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Adam Lambert joins Cindy and Ray

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 18, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, February 18, 2010


Anonymous said...

adam is always sharp in any interview i just hope he will avoid using the word "YOU KNOW" often.

Anonymous said...

he also says "I mean" way too much. just watch back the Jay Leno show interview.

Anonymous said...

Picky picky. He's human.

Anonymous said...

everybody says "you know" and "I mean"....You gotta be reading a script inorder not to say those phrases. I say "you know' like million times. You are just being picky. He is just PERFECT.

Anonymous said...

Yes, now you are judging him? He is perfect!!!!! Live him alone.

Anonymous said...

yes, perfectionist again prowling here... don't be critical guys; he's just an ordinary man. be thankful, he's talkative and we benefit from it!

Anonymous said...

I love the way he talks! He's being himself. He always has interesting things to say. I love his voice. He can sing anything he wants and I will listen to him. He can speak about anything he wants and I will listen to him. Enjoy! He's delightful!!

Anonymous said...

I think he just rolled out of bed for this interview...his voice was deep and husky. Yummy! :) I don't care if he uses slang too much...he is so refreshing to listen to...I could listen to him all day long.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam uses "you know" and "I mean" that often for the first posters to be critical at all. I don't even notice it to be bothered because I am a very critical person and I will be the first one to make a comment. You're just being fault finders. Yes, Adam is ALMOST perfect.

Anonymous said...

I don't notice it either, and I usually do. Come on lets on get back on that Glamb Express and fill it with our love of our Glittery Alien Rock God!


Rock on.