are he album sales for allison and kris? and has adam sold 400,000 yet?

Anonymous said...

Adam won the World Idol on Twitter. He was clearely the best on American Idol. The voting was fixed by AT&T because Adm was not going to "stay in the closet". 38,000,000 votes for Kris out of Arkansas!! There was articles in the news papers about AT&T and their special phones!! Doesn't anyone read newspapers?!!!