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Bill O'Reilly talks about Adam Lambert again

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Bill, you really got it right. She was a pinhead and Adam was his usual calm and cool self. Love him.

BTW, Bill O has more viewers every night than ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN combined, so this is great press for Adam.

Anonymous said...

bill, i am so proud of you for siding adam. i must admit i stopped watching your show after your barbara walters interview criticizing adam but now i will definitely tune in again. thanks bill.

Anonymous said...

Who cares how many viewers that idiot has? More doesn't make him correct. That entire news network invents their own news. Let's not associate him with Adam in any way. It is not great press.

Anonymous said...

Gee, Bill. Adam has gone from being "that gay guy" (see that appalling interview O'Reilly had with Barbara Walters) to MR. LAMBERT ? Sorry, you are still a classless idiot.

luc said...

WOW Bill finally got one right. Give the man a hand!!! Guess the "gay guy" has more class than you thought, huh Bill?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing that O'Reilly can say that make me change my opinion about him,not even taking Adam's side

twyla said...

Adam's such a sweetie, he couldn't have been any nicer under the circumstances.

lucky girl, she got him to talk to her

Anonymous said...

Why is there a second thread on this clown? Adam doesn't need Bill's approval on anything he does. Bill has repeatedly disrespected Adam since he began on Idol. Why would Bill even bother mentioning a brief incident in a very small venue that happened in a nano second, was handled quietly, and then was over with. Much ado about nothing, which pretty much describes Bill's show in a nutshell.

Anonymous said...

Why is Bill still talking about this? Its old news now. Doesn't he have more important matters to discuss rather than "that gay guy"? Asshole, let it go.

Anonymous said...

If all of you "Bill Bashers" would get your head out of your liberal butts, you would see that he is right "most" of the time. There is right and wrong in this world and he is just brave enough to step out of the gray area that everyone has created for themselves. Give credit where credit is due and quit being as narrow-minded as those you accuse and profess to despise. In a nutshell; grow up.

Anonymous said...

Being an Adam Lambert fan to the extent that you visit and post on this site, and being a Bill fan just don't jive. Political comments do not belong on this site, and I consider Bill O'Reilly a reactionary right wing typical Fox journalist. Anything he says, believes or thinks does not belong on this site. Mr. O'Reilly doesn't condone anything about Adam Lambert especially his life style and sexuality.

Anonymous said...

How sad to see this turn into a political discussion.....obviously there are those of you that can't stand to hear anything positive about Mr. Lambert....because you are such small minded, self righteous bigots....that has nothing to do with has to do with having a brain and a heart and using them to understand that the world is full of many diverse people and that is a good thing.....get off your high horse and learn to live in a world that is blessed with people that are talented and caring like Mr. Lambert.

Anonymous said...

I don't ever think he's right. Bill never gives credit where its due to other political parties. I'm very open minded and respect everyone's POV's as long as its presented in a respectful, non-judgemental manner. Bill doesn't do that. I stand by my original statement: Fuck Bill.

Anonymous said...

Whoa guys!!!!

L.O.V.E. on this site please!!!

Anonymous said...

Some are expressing personal attacks. Everyone on this site should be very pro-Adam. We love him and his music. The personal comments calling commenters "small minded, self righteous" do not belong here. Disagreeing with Bill O'Reilly and what he represents is not the same as insulting masses of people who visit this website. Keep the insults to youself. Remember also that Mr. O'Reilly is the one who spread the false rumor about Adam's dad being so upset about the AMA that the two were not speaking. Adam had to disclaim this on Jay Leno. Again, why do we even care about Mr. O'Reilly and what he thinks one way or the other.

ladiesfirst said...

Thank God for balance!
Once again, Bill O'Riley had nothing to do with Adam and his dad, Adam was wrong and misinformed on the Leno show, it was Dennis Miller who brought the subject up and it was all taken out of context!
Please get your facts right!

Bill O'Riley has always been fair to Adam Lambert and I find it interesting that he continues to give Adam airtime.
Remember people “The O’Reilly Factor” get 3.5 million viewers a night that's more than CNN and MSNBC combined. What great publicity for Adam!Maybe one day they will ask him on as a guest.

Don’t be a basher and hater; this isn’t about Bill O’Riley or Fox News it’s about Adam Lambert and his success!
Besides “Bill is looking out for you”

Anonymous said...

Ladiesfirst. Since you have the almighty truth, you must be right. God, it must be wonderful to know your so darn perfect, and that your viewpoint is always correct. You are the basher!

Well, Ms. Ladiesfirst Perfection, I don't care if O'Reilly has the millions of people watching. That doesn't make him right or correct on anything.

Gosh, you must sleep well knowing you're so perfect.

Oh, be sure to correct Adam as well because he also apparently thinks that this "lovely man" spread false information about him and his dad.

ladiesfirst said...

You don't have to be perfect...GOOGLE IT nitwit!

Anonymous said...

If all of you "Bill Bashers" would get your head out of your liberal butts, you would see that he is right "most" of the time. There is right and wrong in this world and he is just brave enough to step out of the gray area that everyone has created for themselves. Give credit where credit is due and quit being as narrow-minded as those you accuse and profess to despise. In a nutshell; grow up.

And your head is WHERE? Perhaps you should pull YOURS out. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Bill O'Reilly most of the time, but I do find him entertaining. I think it's great that he is reporting on Adam. If he's going to report all the negative stuff, I respect him more for at least reporting the incidents that he admires. Bill O'Reilly is not Rush Limbaugh, afterall. Now that would make me shudder. I think Bill O'Reilly has gotten the wrong impression of Adam over time and I look forward to the day he realizes what a great guy he really is. I'd love to see Adam on his show. Adam would impress the hell out of him.

Anonymous said...

I don't care for O'Reilly personally, but he's entitled to his opinion. I'm glad he mentioned Adam on his show in a positive way.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bill. You did the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Annonymous 11 above - I may have been swayed by your comments until you said 'being an adam fan..... and a bill fan just don't jive" Come on...look it up smart one. Jive is music or dance. Jibe is to be in accord or agree. Get your words straight before you post; you just show your ignorance if you don't.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight. Bill O has more viewers than all the other news channels combined because he's a bigot, he's always wrong, he's not liberal, he mentions God, he's a liar and a reactionary. Yup, these would be the reasons I tune in each and every day to watch him.

Totally conservative, Christian and Adam Lambert fan; that's me.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 3:27, thanks for putting my full quote on again. I must have struck a nerve. While I appreciate your concern for the disposition of my head, there is no need to pull it out of anything as it's placed squarely on my shoulders and has been all my life. I did not invite yours or anyone else's "comeback" or snarky response. I was simply pointing out that it shows complete ignorance to behave the same way as the people you accuse of being narrow-minded. If you feel O'Reilly is somehow beneath you for having differing opions, then you the one being narrow-minded. I have been an Adam fan since Hollywood Week, I'm a conservative and I listen to Bill. I have a filter in my brain that lets me know what info to keep and what to dump. Your juvenile and immature "comeback" will certainly by dumped. You are a pinhead!

Anonymous said...

I don't mind opinionated people even I disagree as long as the focus is the issue and not personal attacks and based on facts.
I'm from Asia and I think political correctness is the fall of America like erasing God's presence in your doomed country.
About opinion shows, there's nothing wrong criticizing policies but don't get personal which is a loser's fall back argument.
There must be a very valid reason why O'Reilly is the highest rated opinion show for over 10 years in US and here in Asia, he is number 1. Fox is number 1 station here.
And yes, I am a rabid Adam Lambert fan, straight and conservative.

Anonymous said...

Would you Bill O'Reilly fans just get off this list and watch Fox to your heart's content. Geeeeze...what pure crap. Congrats to you. You win. Now get the fuc* out of here so you can watch Bill!

Anonymous said...

I am really disappointed in the people writing all of these comments. I have been following this website because it has interesting stories about Adam Lambert. This has changed, and people are being hateful and disrespectful to each other. Everything about Adam is peaceful, love, tolerance and understanding. Adam will probably end up being more popular in Europe because people in this country are so conservative and biased. I just wish him success.

Anonymous said...

anonymous @ 9:45 above me - If you have been reading the posts above you, it is not the conservatives who are so snarky. You don't call Bill O a &astard, a &ick and an a&&hole if you are a conservative. Get my drift? I am straight, male, conservative and I think Adam is the greatest singer in the world. I will follow his work anywhere, even on this site that has become so hateful over a stupid cell phone call. Let's get back to Adam and his road to success.

Anonymous said...

I think it's hilarious when someone insults liberals and then gets all bent out of shape when their insult is thrown back in their face. You don't like it much, do you? Cuts both ways. Now go back to your BOR worshipping. The rest of us will stick with Adam.

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious to see that people think conservatives can't like gay men and are hateful humans. I've been a republican all my life because it is the party of empowerment not emotional victimhood. All those for taxing the rich are so ignorant it is stunning. When the rich move out of states who raise taxes obscenely like New York & Oregon guess who gets hurt... the poor because they lose the tax base when the rich move out of that state. Republicans give more to charity than liberals ever do because they rely on the government to do it. Go find the fact on that. The liberal Elite are ruining this country and informed people are not buying it. Thank God. I wanted Obama to be amazing but he is just as corrupt as the Chicago scum he brought with him to Washington. They make the corrupt Washington polititans look like angels.

Liberals are into entitlement and it's so sad to see how this attitude hurts people. How can you feel good about yourselves when you get something for doing absolutely nothing. It doesn't work you guys. If you would educate yourselves instead of bashing the right when you don't even listen to what is being said it's amazing how naive and hateful you all are.

I challenge you to watch Fox. I watch CNN and all news because I wish to decide for myself based on all facets on any given subject. The mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open. Quit hating and start learning. You'll do this country a huge favor!

Anonymous said...

You just lost me. Not that anyone cares, but I can no longer support this site even just by viewing. You people who are discussing politics do not belong here. You have ruined it for everyone. I'm sticking with Home of the Glittery Alien, a much superior website that deals with Adam.

Anonymous said...

That is too bad Anon @ time 10:19 am. This is a wonderful site and I can't see any site more superior site. I love this website because it is always up to date on anything Adam, and it allows you to post a comment without having to "join". So others expressed thier opinion of "Bill". I don't care for the guy myself but loved what he said about Adam. Remember we are not perfect and everyone deserves a second glance or two......Peace.


Rock on.

BTW I might check out that site "Glittery Alien".