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Adam Lambert sings with students

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 18, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, February 18, 2010


Anonymous said...

Fun! clap, clap, clap

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh - that was SO freakin' CUTE and sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Can this man get any better? This just shows that Adam truly wants all kids to have a chance to be what they want to be. What a treat for those kids....something they will remember for the rest of their lives.


Anonymous said...

that was the cutest thing ever! he's such a doll!

Anonymous said...

This was a great clip, made me LOL literally. Adam is amazing.

Anonymous said...

haha i loved this. ha shows how such a great singer live his is. funny too

Anonymous said...

who will be like Adam singing his latest single with musical kids in a class ??? Adam truly put an amazing effort to perform with these lovely kids and he has such a big heart;) thumb up for you Adam, i adore you deeply from my heart xoxox