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Adam Lambert on Japanese Television!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 25, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, February 25, 2010



Anonymous said...

they love him over there so much :)

Anonymous said...

He's going to be such a hit in Japan.

Anonymous said...

There will never be anyone like Adam again. Why would Simon want to stick around. Did you here the guys last night??? I had to go back and watch Adam's Satisfaction after Idol was over last night to remind myself of how spectacular his performances were!!! Not that ANY reminder was needed!

Anonymous said...

Part of me believes Adam IS the reason Simon is leaving. I mean this years batch of 'talent' can NOT compare to last years so far. I'm not even just refering to Adam. The girls AND guys were a mess. Simion looked sooooooo fustrated by it all.

Japan is going to LOVE AND ADORE Adam. He has everything their major music stars have. Glam, theatrics, voice, and the fanservice between him and Tommy will send people into comas. Seriously guy-on-guy fanservice is a HUGE thing over in Japen people eat it up! Its not even about being gay its just about being sexy. Why America cannot understand this is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

i am disappointed on how ellen degeneres commenting on AI. she is so conscious and repeating words all over gain. i think adam lambert will be a better judge. adam could talk, articulate and will give honest opinion like simon c.

Anonymous said...

The Japanese love their Anime' like Final Fantasy. Adam would make the perfect model for one of their animated movies. He's beautiful, tall, and has that gorgeous emo hair. He is going to be a very sexy animated hero.

coloforadam said...

Gosh, that was a brief comment about Simon. I had heard hints that his leaving had something to do with Adam not winning ..... seemed to point out that phone voting does not reward what Simon feels is best effort. Maybe he will say more after this season as to why he pulled out.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear I wasn't the only one who replayed Adams's Satisfaction performance after the AI show was over on Wednesday. Everybody on Wednesday's show was lame by comparison. On the replay I was surprised to hear Simon say he hated parts of Adam's performance (but parts he thought were brilliant).

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is the ONLY contestant that was on Idol that Simon NEVER really was that hard on. I have heard that the other ones from Season 8 were very jealous of the so called treatment Adam seemed to get from everyone from the musicians, the producers, the judges. Well, it could be that Adam knew what he wanted, he was professional about it, he always thanked the Band after each performance and he put on a great show. He was then and is now the TOTAL PACKAGE! Why wouldn't they be jealous? :)

Anonymous said...

I played all of Adam's performance from Idol after last night's Idol. Funny, we all had the same idea.

Anonymous said...

oh god!! me 2!! i played all adam's performances from top 36 to the final!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I did the same thing after last weeks AI. Guess we are missing the talent, beauty, excitement and sexappeal Adam brought to the AI stage. Lets face it...there will NEVER B another ADAM LAMBERT! All the rest R BORING!

Anonymous said...

American Idol "jumped the shark" when America's homophobia got the better of it. It proved to the world that we have a long way to go. What a shame!