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Adam Lambert & Kris Allen in New York!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 26, 2010

Posted at : Friday, February 26, 2010

Jeannie catches up with American Idol stars Adam Lambert and Kris Allen in New York! With Adam’s single “For Your Entertainment” already a smash-hit, and Kris’s “Live Like We’re Dying” not far behind, these two performers are already poised to follow in the footsteps of their super-star predecessor, Kelly Clarkson!

Jeannie D and Adam Lambert

Jeannie D and Kris Allen



Anonymous said...

good on you jeannie and hope you know who is more interesting artist.

Anonymous said...

Ummm - would it be a dumb questions to ask: "who is Jeannie"??

Anonymous said...

I love how she stands closer to Adam than Kris=)XD. Someone knows sexy when they see it!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she's a smart girl who knows "married" when she sees it.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing inappropriate about standing close to a star for a picture- married or not.