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Adam Lambert's Rude Caller Reacts on the Elvis Duran Radio Show

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 18, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, February 18, 2010


Anonymous said...

Maria, you're a LUCKY LADY!!!!

Anonymous said...

She seemed nice about it. I'm glad she didn't take it personally!

Anonymous said...

Nice lady. Glad she saw the humor in it--sounds like Adam did too. The rest of the world???

Anonymous said...

good woman, maria. you are truly a glambert.

Anonymous said...

We all make mistakes now & then. ADAM is a sweetheart & wouldn't have otherwise said anything BUT they were RECORDING ... SHHHH!!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys. I'm Maria. Thanks for the support!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you were called out as an example of people who feel entitled. You think your rudeness is justified because it benefits someone you know. Hell with the people around you, bet you check you phone at a film, right its only the light not the sound. You sound like an expert at excuses.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe anyone wants to give this idiot the time of day. Give me a break. Learn some manners. Why does her story have more credibility than Adam's version?

Anonymous said...

Oh come on guys lighten up! give the girl a break! she probably won't ever do it again!

Anonymous said...

Guys, please! This site is for support, not judgment and hatefulness. Adam would never act like this. I thought we loved him and were inspired by him, including his positivity and kindness.....?

Anonymous said...

Don't agree. Adam made a judgement call and he didn't think rudeness was acceptable. It isn't hateful to have an opinion, unless it doesn't jive with yours?

Anonymous said...

Still think its totally rude to talk on a cell phone during a middle of a private show. It wasn't an arena show, where no one would really give a shit. You can't talk on your cell in a movie theatre, why should a small concert be any different...?

Anonymous said...

on the you tube you could hear her in the background as an annoying buzzing type noise so she was loud and distracting but she is being cool about it, he was not mean and both him and her seem to laugh its only the media that decides its a big freakin deal,

Anonymous said...

well even if there was alot of peolple doing it! she was the loudeast and Adam couldnt sing with her loudness!!! i dont care who ur on the phone with it was still rude! and u make Adam look like a lier! Adam says u were sreaming in it and u say u just picked up the phone!! adam says u were embaressed u say u werent!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, what is wrong with people on this site? I am sure she was right with HER version and Adam with his. He probably didn't know or see who it really was, he just picked her to say something. She is the lucky one. Lighten up.


Rock on.