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Adam #4 Hottest Male in J14 magazine!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 22, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 22, 2010

J14 magazine is a teen magazine. This poll was voted by the readers, which means teenagers voted Adam to be one of their hottest males!

Congrats Adam!

Credit: Adam Is My Drug


Anonymous said...

And why not? He is as hot as they get!!!
He Is my number ONE!!!!

Anonymous said...

He is!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, nice to know the teens find him hot as well. ADAM is smoking HOT!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Tweens! ROFL.
Well, at least they have good taste.

Anonymous said...

Well, teens too. I'm 14 and I read it for the hell of it, but I must say that I'm disappointed. Those magazines give a little blurb about Adam every once in a while, but that's it. Just thus week I got Twist magazine because it advertised a poster if Adam along with several others. There was a huge pack of large posters in the middle so i was thrilled to get a fill size magazine poster to hang on my wall. Turns out this 'huge poster' was a locker poster, barely a quarter page. All the others were full sized. It's disappointing, and frankly pathetic that they won't write more about him, especially since he does have a fair size teen/tween fanbase. I am strongly considering writing in about this injustice and asking them to feature him more in their magazine

~ Emmaline ~