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Adam Lambert Shoots Rooftop ‘Nightline’ Interview

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Adam Lambert is one busy bee.’s sexiest man in music spent the weekend in New York City performing songs from his debut album, For Your Entertainment, all over town, starting with Friday (February 12) night’s performance at Ryan Seacrest’s “Rock My Town” concert with Kris Allen and Allison Iraheta.

Yesterday (February 15), things got even more exciting and busy for Adam, as he was spotted shooting an interview segment with Nightline on the rooftop lounge of the Kimberly Hotel.

According to Nightline producer, Steven Baker, Adam will talk about what happened when he met Madonna and his thoughts on Lady GaGa.



Sandy (iluvadam4ever) said...

Love the pics!!! Looking stunning and sexy as usual! What an amazing man!!! :)

donnaw said...

OMG!!! Get over "when Adam met Madonna"!!! He's talked about it a million times....can't they think of something else to ask him that we've never heard before??
It's like the AMA's and the gay issue...they keep asking and asking and asking him about it. Move on people...there's more to Adam than these 3 topics!!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm so sick of them asking him about his five minutes with madonna. retarded.

Anonymous said...

Owell At least we get to look at him!! :)

Anonymous said...

Katie - I agree. Just shut the sound off and tap your remote to slo-mo and we can stare at him as long as we want. Getting sick of Madonna. the AMA's and his being gay. Let someone, anyone talk about his beautiful and dynamic voice for once, for the love of pete. He is is much more than these subjects. I truly think that some interviewers are in awe of him and his honesty. They don't know how to deal with his sense of humor either. I wonder if any of them ever just sit down with him for ten minutes and talk BEFORE they go on air and ask the same old questions. ...BORING...

Anonymous said...

Amen, people. But he handles all the redundant questions with such grace. I am in awe of how he always sounds fresh, even though he's getting the same questions ad naseum. But always love to hear him talk, no matter what. :)