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Adam Lambert:"UK is ahead of America in terms of tolerance"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 22, 2010

Posted at : Monday, February 22, 2010

Openly-gay American Idol singer Adam Lambert claims his UK audience is "more tolerant" than the US, according to the latest issue of GT.

Speaking to the leading gay monthly, the performer said: “I just think that you guys in the UK are way ahead in terms of tolerance. It’s really interesting. In the UK and in Europe it’s less of an issue because people are more comfortable with their sexualities.

"And not just the gay thing, but even playful things, like the concept of androgyny. That is something that generally many Americans are uncomfortable with.”

He later went on to discuss Susan Boyle, who kept him off the top spot in the charts. He said: “I’m happy for her success, but that album is terrible. Wild Horses is the one that just made me laugh the hardest. I just died when I heard it, I was crying with laughter. It was the most horrendous, sacrilegious treatment of that song!”

March’s issue of GT Magazine is on sale 24 February and also features exclusives with The X Factors’ Olly Murs, Kim Cattrall and Desperate Housewives’ Shawn Pyfrom, plus plastic surgery disasters and self sucking: How far would you go to find satisfaction?



Anonymous said...

Adam, Adam, Adam

Anonymous said...

i love it how he says exactly what he thinks- here about Susan Boyle. I like her but I think it's awesome that he has a strong opinion and is not afraid to say it. i truly respect him for that! Don't ever change ADam!
Poland Loves You!

Anonymous said...

did you really say this adam? careful on what you say, i know you speak your mind but beware, don't judge or you will be judged. i really like you adam and i never liked a singer like you before but please don't go overboard. i think a little respect with susan boyle will help.

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand why Adam would shoot himself in the foot like that. Duh! Susan Boyle is from the UK and is loved by them and where is Adam trying to sell his record???? Talk about lack of tolerance. You know better Adam

Josh said...

If Susan hears about that interview she will have YET ANOTHER nervous breakdown.

That crazy yellow toothed old cat lady has a breakdown every time someone doesn't think she is the best thing ever happen to planet earth.

I can't stand her!

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe he really said this. Think the mag (rag?) just wants publicity. He hardly ever says anything negative at all, especially when asked about other performers. I also find it ironic that the gay publications seem to give him the worst press.

Josh said...

@Anonymous#3 - obviously you have NO IDEA what the word "tolerance" means!

Just because he doesn't like her album does not make him intolerant! You're a moron.

Anonymous said...

Susan Boyle's album belongs in a trash got mostly bad reviews and anyone who bought it only did so because she became a youtube sensation.

Anonymous said...

Eeeep!If the mag is a rag then he should not have been scheduled... tsk, tsk to Adam's mgt on this a some other issues

MiMi said...

I have never understood why Susan Boyle's album sold so well. It speaks volumes as to what the masses will buy.
I doubt if Adam meant to be mean. He's just puzzled like a lot of other people about the success of the album.

Anonymous said...

He's an idiot...he'd be laughable if he wasn't so pitiful. Susan Boyle's album sold because a tremendous amount of people appreciate real music that isn't around an awful lot she has a magnificent voice.

Anonymous said...

Josh -- I was just using Adam's words to get a point accross as I felt he would not like it if someone said such cruel things about his album. Perhaps the word insensitive would have been better. To be fair, I am not a Susam Boyle fan but I do think Adam could have been a lot kinder or said nothing.
Your friendly moron, at your service.

Anonymous said...

Do u really believe Adam said that about Susan? I don't. Spneone just made this up. I agree that the song is bad. But don't believe he would say that. Don't trust anything you read.
Adam rocks!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

^^^ How is Adam an idiot???

Susan's album IS bad! Most music critics think her album is TERRIBLE! Just because you're one of the "sheeple" that bought it because of her backstory and youtube does not make it a good album.

She butchers every single cover song on it!!!

You're the pitiful idiot for thinking that just because some old cat lady surprised people that it means her album is somehow good.

Go lick Susan's never been touched dried up dusty old vag!

Anonymous said...

SuBo is a satanic cat rapist.

Anonymous said...

well, the uk is civilized...

Anonymous said...

adam could have been diplomatic about susan boyle. he should not forget, susan is a novelty and lots of sympthizers. adam, adam, adam i love you to death and still supports you but please be tactful next time. be kind and respectful to the old folks. i agree totally in what you said but i just keep it to myself. please avoid being judgmental adam, after all no one is perfect, not even the two of us. everybody their own, some they love susan's music, some like me love your style. let it be.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe for a moment Adam said that about Susan. Why the hell are the rest of you so mean. It's true what behaviorists say about human behavior... that we don't move beyond high school social behavior. No wonder this world is so fkd up! Look in the mirror... do you actually like You???

Anonymous said...

Adam never ceases to create drama. Love this boy. He's being honest guys.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Adam's fans actually buy this crap. Did u EVER heared Adam talk this way??????
Adam NEVER say negative things like that? U are idiots if u believe this shit!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you guys think the mag made this up? I think it'll be illegal and Adam can sue them for this.

Anonymous said...

Just a ploy on his part for publicity...he obviously needs it...Susan's album sold countless millions to his miserable few...VERY few. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I noticed he, himself, got really atrocious reviews on his own album, so I really find it hard to believe he would have the gall to criticize anyone else's (especially one of phenomenal success as his sadly wasn't) That's why I think this is probably a trashy tabloid lie, as usual. One can only hope. I also wish he wouldn't wear so much makeup. Must he plaster it on with a trowel?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Adam said this or not, but I really don't care about Susan Boyle. She's just a karaoke singer.
And anyway it's all a matter of opinion. Some may think she's fantastic, some may think otherwise. That's the coat of voicing your opinion. If he did say this, then remember that he is a real person, and just because you are a celebrity doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to voice your opinion.
Also to above commenter, at least those who bought Adams album were real fans. I seriously doubt that every person who bought SuBos album were a fan of hers. I'm sure many were buying into yhe hype and never listened to the album, if they even opened it.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

Susan Boyle actually makes me want to slit my wrists. I don't own the album, since I don't like being bored to the point of being suicidal.

Adam is outspoken and blunt, but since he's in the limelight, he needs to watch what he says, because people are gonna run with it. Maybe it was a misquote, but I doubt. Seems like the slightly douchebag-ish thing he'd let slip without thinking it through. (I love the guy, is what it is.)

Anonymous said...

But I'm also sure that most people didn't buy a bunch of SuBo's album at a time, either.

Karoke singer? Anyone who goes on American Idol or x Factor could be considered a "karaoke" singer.

Anonymous said...

^^ seriously, I bet people felt sorry for her. Also, at least the people who come off idol don't do a cd of covers of hit songs. They are karaoke on the show, but once they get off they don't get all their money doing covers.
Like I said it's a matter of opinion. If you don't like Adam, then get the hell off his site. I don't go hating up your preciouse SuBos fansites

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

Actually, Clay Aiken did a cover album of hit songs. Melinda Doolittle, Taylor Hicks did a few covers on his album. Sadly, most people on Idol are better known for thier covers rather than their actual music. Take a look at David Cook, and even Adam with "Mad World". Karoke show= karoke singer.

I can't stand SuBo either; I actually like Adam. I just don't like a good number of his psycho fans.

Anonymous said...

To the poster who thinks people bought Susan's album bought it due to hype, Lambert had more hype than she ever did (and she didn't even need to try) while he nearly broke his neck trying to get it. And, also, "just because someone becomes a celebrity" doesn't mean they suddenly have no feelings; and one or two of the previous comments here apparently belong to someone with all the class of an inbred cretin.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh boy... I wish he didn't he say it (because I think it's going to hurt him), but I believe he did. If I've learned anything about Adam Lambert in the last year, it's that he is brutally honest! Having said that, he's being critical of her album; it's not a personal attack. Adam does not say things to be mean, he says things because he believes them to be true. He is an interesting combination of honest and sweet. I wouldn't like him if he was dishonest about his opinions. Though he probably could have said it differently, maybe gone a little softer. Self-control seems to be his biggest flaw; things tend to tumble out of his mouth. And he IS human, by the way. Humans have flaws.

Anonymous said...

Whatever. Shut the hell up if you hate adam. This is his fansite for his fans and we want to enjoy it in peace. But I suppose it's about time those desparate haters decided to try and infiltrate, I mean they search him so often it's no surprise.

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

It would not be the first time a publication took poetic license with what was said. I find it sad that it was a gay publication though. When they talk about it they say "later" he talked about Susan Boyle, as if it wasn't part of the interview. Who knows what the lead in question was. Adam is a good guy. I just find it hard to believe that the wording used in this article is something he would say. Seems bogus.

Anonymous said...

If you read the posts under the actual source there is a lot of speculation that these are not Adam's words, when you stop to think about it, in the countless interviews Adam has given, he has never spoken like this. I'm sure this is a tabloid pushing the limit to create some publicity, they get away with it until someone is willing to take them to court. I really doubt Adam would ever make these comments when he has two trips to the UK planned, doesn't make sense, he's a pretty smart guy, and very courteous and kind, these statements are really out of character and as a result are most likely not his.

Anonymous said...

I find it extremely hard to believe that Adam would say this about SuBo. Even if he hated it, I think he would use different terms. I think that mag manufactered some of that. He even said that RS used "poetic license" with some of the interview he did with them.

Anonymous said...

Please, I really need to know that Adam didn't say this. I wonder if a lot of fans tweeted him, do you think he would address it in response? If anybody out there knows Adam personally, please tell me he didn't say this - not because I'm a SuBo fan, I'm not, but because that's mean. If those are his words, I've lost respect for him. Please, someone find out for sure.

coloforadam said...

Adam has said nothing about SB for months and months and months and he has been constantly pushed about it. It is SO stupid to compare them, to demand that HE speak to a genre that has nothing to do to his type of music and presentation and never will..... Thank GOD!! If he did say something today, and let's wait to hear more of the context, he must have just reached a limit of tolerance from idiot interviewers and just snapped! It won't hurt SB one bit but will give masses who love to defend the underdog, a field day. "Will it make it easier on you now, you got someone to blame" .... blame that young, talented man who is obviously a threat to WHATEVER you feel threatened about!!

Anonymous said...

I have never heard Adam say anything negative about another performer. He is always respectful and complementary. He is humble about his own achievements. The only part of that quotation concerning SB that could possibly be attributed to Adam is, "I'm happy for her success."

Anonymous said...

First, this is out of character for ADAM to say this. In the interview, he was quoted saying he is 27 years old and we know he is now 28 and this interview is past his bday. His words about SB is also quoted but I'm sure those words were put in his mouth, not exact quote word for word, just like the wrong age.

Anonymous said...

he put on his Twitter:

"oh joy! MisQuoted again... Becoming quite funny actually" (34 minutes ago)
i was pretty sure he'd bring it up on Twitter sometime or another. . .

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Emmaline for the info. That quote was suspicious.

Anonymous said...

Gay Times is a respectable magazine - not a tabloid, so I doubt they would risk making something up. What they MAY have done, however, is leave out other things he said that may have provided more context. For example: he may have complimented her voice right afterwards, but they decided to leave that out.
When you look at it - his comments are really against the producer, rather than Susan. In my opinion, she's got a beautiful voice, but the arrangement on that song is bad, and it's not an appropriate song for her type of voice anyway. The rest of the songs on the album are better suited to her style ie - standards, hymns, or Celine Dion style ballads.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well not sure if you read Adam's tweets but this was what he said: "Oh joy! MisQuoted again... Becoming quite funny actually"

Anonymous said...

Good perspective on the whole issue

"Evil Adam Lambert slams sweet Susan Boyle? Not exactly."

Anonymous said...

Adam, I love you, love you, love you, but Susan is an old lady, who has let life pass her by. Now she has a chance to experience a small taste of it. Please show a little compassion for her age and situation. I know you have a kind heart.

Anonymous said...

Two more pro-Adam blogs (also both by real journalists)