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The incident made it to Headline News!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Anonymous said...

Way to go ADAM! DEMAND the respect you SO deserve! I adore U my sweet glitter angel!

Anonymous said...

I just luv U SO much ADAM!

Anonymous said...

This is a non-event, and now it has gone down in history. sooo tiresome

Adam is an above average nice person.
Remember the blinders, Adam.

Anonymous said...

Even a non-event becomes an event if it includes the name Adam Lambert. I guess that's both good and bad.

Anonymous said...

vote vote vote for adam on vh1 top 20 countdown!

Anonymous said...

i vote adam all the time vh1 countdown. adam lambert needs respect. hope this is alesson for the fans. when soemoen sing?no tlaking cell phone and etc. concetrate the music -concentrate listening to the music.nea

Anonymous said...

"Dominoes, we deliver." Great off the cuff remark, Adam.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam handled this well but really the venue management(especially one so small) should have taken care of this for him.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the BEST!!! Good for u Adam!!!

One question? How come they let them bring in cell phones. SO STUPIT!!!

Adam you are %100 right. Demand the respect!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam later made "nice" to the crowd and the cell phone girl (I understand she apologized profusely):

Definitely too nice to hold a grudge

Anonymous said...

Adam later made nice to the crowd and the cell phone girl (who I believe apologized profusely):

Definitely too nice a guy to hold a grudge. Notice that even Adam talking gets more hits than his singing sometimes.

Anonymous said...

This is the first I heard about the cell phone girl apologizing. Funny that isn't mention in any (that I've read) of the writes up all over the internet. If this was settled between her and Adam, it's certainly not any one else's business.

We really need an eyerolling emoticon available on lots of this 'news'.

Anonymous said...

i can't tell by the second vid if she was on adams side or not

LILY said...

i really love this website, it is definitely the source to know adam's achievements, schedules and latest news. thanks

Anonymous said...

I was really angry that they did not stop filming when this incident happened. Where was security? It always seems like it is always Adam that has to notice things and try to correct them. This video never should have been posted. Almost every radio station has this video on their website now, and many of them are saying that Adam yelled at a fan to get off her phone. They are trying to make him look bad. He was definately not yelling, (if you watch the video) and that woman was no fan. What fan talks on her phone the whole time Adam is trying to sing and perform in an concert video? She needs to stay far away from Adam permanently!!! She ruined his whole night. She sucks for doing that.