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Adam Lambert on New Zealand Newspaper!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 21, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, February 21, 2010


Anonymous said...

Heh, read this while eating cereal this morning :D
our country likes adumm <3

Kiwigrl said...

Adam currently at no.2 on New Zealand itunes charts (WWFM single)...I see the WWFM video all the time on the telly. Lots of Kiwis love Adam that's for sure! We've got good taste downunder.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I just LOVE the title: SECOND TO NONE!
Yessssssssssssss!!! Love the Aussies!

Anonymous said...

New Zealand "GETS IT" !!!!!!!!!!

An Adam Loving Texan

MiMi said...

I know Adam has a lot of loyal and passionate fans in the US but why aren't more people embracing Adam in the US and buying his album? He should have been platinum by now. I guess other countries do "get" him, and I am sure when he goes overseas he will be very successful. Go Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam will sell millions of album all around the word..just wait!

Anonymous said...

HOT!!! pic you got there New Zealanders, I've never seen it.

Anonymous said...

D: we're not aussies, we're kiwis! haha

Anonymous said...

Believe it - he is still not well know in US. Most people I ask dont know him. Also Ive never heard him played on the local radio stations. DJs say his record is not popular enuf.