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FYE Performed on Philippine Variety Show

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 3, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, January 03, 2010

ASAP (All-Star Sunday Afternoon Party) did a production number of For Your Entertainment.. ASAP is a weekly music show.

Adam seems to have a lot of fans over in the Philippines! Adam should tour there someday!

CREDIT: rodca


Anonymous said...

YES!! Adam is spreading all over the world. Help him get to PLatinum level by getting his CD ASAP. That would take him to the next level. You can Get it on Amazon For under $10. Give it as a gift. It's cheep and you will make someone VERY happy. His b-day is on the 28th of this month. This would be a great gift for ADAM. BUY ONE MORE CD. PLEASE!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! they did a great job. Adam should be very proud. By the way, I love the idea of getting one more Adam's cd to get him toplatinum leve. Adam is so deserves it. I am getting one tomorrow. You ahould too, if you are a fan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think that's a great idea to buy another extra copy of the album and get it to platinum. We're so close anyway!

Anonymous said...

I bought another CD from Amazon earlier today. It is only $10.99 plus shipping. If you buy $25.00 worth, there is no shipping charge. I ordered 2 papperback books to make my order over $25.00.

Anonymous said...

that's sooo AWESOME !! GO ADAM !!!! yes let's buy more CD'S !!!

Anonymous said...

VH1...did not have FYE rated in there top 20 video's....that's a joke !!! I VOTED LIKE CrAzY !!
and I know alot of other people did too !!!! ADAM

Anonymous said...

please send adams cds and name overseas....he is going to really get it going worldwide. peace for 2010.

AsiaFan said...

Ihave been voting on the Philippine charts everyday (once an hour) and FYE, WWFM, and TFM are all on the charts. I gave Adam's CD to all of my Philippine Dance people (surprisingly none of them knew him) here in Singapore. Filippinos are very good at performing pop music and many of the bands in SE Asian resorts and night clubs are from the Philippines so if they are performing Adam's music that is a good sign (at least one of the AI contestants came from the Philippines and now Charice is ready to make her move on the US).

Anonymous said...

yes adam has a lot of fans here in the philippines!!!!!!!

can't wait for him to come over!!!!!!

(it has been confirmed that kris allen is coming here in february)

lily said...

adam's cd is not available yet in australia. he is also not being promoted here, the question is WHY???? the album is fantastic and shows the versatility of adam lambert. i wish his management will do something about this soon so adam will be known worldwide.

Anonymous said...

i loved adam's cd,just bought one today here in United arab glad they are singing it in the philippines,but i was disappointed with zsa zsa padilla & sarah geronimo..they didn't even try to hit that "note" in the song..or maybe only adam lambert can do

lulu said...

i can't believe that adam's album is available in UAE but not in australia!

lou said...

gary got it right, it suited the song best. the girls were alright too! well done! thanks for embracing adam's song. by the way, i am a filipino living in australia. just to let you know, adam cd has not been promoted here, glad to hear that the pinoys are more advance when it comes to great music.

Anonymous said...

Be patient. Adam will go overseas to promote his album. He has been in the market for LESS then 6 weeks. He is spreading around the world FAST for a NEW artist!!!!and will keep spreading. Remember to be good fans and give him the space he needs.

Anonymous said...

Great jobe, GREAT SONG!!! WOW!! Adam is played in the PHILIPINs with his album just out for LESS the 2 month. I say: very impressive!!
And Yes, If you are a fan, give Adam the space he needs, he is trying to work thing out too. Do you know how to contact Opra? I heared, via twitter, that she is asking for Adam's fans. I will kiil to be in her studio. Anyone has ANY info? PLEASE!!!