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Adam Lambert Teases New Photoshoot Preview

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam looks sad. Handsome but sad.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that every time Adam strikes a serious pose, people post that he's so SAD. WTH? What on earth would he have to be sad about? His life is in full swing...he's just performed with Queen, he's on Glee, he's making music. I think your putting your feelings onto him. Seriously people, enough already.

Anonymous said...

I think he looks better the older he gets.


Anonymous said...

adam lambert is a unique individual plus very handsome -and has a baby face- when u take a picture loks sad?looks happy same ehre-thats natural different expression of our face like eveybody else-

Anonymous said...

It looks like a standard headshot you would attach to a resume. He is probably looking for work. As he should be

Anonymous said...

at 7:40 AM

Just saying that he LOOKS sad, not that he is.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not look sad. This pic looks like the perfect portrait.

Anonymous said...

7:52 ha, ha you again.

Anonymous said...

He does not look sad to me; just exceptionally beautiful. Seems to be a man that is confident and secure in being who he is. Just so darn handsome. Wow!

One thing about it, you can never knowI how someone is feeling by a picture. Some people smile all the time, even when they are sad; especially while taking pictures;
It is called acting.

One think you can't fake is inner beauty, and Adam just glows with it.

No guessing game for me; just enjoying the blinding beautiful.

Sometimes folks; a photograph is just a photograph, nothing more; nothing less!

I love this sexy look! He sure knows how to charm!

Anonymous said...

love this picture.

Anonymous said...

A great looking guy but the pic is far too serious to be the new avi on his Twitter and IG account.

We need to see your smashing smile, Adam!

Anonymous said...


You almost made me spill my coffee.
You are just too funny for words.
I am sorry, I am laughing so hard I just can't respond much; except to say; you do need an Adam Lambert reality check. Ha, ha, ha!

Anonymous said...

This is a great straight forward photo with no affectations. ♥

Anonymous said...

If you think he is getting paid enough for two nights on glee to pay the rent you need a reality check. He is no doubt applying for acting and theater work.

Anonymous said...

@8:09 AM

Are you Adam's Business Manager or on his management team. If not, can it!! Adam said once in an interview, when asked, that he was very good at handling money and at that point in his life, very financially secure for the long term.

Do you see how ridiculous you sound; what is wrong with you?

Are you a kid?

Anonymous said...

Serious but not sad. He doesn't need to smile in every pic. It's part of what I like about Adam, all the various looks. From serious to silly to sexy, I love them all.

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Omg, actually adam said he was not very good with money. And he said he was financially secure after glam nation which is years ago now.

No one said he was broke but clearly he needs more work. Sorry if that interferes with your superstar fantasies.

Anonymous said...

here we go letting a troll run another thread.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he was a good business man.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid the serious look does not sell well.

Smiles and sex do.

Anonymous said...

Adam said his mom was his money manager because he was not good with money.

Anonymous said...

I just bought a very expensive picture of Adam sitting on a couch not smiling and looking very sexy at the same time. Our guy is a multi tasker. lol

Anonymous said...

I´m glad I was sitting when I opened this, LOL. Mature look!
The new feature pic is like America´s next top hot model ; )

Anne Marie said...

I think this shows Lee Cherry as a very good photographer, and also loves his subject. A perfect picture, of a good looking man. Lee also does work that we all would like to have done, any blemishes gone. Perfect lighting. I am one who gets tired of the silly faces, this is a lovely change.

Anonymous said...

woots, this is racking up the likes on IG.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing the rest. I think that the overall ambience in the photo is pretty chilly.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with "just peachy" that the older Adam gets, the better he looks. He is more handsome, physically fit, sexier and very stylish. And then when you look back at pictures of him in high school and at graduation, you cannot believe it is the same person. He went from being a cute boy to a very gorgeous man.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for that coffee table book with photos of Adam. What a great gift it would make. They probably have so many to choose from that it will be difficult to make the cut for publication. But if they need a panel to help make a final decision, I would gladly volunteer. Adam is like a chameleon, constantly changing and keeping us surprised with each new look.

Anonymous said...

If he or his mom handles his money, he is still A OKAY-pease don't worry about his finances; he will never be asking you for help.
He is just fine.

Anonymous said...

So if Adam had a pic taken of him smiling while screwing some guy, that would appeal to you? Maybe you should buy yourself some porn mags.

Anonymous said...

So if Adam had a pic taken of him smiling while screwing some guy, that would appeal to you? Maybe you should buy yourself some porn mags.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Me too - just pity.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He is so perfect in every way.
I mean, look at those gorgeous EARS.
What man has ears like that?

Anonymous said...

this is what people call posing . . . not sad

Anonymous said...

I just love his face indeed!!!:)

For those of you who haven't meet him face to face, you will be stunned of his beauty!!!:) He is a gorgeous man!!!:)


Anonymous said...

This looks exactly like an actor/model headshot. It's beautiful.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Where can I get photos of Adam on the net

daydreamin said...

Many many of his pics are without smiles. The featured pic is one of him looking smile.

daydreamin said...

Although I love his smile so much.

Anonymous said...

Sweet mother of God This man is GORGEOUS!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He looks seriously beautiful and solemn.