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Adam Lambert's Album Goes Gold While American Idol Sees Adam Lambert "Effect" on Contestants

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Adam Lambert is officially a golden child. His debut album, "For Your Entertainment", has now sold over 500,000 copies and that makes the album Gold. Adam Lambert's album debuted at number three on the Billboard Top 100 Chart and has never fallen below the top fifty since it was introduced. Considering the decline of music sales that has been occurring in general, it is an amazing accomplishment for Adam Lambert, the new and young entertainer.

"For Your Entertainment" was originally released on November 23, 2009. Adam Lambert's debut album has only been available for purchase for eleven weeks. In all of the calendar yea 2009 only seven albums sold over a million copies, so it would seem that the Adam Lambert album is well on its way to official success status.

As another point of reference, Kris Allen, who actually won American Idol last season, has also recently released an album. Its sales remain far below the half million sold by Adam Lambert, Kris's album has sol just 255,000 copies at this time.

On, "For Your Entertainment" is the 57th highest selling album. It is also the 18th highest selling album in the Rock category, and the 56th highest selling album in the Pop category on Amazon. Meanwhile the recently released single by Adam Lambert, "Whataya Want From Me" is doing really well on it's own and is currently placed at number 35 on the Billboard Hot 100 songs.

While his album is doing great and his career is taking off the new season of American Idol has begun and an interesting trend is being seen in the contestants. When asked about an Adam Lambert "effect" American Idol judge Kara DioGuardi said, "I think that people were interpreting songs from the get-go in audition week. They weren't just singing them the way they were sung by the people who originally recorded them. They were kind of taking some risks, and I like that. And maybe that is because of Adam (Lambert)."

So is there an Adam Lambert "effect" this year on American Idol? I think so. There are many Idol contestants this year that have put their own interpretation on the songs they are choosing to sing. America loved it last year as Adam Lambert dazzled us each week with his own unique renditions of well-known songs and the judges liked Adam and his interpretation too - at least most of the time. Maybe that is why so many American Idol contestants are including that in their auditions this far.



Anonymous said...

This is a strange article because my understanding is that Kris' album went Gold about a month ago. Maybe they are counting retail sales only. I don't know, but I wish someone would check out the info just a little before posting as absolute fact.

Anonymous said...

No Kris Allen's single 'Live Like We Were Dying' went gold his album, unfortunately for him, hasn't as of yet. I'm a fan of Kris (though moreso Adam's) and have been keeping up with his (scarce) news. His SINGLE went gold. Adam's ALBUM went gold.

Anonymous said...

yes, adam album went gold only US sales not including international sales, in canada adam went gold so, they only need 400,000 to earn gold. adam's album is also doing well in the UK, japan, New zealand and all around asia. FYE album is yet to be launched in australia but the radio stations have started to airplay his songs.

AsiaFan said...

I believe Adam is close to gold, if not gold already in Singapore (7K in sales and one month ago he had sold over 5K). Canada is 40K in sales (not 400K) for gold which he already has. To be considered an international success he needs to be gold in several countries which he should do--certainly FYE will be gold in Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, and Finland (and possibly South Africa) already if not close. Hopefully WWFM will earn gold as a single in the US also.

Anonymous said...

I thought gold always meant half a million in sales. What is this about gold being 7 thousand in Singapore, 40 thousand in Canada,etc?

Anonymous said...

Who knows? All I want to know is the Adam is doing well and that he is supported by nice and educated fans.

I love him and can't imagine a day without his music. Adam made me listen to MUSIC AGAIN!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks anonymous 2. It was the one song, not the album. Interesting. I didn't know a single could go gold, but I really don't understand the music industry. Several stores in my area have been out of Adam's CD for weeks. There are stacks of Kris and SuBo, etc., but none of Adam.

Anonymous said...

GOLD is determined by EACH country according to THEIR STANDARDS ... What may be GOLD in US is not necessarily GOLD in other countries. Now we can work on PLATINUM here in US!

Anonymous said...

A good place to get info about ADAM's album sales: